
Star Goddess

Kimchu, a star goddess, is ultimately breaking off the war in both stratosphere and mesosphere. This would probably demolish the forest and flat earth, it would lead the ending of this world. Her feathers trap an alluring god alongside the king in the mesosphere. It was sincerely magnetized to her vital organ which aptly added to her nucleus. Jess, an old god, feels disappointed when goddess Kissa is dying during world war four. His body is always imbibed with twinge even if his power is highly active. Hassan expects his father who takes his relax in the room, but his daddy is gone. He loudly squeaks upon witnessing such loss that would be the cause of his unexpected sleep. When Kimchu transparently stares at the earth, she is apparently noticing the hot paradise where millions of roses and sunflowers are beneath her feet. This would relieve her stress from the war," hope, someone might give such a rose to my heart. If an attractive god will do that, surely my heavenly organ will dance above his spirit.`` It does not take two minutes, the roses aptly rounded. Beside such an objects, Hassan mushy wears his alluring beauty, and then his left hand carries the redolent and loamy rose like his body. His vestige can cover an awesome presence of the star goddess," can you accept this diamond rose?" "For whom do you give it to?" Kimchu asked. "That's yours baby," "What do you mean?" (Since Hassan didn't answer the rudiments question; Jess's spirit interrupts,' congratulations Kimchu, he would be your king in the stratosphere because you're the only girl who had stopped the war.`` "Will you marry me, Kimchu?" Hassan asked. (His voice whispers and saccharine, it can remove the private part of her. Kimchu feels ecstasy harkening such commitment; however, Kissa's spirit conceals her portrait which could give deep despondency to her, she falls down into the flat earth. A star goddess gives hope to the folks and trees continuously growing. The sun does not appear above the bridge. It might humid her feelings for Hassan; so, she flies into the stratosphere; to accumulate her second power. However, the earth fills with darkness, she couldn't longer see the world. Meanwhile, her ears imbibes the bomb and razor-edge swords which will come to her eyes and body," Hassan, please come and save my life," A horny girl propels these bombs and steel to her. Such noisy bombs, Hassan discerns it pellucidly," baby, please cover from bombs," he runs aptly above the air. His arms biff into the bloody silhouette. "Hold me baby, I really need your world to cover my blood," she said. Hassan feels active to clutch her, he opens the diamond light right away. Surprisingly, his goddess is inside his romantic arms and stomach," I really feel heaven when I see you again. Can I take your virginity?" Beyond their happiness, Kissa exhibits her face like a vampire through walking their area; to haul her giant sword to her foe,'' I'm already dying on the earth, yet I won't allow her to take Hassan's body, he is mine. If you were Hassan, would you value your past girl or reject her forever? In that point, Hassan romantically found the star god who showed her genuine feelings for him. What if Kissa might apply that quality? Will Hassan accept her?

Ariel_Novelist · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 Black gods put Kimchu under the conflagration

Goddess kissa is still observing the war, although she can't physically help the people, but she's trying to discourage the black gods to support with god Ralf through her shadow. However, millions of ashes are reeaching the lakes, hence the water can't be categorized into pure water. She feels sour to smell the surface, but she doesn't have a choice. Her ultimate hope would be the black gods if they will come in the lakes.

The people are gladly living as as ash, although they are dependent by the wind, yet the black gods can punish them, while the dead people have transformed into red soil. Goddess Kimchu would born them again if the full moon may emerged in the sky. It's annual to happen in the earth, she's not sure if the dead will be recovered their spirit. Otherwise, they will meet to each after the end of this war.

Ralf went the three mountains upon seeing the millions of ashes. His companion is scattering their guns and swords beside the hills," blacks, just be silent, while to hold the ashes together," they were finally putting together, and then they tried to observe if they were gods or human beings. When the lights centered their eyes, they have put theses ashes into the fire," goddess Kimchu, our enemy is blocking our respiratory," the black gods were thinking positively these ashes connected to Kimchu.

Above the fire, the folks felt how hot was, even though their formation is not identical to the origin. That moment, goddess Kissa is spreading the lakes to the fire, hence the black gods ran away from the area. She wanted to kill the fire, since the lakes absorb how warm the fir was.

Goddess Kimchu is flying above the fire, her task pretended she's the head of this fire. In fact, she's forming varied fogs to kill the fire. Every water is equivalent to one tank, and then her tears would equivalent to 50 gallons. Her depression is not about the love for goddess Hassan, but to the people who were dying their cities. After a while, few guns hit her ankle, hence she's falling into the fire. Here, she holds the ashes tightly, and then she utters her promise to protect them.

Black gods were approaching the fire, and then they put the thousands of stones. Thus, the ashes and goddess Kimchu had not existed above the fire, yet they were all shaking their bodies beneath the stones.

In the mesosphere, god Jess and Hassan saw the red stones, ashes, and fogs were shaking the humankind, they wanted to approach the flat earth, however the Jess declared as disable man. His son reveal the truth that he's wanting to marry goddess, since he's already 30 year-old. Besides that, he wants his future wife to replace his responsibilty for him. Perhaps, he would be seeking varied plants which might be the medicine for his father's injury., " father,, can you seek a woman for me?"

"What about the two goddeses? They were both suited to your heart," he said. He is just guessing since nobody has a potential except the two goddesses.

"Definietly, they were both stunning for my heart and soul. Honestly, I feel in love both women, maybe they will reject mine. Therefore, I did not share it either them," he told. His father god is laughing upon mentioning their names. His god is hoping that the war will end.

"What if they will both die, I'll not be marry anyone," he clarified. His mind is still doubt if the two goddesses might come back the mesosphere normally, since his spirit can't viewed their images in the flat earth.

"Since you in love both of them. Well, I let you engage to anyone who will cease the war. Otherwise, we will wait for the future generations," he said. His eyes were watching the fire negatively, and then he felt afraid if the black gods might destroy the mesosphere. His son is contradict to his point of view, since the black gods have already occupied the stratosphere.

In the night, the black gods were observing beside tne fire, if the 24 hours may passed by, they'll be back their stratosphere. That time, goddess Kissa saw the killers of land. Although her feet were very heavy to stand up, yet she requested the wind to move forward the conflagration. And then, she pushed the white sword into Ralf backbone. (The gods were getting alarmed as if they were seeing her, their main god is attacked by the goddess.)

Kissa just slice the god's body, however the black gods were putting the chain into her neck, and then they put her over the fire," please save me, we are both black gods," and the gods realized it, however Ralf's head is standing to command them; to kill the goddess.

The white gods sliced her body, soul, and spirit, even if it against their hearts. That time, goddess Kimchu feel compassionated to Kissa. So, the water came out from her mouth, hence the fire and stones were covering the gods, however Kissa is affected to it. Hence, her leg has cut by the stones.

"Sorry Kissa, it's not my intention to kill you, but to save you from the demon," she said. Her left eye is crying to witness how the goddess suffer her life. At the back of them, three ashes were flying into Kimchus heart. In a second, these objects turned into three persons, and then they have congratulated her actions.

"It's okay goddess Kimchu, I know my injury will be okay soon through touching a man whom important for my spirit," she said. Kimchu got shocked that man, she did not see clarify.

"To cure your injury, I'll be back in the mesosphere to obtain my amazing materials, these people would temporarily taking care for you," she said. Immediately, she's flying into her kingdom, and then she's wishing to meet god Jess to reveal the result.