
Star Eater

When a man finds himself in the presence of absolute power, what will he do? Dying has already happened, but he wasn't given permission and the creature responsible finds his tragedy amusing. Forcing him to continue his life in a new world, he is given an unknown task that must be completed if he ever wishes to rest.

Von_5371 · Fantasy
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585 Chs

Chapter 183

Arthur's Point of View

Middle Rung

"The Book of Prophecies-"

"Can suck a dick for all I care. It's a book and you've treated me like shit." Then I held up a hand to correct myself. "No. That's not quite right. Almost everyone has treated me like shit. Your Elves, your students, aside from Cassidy and Floyd at random times, along with your sister and other officers." Then I gestured to myself. "I am clearly a Knight in title only and it's a useless one at that." Bring my thumb and pointer finger up, I held them very narrowly apart. "This is how close I am to saying 'fuck all of you' and leaving."

"…" Arceana was silent.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't? After all, you're the Priestess who oversees this entire city, right? God knows the conditions of other cities if this is how you let your own Capital fester." Her mouth opened and a closed a few times before I continued. "You treat Humans and Zugal like shit. Having them act as ferries for you Elves is disgusting, and you should be ashamed." Her teeth grit at that. "Humans are worse off, and I am well aware of what you've done given that there are almost no Humans in the Middle and Upper Rungs."

The waiter returned and sensed the atmosphere. "Is everything okay up here?"

Turning to him with a smile, I answered. "We're just peachy. Although could you get me a stronger drink?" Then I looked to Arceana again and corrected myself. "Actually, get me your strongest drink because I really, really, really need it."

He nodded slowly and gave me a short bow. "Of course, Sir Arthur. At once." The waiter skuttled right back down the stairs leaving me with an angry Priestess.

"It would seem there has been a lot on your mind." Gesturing to herself, she defended herself. "My sister and I, along with my students, have apologized for our behavior and actions. I for one thought you had forgiven us."

"That's the thing about apologies, Arceana," I began as my hand daintily gestured at her in a mocking manner. "They don't mean shit if the people who apologized keep doing stupid shit!" Pointing around the area, I continued. "Like having several guards, or assassins in place, while we dine. It shows you don't trust me and given how you didn't tell them to fuck off when I told you about my eyes, tells me you thought I didn't see them."

"They are here for my protection!" Arceana quickly said.

Rolling my eyes, I gave her a knowing look. "Really? You had them hidden throughout the second floor instead of surrounding the building. That would be for your protection. Hell, I would've believed you if any had been out there at all or if there were any magic signatures matching them throughout the Middle Rung in the slightest, but please stop the façade." My look turned more emotionless. "Despite how I may act at times, I'm not an idiot."

The waiter returned with a cup and bottle of whatever it was, but I quickly snatched the bottle before he even put the cup down. Arceana was watching me more and more carefully at this point. Magic was starting to gather in her hands too. It made what I said even more viable.

"Thank you." She told the waiter who looked confused.

Popping the top off, I drank from the bottle and savored the burn. "It has been a long time since I've had anything to drink." Then I examined the bottle. "This is quite good! Caramelized Mead?" Color me surprised. "That's awesome."

Arceana decided it would be best to try and distract me even further from her building magic. "Surely there must be some good things about Lestrania that would make you wish to stay? I know you have been quite profitable with your recent business dealings."

Scoffing, I lowered the bottle. "I've been cleaning up The Slums and putting almost all the gold back into the economy. Your city is flourishing because of me, as is your military, and all I did was build a wall!" Then I pointed at her. "However, I also heard that other cities are beginning to benefit as well, so you know, you're welcome."

She frowned. "What about your friendships? I know you are fond of Cassidy and the Reed family."

I nodded in agreement. "I am. Maybe I could convince them to come with me?" I mused aloud. "Now that's a thought. Perhaps I could make an offer to each person who hasn't pissed me off or been a giant steaming pile of shit."

"You certainly paint a colorful image." Her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"I try."

"Surely you are aware I would never allow you to take my own subjects." Arceana stated.

"I never said I was going to take them. Merely make them an offer and see if they'd join me. I'm not going to kidnap them." Taking another sip, I gave her a pointed look. "After all, I'm not you."

Her smile returned, but it was one of anger as she tried her best to maintain some manner of peace between the two of us. I kind of felt bad since I told Elincia I'd behave, but after Rennal and Ayda showed up and acted like a bunch of bitches, I decided to wing it. So far, I wasn't disappointed. Overall, I think this was actually working in my favor. Pushing Arceana to a breaking point might not be a bad thing.

However, to my surprise, Arceana went a completely different route than I expected. "I have been informed that you have also grown close to Lucia." My silence seemed to convince her. "You like her, do you?" The Priestesses inquired almost mockingly.

"Lucia is rather playful and reminds me of Elincia a little bit. However, she is also very curious and rather sharp. Far sharper than I first thought." I answered with a small nod. "She has grown on me, but I doubt she would say the same."

"How fond of her are you?" Arceana's more sensual smirk sickened me, and I think she realized that as it quickly disappear at my look.

"Be very careful on the ice you tread." I warned her in a cold tone. "It might be thinner than you think."

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