
The End of Control


What is Ivan playing at? I'm not a hitman—at least not technically. I suppose if one were to twist the definition a certain way, it could fit. But it's not a title or distinguished position I'm known for.

Have I killed my share of horrible people, though? Sure. Am I the best guard Ivan has? Absolutely. But saying I'm a hitman sounds like there's a list of innocent people I'm checking off one by one. I take out the baddest of the bad—with the exception of my cousin, of course. One day that's going to change.

I couldn't deny what Ivan said in front of Vanessa, though. It's better to remain as indifferent as possible when both of them are around. He's clearly playing a game, and it will only be fun for him if I react. If I don't, he'll get bored and move on.

Hopefully "hitman" doesn't become a new permanent nickname, but it doesn't sound too bad when Vanessa is the one saying it. I'm beginning to get used to her calling me "Dom," too.