
Star-crossed: An Intergalactic Odyssey

For centuries, the royal family of the far-off planet of Parneid has lived in seclusion, their secrets guarded by a powerful yet benevolent monarchy. But when the youngest princess, Eléonore, turns eighteen, she decides to break free from the confines of her home and embark on an interstellar adventure. Along the way, she meets Shara, a tough-as-nails bounty hunter, who agrees to teach her the ways of intergalactic bounty hunting. Together, they face off against enemies from all corners of the galaxy and discover a powerful bond between them. As they journey through space, they must battle space pirates, mysterious aliens, and a powerful empire. She uncovers secrets of her family's past. But the stakes are high, and the journey is fraught with danger. Can Eléonore and Shara triumph over the forces of evil and reclaim a better future for their people? Or will they be star-crossed in a fight they cannot win?

Lab_Maharaj · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

The Prince

Morning comes, I wake with a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm, getting ready before wandering to the dining room for breakfast. Father greets me with his usual stoic expression but this time there's an underlying glint in his eye that stirs something uneasy in my stomach. The room seemed to be shrinking with every passing second as I awaited the news that would change my life forever. Finally, my father spoke quietly, "Today you will meet your fiancé." He went on to describe who they were without a hint of emotion.

When the servant brought in the spread of food, my stomach growled from hunger but apprehension about the meeting kept me from enjoying it. Reluctantly, I started picking at some fruit and pastries to distract myself with nourishment until he arrived. The meal tastes like dust in my mouth, anticipating what's coming has taken away any appetite that I may have had. I nervously head upstairs to the bed chambers, my palms beginning to sweat as I think about what lies ahead. Thankfully Father had warned me before our breakfast that he was introducing me to a potential fiancé today, so I have some time to prepare myself. When inside my quarters I quickly change out of my morning dress into a more formal gown and arrange my hair in an elegant up-do. I put on a pair of silver earrings and a bracelet. Once ready, I made my way to the gardens outside where he would await…

As I approached the inner gardens, my heart pounding with anticipation, I saw him standing there and knew it had to be him. He was wearing a formal suit that brought out his boyish charm even more, he didn't look a day over 19! When our eyes met, he bowed politely before offering me his hand in greeting. His touch sparked an unexpected thrill through me, one full of warmth and excitement as we embraced firmly yet gently. His hazel eyes catch the sunlight and sparkle as his lips curl up into a gentle smile. We exchange some awkward but friendly conversation before introducing ourselves formally.

He extended a gentle hand of welcome and smiled with warmth. "Would you like to join me on a short trip to my home planet?" he asked me with sincerity in his voice. He said it was part of their first meeting tradition to gather seashells from its crystal clear waters. I hesitated, thoroughly aware that this could be dangerous and yet somehow enjoying the idea of something new and exciting together with someone special.

We boarded the starship, and within seconds we were soaring through outer space towards our destination. It was a beautiful sight watching the planets pass us by as we moved closer to our objective.

We arrived at his home planet after what seemed like an eternity of drifting in interstellar bliss; however, when we attempted to penetrate the atmosphere of the planet things went wrong. The ship's engine began malfunctioning and alarms sounded throughout the cargo area. We experienced complications and the ship started falling apart around us. We started plummeting down towards the planet's surface as bits of metal came apart from our ship. We only had seconds to react, alarms were blaring and red lights strobing in rapid succession. He grabbed my arm hastily, urging us towards the escape pods as we experienced complications and the ship started falling apart at an alarming rate. Everywhere around me I could hear an array of clangs, sparks and screeching metal, it felt like something out of a horror story. The force of the blast pulled my companion away from me and in my heartache, I rushed into an escape pod without him.

I desperately yanked on the escape pod release lever, my fingers slipping with sweat from the fear and intense heat around me. In a matter of seconds I was hurtling towards the planet's surface, hoping against all odds that I would make it out alive. As I crashed into the land, I felt a sense of relief as the escape pod came to an abrupt halt. My heart was pounding faster than ever before, yet my mind stayed calm and collective. I had finally made it out alive.

Stepping out of the pod, I realized that this planet was nothing like what I had expected.

The escape pod landed hard, shaking my body and rattling my bones. I took a deep breath before peeking out of the small window to get a glimpse of what was outside. What I saw filled me with relief, an outpost on the edge of civilization, full of traders and travelers buzzing around in their daily business. My heart pounded as I cautiously opened the door and stepped out into view. Merchants and traders bustled around me, shouting prices and hailing customers. I tried to cut in line and call out for help, surely someone here could provide assistance about what had happened? Despite my efforts though, no one seemed interested in aiding this mysterious new arrival; too intent on their business to spare anything more than a glance at me.

I knew that back home awaited an arranged marriage, something that had loomed over me like a dark cloud. However, here in this outpost was a chance to explore the universe before returning home; an opportunity to see and experience more of what it offered before subjecting myself to such a fate.

I had barely 2000 credits to my name, and it wouldn't be enough for a ticket out of this arid planet. With a heavy heart, I reluctantly set off from the outpost for the spaceport in hopes of stowing away on some ship leaving the planet before anyone noticed. The scorching sun beat down on me until I arrived at the port and saw a hive of activity bustling with different alien species coming and going quicker than ever before.

As my eyes dart around the bustling interior, I quickly spot a lone woman standing beside one of the conveyor belts loading cargo onto it. She grabs several packages and sets them down with care before turning to converse with an employee pushing a cart nearby. Taking a chance, I slide underneath one of the packages that the woman is loading onto her conveyor belt. She's in deep conversation with another employee as I silently slip into my hiding place. After making sure I'm completely concealed from sight, I release a relieved breath as she moves away to pay the charges.

I am curled up in a tight ball, praying she wouldn't hear me. I heard her enter the room and move around for a few minutes before getting strapped in. We take off suddenly with an echoing rattle that reverberates throughout my small abode.