
Star Citizen Fan in Young Justice

This is a Star Citizen Fan, now named Nathan Childress, and his life in DC Young Justice. I do not own any of the characters besides the MC, Nathan Childress. (The novel photo is how the mc looks like)

DrearyEyedSlumber · Anime & Comics
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Rough Story Line


- Superman started to fight crime at the age of 21


- Batman started to fight crime at the age of 21


- (February)Justice league formed to defend against the appellaxian invasion. Members were Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter

- Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman joining shortly after

- Set up base in Mount Justice in Rhode Island

- The general public didn't know about the alliance in the early years


- The criminal couple, Sportsmaster and Huntress, botched a mission with Huntress getting arrested and losing the use of her legs.

- While Huntress was serving a 6 year prison sentence their daughters Artemis and Jade were raised by their verbally abusive dad

- Jade left after having arguments with their dad again and again. She also changed her last name to her mothers maiden name Nguyen

- Artemis remained alone in Gotham City


- The Justice League was ousted.

- Snapper Carr, the young spokesperson of the league with all-access clearance to their headquarters was tricked into revealing the base's location to the Joker. He breached Mount Justice and thought the heroes defeated him they were forced to abandon the base

- The Justice League went public shortly thereafter and constructed a new headquarters based in Washington, DC called the Hall of Justice

- It was a front for their real base called the Watchtower, an orbiting satellite carved into the side of an asteroid which was a retired base from the Green Lanterns

- Captain Adam appeared

- Batman became the first member of the league to take on an apprentice. Taking on Dick Grayson when a crime boss named Zuko failed to export money from Jack Haley's circus he instead sabotaged the circus's Trapeze act causing nearly all of the flying Graysons to be killed leaving only - Dick Grayson and his uncle Rick though Rick was paralyzed.

- Seeing his past in the boy, Batman took him in and raised him, causing Dick to adopt the crime fighting alias Robin. The duo caught Zuko that same year.

- Once he learned about the league Vandal Savage organized a network of notorious villains and groundbreaking technologies called the Light believing that by preserving the status quo the justice league was hindering human evolution. One of the Lights many key initiatives was DNA cloning which they explored at Lex Luthor's facility Cadmus Labs


- Green Arrow took on a new ward named Roy Harper aka Speedy. On an early mission to investigate Lexcorp where he was captured and brought to Cadmus for experimentation and using - Speedys DNA the Light bioengineered two genomorphs. One was sent back into the world as a sleeper agent unaware that he was programmed to infiltrate the Justice League. The other was rapidly aged and made to believe he was Roy's uncle Jim Harper aka Guardian.

- Cadmus also tried to develop a prototype Genomorph of superman in an endeavor called project match but it was a failure due to the imperfect sequencing of Kryptonian DNA. The product of that experiment, a bizarro monster superman was hidden away in the depths of the lab


-They inducted new heroes. Those heroes being Zatara, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Captain Adam, Jon Stewart's Green Lantern, and Captain Marvel.

- Aquaman and The Flash took on proteges, those being Calderon aka Aqualad and Wally West aka Kid Flash.

- Calderon proved himself to Aquaman when Ocean Master attacked Atlantis and beat the king. The son of Black Manta(Aqualad) and another student from the Conservatory of Sorcery named Garth held the villain back long enough for Aquaman to retaliate. Afterward, Aquaman awarded the 2 with the opportunity to be his apprentices but only Calder accepted.

- Wally West discovered that his uncle Barry Allen was The Flash. Wally tried to persuade Barry to take him on as his ward but Barry wasn't having it. So using his uncle's chemistry journals Wally recreated the experiment that gave the Flash's powers and hospitalized himself in the process. After - Wally's recovery Barry took him on as a sidekick largely out of guilt.


- Ra's Al Ghul personally selected Batman to carry on his legacy of the League of Shadows. He pushed Batman into a relationship with his daughter Talia Al Ghul and the two fell for each other.

- In the August of 2009 the two separated as she refused to turn her back on her father so Batman called of the relationship and the two parted ways

(Talia was spotted with a baby 9 years later though so they might have gotten together again)


- In Late March Cadmus Labs initiated Project Kr, their new and improved attempt to clone superman, unlike project match the new genomorph was developed using DNA from both the Kryptonian and LEx Luthor. The sequencing stripped the cloned Superboy of some key powers but produced a stable result.

- The project was sealed away until July when Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash broke into Cadmus Labs on an unsanctioned mission. This trio along with speed had just been brought into the Hall of Justice by their mentors but were outrageously and unfairly denied membership into the league. Speedy following his subconscious programming quit the team while the others snuck into Cadmus to prove themselves. They escaped catching the Lights' attention.

- Three days later, impressed by their success and unable to hinder their heroic ambition Batman officially founded the team. Based out of the old Mount Justice headquarters it was a Young Justice League of Teen Titans whose founding members were Superboy, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian(Stowed away on her uncle's ship while he was heading to Earth from Mars), green Arrows protege Artemis who joined the team a month later.

- Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin later invited the fake Speedy but he declined to pursue a solo career as Red Arrow.

- Aqualad was appointed the team's leader during their first sanctioned mission to Santa Prisca

- In late August the Light dispatched Black Manta to abduct the alien Starro from Poseidonis's science center so that they could use its brainwashing abilities on the Justice League. Black Manta was thwarted by his son Aqualad but the research center was so badly damaged that Starro had to be moved to Star Labs in Gotham City.

- Later that year, the riddler retrieved the starfish sample and delivered it to the Light where their scientist and magicians used it to develop mind-controlling bio implants.

- On that same mission Giovanni Zatara donned the helmet becoming the new host for Doctor Fate

- In December the Justice League held another induction ceremony for Zatara and several others including Adam, Plastic man, Icon, and the sleeper agent Red Arrow.

- Having successfully gained access to the watchtower, Red Arrow was activated by the Light and used the Starro Tech to brainwash the entire Justice League. With The Justice League under control, Vandal Savage sent Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Jon Stewart, Batman, and Hawkwoman for 16 hours and were declared persona non-grata by every planet in the sector. Savage intended for it to get to the reach and it did.

- Back on Earth, the Justice League's longtime savior Red Tornado managed to bypass the implant and warned the team about Savage's plans. They reverse engineered his patch technology and created a cure, liberated the justice league from his control, reclaimed the watchtower, and sent the Light packing just in time for New Year's day.


- Hello Megan former child star Marie Logan was allegedly killed in a car crash but it was a front for her murder by Byalva ruler Queen Bee.

- Her orphan son Garfield was taken in by her old co-star and his god-mother Rita Farr aka elastagirl.

- Elastigirl was a part of a team called the Doom Patrol consisting of the chief, Robot man, negative woman, and her husband mento. Garfield joined the squad but sometime later most of them were killed on a mission. He and mento were the only survivors.

- The original Blue Beetle Dan Garret passed away in 2011 at the age of 90. His trusted protege Ted Kord took over the name but with a caveat. Unlike his mentor Kord distrusted the mysterious Scarab. He deduced that it wasn't a mythical artifact but an alien parasite so he kept the technology locked up and entered service as a pure blooded human being.

- Red Arrow was still reeling from the truth of his own name sake. Following his ousting as a sleeper agent he embarked on a quest to find the original Roy Harper. He teamed up with the other clone Jim Harper but their efforts were fruitless. Eventually Jim moved on and Red Arrow set his sights on infiltrating the League of Shadows. This would bring him one step closer to the Light so he used the assassin Cheshire aka jade Nguyen as his way in.


- By this year he was successfully initiated but it wasn't long before his cover was blown. He and Cheshire fled from the League's headquarters on Infinity Island and continued the hunt for Speedy. Eventually she left him too but not before they had a child together.


- Lien Nguyen Harper was born in September of this year.

- Meanwhile the team added 10 new recruits to their ranks including Garfield Logan now known as Beast boy. Due to the increase, members were separated into smaller groups labeled Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Data, and Zeta squad.

- Dick Grayson graduated from the mantle of Robin and adopted a new alias, Nightwing. His old title was taken by a boy named Jason Todd who was killed under yet unknown circumstances though in the comics he was killed by the Joker. The third Robin was initiated in early 2015 shortly before a mission that would have lasting effects on the team's legacy for years to come.

- That February, the Light abducted an archeologist named Helena Sandsmark after she found a Babylonian relic fragment in Olympia. It was a piece of the statue of Tiamat which the villains intended to use to resurrect the chaos creature. With help from aquagirl the team tracked down the statue fragments before the Light could but they were deceived by Klarion. He unleashed the monstrous weapon and though the young heroes were able to suppress it they couldn't fully defeat it. Aquagirl sacrificed herself to seal away the ancient threat as she thought Marduk would have done in days of old.

- Following Tula's death Aqualad resigned from the team leaving Nightwing as its leader. He then joined his father, Black Manta, as part of a top secret mission to take down the light from inside.

- Over the summer, the light sent Sportsmaster and Deathstroke to Kord Industries to retrieve the Scarab from Ted Kord, the current Blue Beetle. Their attack resulted in an explosion that killed Kord and flung the Scarab onto an unsuspecting Jaime Reyes. The Scarab bonded with him thus transforming him into the third Blue Beetle. He joined the team that same year oblivious to the true origin of the reach technology he used.

- Toward the end of 2015 alien competitors of the Reach called the Crelodians launched their own stealthy takeover of Earth. They abducted the Secretary-General of the United Nations and held him hostage in New Orleans while a robotic double took his place.

- The Reach already had their sights set on the planet so they employed the bounty-hunter Lobo to seek out and destroy the impersonator as both races drew closer to Earth


- On new year's day, Lobo located the imposter Secretary-General and demolished him in front of Wondergirl and Batgirl. Now aware that the real general had been abducted, the team's gamma squad traveled to New Orleans to rescue him while Zeta Squad departed for planet run to find a way to stop the Crelodian invasion. The team subdue the Crelodian forces but the species competitor posed a much bigger threat.

- That threat was so overwhelming that in February a mysterious youth appeared from a future of despair. Impulse aka Bart Allen grandson of Barry Allen. He traveled back in time to stop the Reach's apocalyptic conquest.

0 Meanwhile, after years of searching Red Arrow finally found the original Roy Harper; he freed him from his cryogenic chamber and brought him to a hospital where he spent a month in recovery. Though his near decade in confinement cost him his childhood and his arm, the real Roy forgave Red Arrow and joined the team adopting a new alias of his own, Arsenal. Aqualad adopted a new alias too, Manta.

- Still undercover with his father , Black Manta as of March 2016 he faked Artemis's death and covertly enlisted her as a new lieutenant with the moniker Tigress.

- The two spies and their cronies kidnapped blue beetle and some other young recruits then bombed Mount Justice. Now believing that his son was a proven ally of the light Black Manta brought him to meet their partner, the Reach. Manta handed over his captives so the reach scientist could study their meta genes. During this time Blue Beetle learned that his ancient Scarab was Reach technology and that it's activation would turn him into the future dictator of Earth. The team freed their friends and tried to warn the world of the Reach's danger but they were too late. The insectoid conquerors already position themselves in a favorable light with the United Nations forging an alliance with the Secretary general Tseng. Captain Adam representing the Justice league pushed back against the Reach's ambassador but the League's credibility was wavering.

- In a completely unrelated extraterrestrial attack the Hall of Justice was destroyed by an alien warlord called The Sparrow. The Reach ambassador sees that opportunity to save captives from the ruined hall and in doing so revealed to the secretary general that it was only a decoy for the as of now still secret watchtower. This discredited the Justice League even further.

- In June, Aqualad's undercover mission paid off when he obtained evidence of the collusion between the Reach and the Light. Captain Adam relayed that evidence to the United Nations who revoked their alliance with the aliens in an emergency summit.

- The high court of Rimbour exonerated the Justice league from the charges of their 2010 rampage.

- In a last ditch effort to hide their scheming from the Green Lantern Corp the Reach distributed 21 Magnetic Field Disrupters across the globe. The Young Blue Beetle redeemed his future self by helping Lex Luthor nullify 20 of the disrupters but the last one in the North Pole was found too late. Flash Kid Flash and Impulse used their speed to diffuse the remaining MFD at the cost of Kid Flash's life. In the aftermath of the invasion Secretary General Tsang resigned from the UN and the Light used Tv personality G Gordon Godfrey to advocate for Lex Luthor as his replacement.

With the cave destroyed the team began to operate from the Watchtower alongside the justice league

- Bart Allen took up the mantle of Kid Flash while Artemis maintained her covert alias of Tigress. Nightwing took a leave of absence to mourn his deceased friend.

In July, Princess Tara Markov of the Eastern European country of Markovia was abducted by a meta-human trafficking ring called the Bedlam syndicate run by her uncle Baron Delam. They activated her meta-human gene and shipped her to the League of Shadows. Around this time she was enlisted by the League's new leader, Deathstroke.


- Aqualad ascended to the mantle of Aquaman while Miss Martian became the team's new leader.

- The Fake Roy Harper changed his name to Will and went off duty to focus on raising Lien

- The Reach demonstrated the possibility of Meta-human weaponization so other bad actors picked up where they left off. Trafficking of powered Teens became an epidemic with the resignation of General Tsang from the U.N. Lex Luthor was appointed as the next secretary general of the United Nations. He instituted numerous policies that nerfed the Justice League's ability to function without lengthy bureaucratic approval. Frustrated by the League's impotence Batman and several other members of the League and the team resigned. They formed a covert vigilante group of outsiders mockingly labeled Batman Incorporated by Black Lightning.

- In late July Victor Markov and Queen Ilona De Lam Markov were assassinated by a meta human after announcing a humanitarian program to end meta-human trafficking. The Queen's brother, Baron Delam, seized power which caused friction between the royal sons Brian and Gregor. With help from the Outsiders Delam was overthrown but Brian was still exiled for political reasons. He was welcomed back to America along with a royal servant named Halo who survived the attack on the palace with the aid of a motherbox. They joined a new team led by nightwing also consisting of Superboy, Black Lightning, Tigress, and an alien named Forager. Brian, now known as Geoforce, insisted that the team continue to investigate his sister's disappearance. On Halloween, after nearly two and a half years of searching, they located princess Tara markov aka terra at a meta-human auction in the greater Byalva area and rescued her.

This is what I can find of the Young Justice timeline so far

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