

What if love turned out to be a curse rather that a happy event? For Xavier and Willow they are stuck in something that for a while both had thought was a compelete joke, they are trapped by a stupid love spell. Hopefully they can come up with the solution before something worse happens.

angelic_archer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 15

"Okay, now let's see here..."Ryder said he walked into the train car. After they boarded they were looked over and then shown towards a door. The room they walked into was nice as far as travel standards go. There was a place where both could sleep easily a table and some chairs. They put Xavier on the bed first, then Willow after they covered them with a blanket and let them rest. There was a delay and they didn't think anything would happen to Willow and Xavier so they just turned out the lights and let them sleep. It had been a hard couple of days, and the two of them most likely hadn't been in a bed in ages, so no one was about to disturb them. Both of them just curled up into each other and let sleep fully take over.

~A few hours later~

Yawning Xavier sits up slowly, as he does that, he hits his head on part of the bed. While he rubbed at his head, he looked around and saw that Willow was curled up in the bed this caused him to yell. This had woken up Willow, who saw Xavier next to her in the same bed. This caused her to screech, not only that she fell off the bed. It only took a few minutes before Anna and Ryder came in, both with a look of worry on their face, but that went away very quickly as they saw what was going on. When they came in what the saw was not what they were expecting. Willow was on the floor Xavier was trying to untangle himself from the bedclothes, both had a look of shock.

"Good you both are awake, so we can do this just once," Anna said. She had a look on her face that was like someone who had not slept, "you guys, you guys were amazing yesterday. If that is what you can come up with on your own I can't wait to see what will come when I start teaching you guys," Anna said.

"What would that be, Anna? I mean we really don't know what he could do that..." Xavier said, not sounding very certain with himself.

"Hey, do you guys notice anything," Ryder asker, a bit of a laugh in his voice. "No, well, the magic that holds you two together is dulled a bit. Mostly, so we can get to where we are going," Ryder said looking them over. Both of them had been looking back and forth at each other. "Aside from your own thoughts which we will help you with you don't have to be as close to each other all the time," Ryder said. They still seemed confused by it so Ryder explained some more," now this can be dangerous because all someone has to do is take one of you, while you don't have to be near each other it is a good idea. It will help stabilize your magic and you will get more used to each other, and you can get used to how you feel now," Ryder said, looking at Anna as if he needed help.

"We are for the moment keeping you two here," Anna said, gesturing to the room, "and that way we can keep you training without distractions hopefully," Anna said, trying not to give anything away. "We are sorry guys, but there is nothing we can do about things now give us a few minutes we will have some food for you," Anna said grabbing at the door knob. After a few tries, she found it opened the door and both she and Ryder left the two stunned.

"Well, umm, Willow, I," Xavier was trying to make some kind of peace, but he knew there would be none. He knew they couldn't use the direct so he was going to try something else. One of his favorite activities, teasing Willow. Not that he wanted her upset right now Xavier was just bored, and this gave a good outlet for some of the mischief he is dying to commit, "I mean we just have to let them do what they need to and we can, I don't know, maybe figure things out between us," Xavier said coming close to Willow. She had enough of all of this, she pushed him into the bed and went for the door. Xavier, being the star in almost every single sport in school, was able to recover quickly, get up and grab her around the waist. He then struggled to pull her towards one of the chairs and the pushed her in which she immediately got up as soon as he did so now the only thing the two could think of was to yell at each other, and so the two of them yelling at each other again. Would they ever get past this?

"Xavier, I am not going to live in a cage, nothing you do can make me," Willow yelled, and tried to push past him again. She succeeded on this try and made her way out into the hallway. Now the hallway was not what Willow was expecting, she was stunned by the look of everything it was all first class or better. Shortly after Willow ran into the hall, she bumped into someone with a phone in his ear. He was tall and domineering she felt like a little bug. As he stared her down a bit a group came into the hallway scaring her even more. They had the same feel to them and it made her want to cry.

"Willow! Willow, are you okay? We weren't suppose to leave just yet," Xavier had come to her rescue, and she fell into his arms.

"This is all fascinating, but can you keep the lower class where they belong," the one Willow crashed into said.

"Hey! Nobody asked you for an opinion you rich snob. Just stay away," Xavier yelled, holding Willow tightly to him.

At hearing Xavier both Anna and Ryder ran, "Xavier, calm down, he can't understand you right now," Anna said. She held up her hands like she was going towards a wild animal. After a few slow steps she made it to his side,"take Willow back to the room we will have food there soon, and this time do not, and I mean this, do not, leave the room until we say it's okay, understand," Anna said sternly. Xavier picked Willow up and turned down the hallway. After watching them leave Anna turned to look at the men in the hall, she had a look that could make anyone, no matter how tough you were, you would crumble to pieces at her feet, "I trust my charges won't have any more contact with your people. Am I correct" she asked and everyone could feel that this was not someone to talk down to. She was making it quite clear that they were not the ones calling the shots, and that she would not be talked down to by anyone. He swallowed and while looking her in the eye, he nodded. Anna walked with Xavier carrying Willow all the way back to their room at the end of the hallway. She was going to have someones ass for breakfast, she just didn't know whose yet.