
Star Child of Krypton

What will happen if Superman didn't come to Earth and Krypton was not destroyed. What will happen if Superman have magic. ___________ I don't own DC

Isak_lal · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Can anyone give me an explanation?",said Kal. Rex's mom whose name is Ursa Al eyed Jor. "Okay, okay, let me explain", said Jor.

(10 years ago)(Jor POV)

I was experimenting things in my lab and studying extraterrestrial lifeforms. A man suddenly came to me and told me he was a sorcerer and that Krypton was in danger.

"Yeah get the hell out", I replied. Suddenly, fire came out of his hands but I did not believe it because there are many scientific ways to make a person into a mutate. Although there it is almost impossible but the chance of failure is not zero there are ways to make a mutate.

"I came for you because you are the mortal heir of Rao.", said the sorcerer. He held me and teleport me after chanting. I was perplexed and I asked him to teach me. "I will teach you but you must know that you will have a responsibility a great one." he told me with a solemn look. "What kind of responsibility sir?", I asked with a hint of curiosity. "To protect Krypton from harm" he replied without a single expression on his face. "Wait, what is your name sir?" I asked. "Zelthorne!", he shouted at me.

"Hey you don't need to shout!!",I shouted back at him or rather an empty space because he was gone. I was starting to get agitated because I was in a place that I did not know but luckily I brought my communication device so I called your mother.

Back in my lab after a week the man came back but was injured. I immediately ran to him and shouted for your mother who was outside my lab. We treated him.

He regained consciousness and your mother Lara went to him. She asked him how he was injured. "I battled with my nemesis Zelthorne who had tried to unseal Cythonna",he replied. I immediately froze at the thought that someone would try to free Cythonna the goddess of ice who was sealed by the gods themselves.

He looked at me with hope and said that I am his hope to stop Zelthorne. "Why?", I asked and he replied, "Because you are a descendant and the mortal heir of the god Rao."

Lara look at me surprised but became even more surprised that I wasn't. She squint her eyes and said, "Care to explain?". I replied, "He told me last week.". She suddenly came to me and punched me and shouted, "So that's why you were stranded in the middle of nowhere!!". "Yes, Lara" I replied meekly. She came at me again and punched me again, "You've met him before!!?" She asked. I thought she already knew.

"Ehhm!" said the Sorcerer. "Mind telling us your name now?" I said. "Balorn, that's my name." He replied while seemingly reminiscing. "So Balorn explain everything to us please?" I said. "Wait, I will call the others.", he replied. "What others?" I asked.

"Them", and he snapped and people started appearing in my lab. "Okay, explain who are these people and what are they doing here." I requested. " You are descendants and heir to the gods of Krypton, Jor.", He replied turning his head to a side.

"Last week, I went and looked for people who are heir to the gods and their magic and I meet them all and explained it to all of them and while I was explaining to the final heir which is you I realized that my nemesis Zelthorne was robbing the temple of the gods to look for the key to unseal Cythonna.", he said without looking at any of us.

"I immediately teleport to him and met him in the temple but the moment he sensed me he sent a monster at me to keep me at bay while he was looking I summoned the fire of Rao and killed the monster but I realized Zelthorne had been gone.", He said.

"I tracked him using magic and found him but that was his plan. He shot me with ice spears but I dodged then shot back fire at him but he came at me from another side after teleporting to the place and kicked me in the stomach. I was knocked back from the impact and hit a wall cracking it. I let out magic from my body and shot him with fire and he shot back with a blizzard of snow at my fire. We then keep fighting for a day without rest then I started to get exhausted but I did not relent and shot a fireball at him but he shot back a ball made of wind and it blew the fire out and hit me in the chest. Then I fell flat on the ground but before I could get up he started beating me." He said finishing his story.

"So you lost and came to me for help?", I asked and he nodded. "So get ready I am going to teach you magic but we will have to do a ritual to unseal your magic." He said standing up and finally looking at us.

He took a candle and burned it with his fire. He took the candle and blew it and it grew in size and touched us but I felt no pain. Lara who was behind him seemed to get worried. "They are not hurt are they?", She asked. "No." he replied without looking at her.

The fire burn out and I felt no difference and I told him, "I feel the same" I stated with a bit of disappointment. "Yes, my apprentice you must learn how to use the magic first", He replied with a smirk.