
Star Child of Krypton

What will happen if Superman didn't come to Earth and Krypton was not destroyed. What will happen if Superman have magic. ___________ I don't own DC

Isak_lal · Fantasy
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9 Chs

It's a Bird, It's a plane, It's

Clark and Rex work on the farm and having a normal life as much as the could for months but Clark could feel Rex was not comfortable.

"Kal, I am going to leave the farm. I want to look for my brother so I will have to leave you."

"Okay but be careful.", Kal answered him. Rex then superspeeded away leaving Kal alone.


"Clark where is Rex?" Martha questioned.

"He left to look for his brother", Kal replied with a sad voice.

Kal was sad because his friend who he haven't met for 6 months is leaving. He really feel like he don't belong in the world he is now in and his friends are the only one who understand what he feels but he likes the life of simplicity and the real reason he stays in Smallville is because he likes the environment. Even he himself don't know this.

"I miss my friends and family.", Clark said to Martha softly.

"Do you want to leave?", Martha asked with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"No, I want to stay here.", Clark answered to Martha's delight.


(11 months later)

"We are going to the city today for a vacation.", Jonathan announced happily.

"Yeah, whatever", Clark answered. Clark is angry that Jonathan don't allow him to do business like Tela. He didn't even realized that he is seeing Jonathan as a father figure.

"I can make a lot of money without stealing ", Clark murmured.

"I know you can but think Clark it will attract your enemies. You will be in danger.", Jonathan said to him.

"You are not even my father!!" Clark shouted. Clark started to think that Jonathan is trying to limit him to make him work in his farm but he immediately throw that thought.

"I know but I am just worried for you. I don't have children so I seem to think you as my child so I apologize." Jonathan said to Clark. Clark immediately knew what he had done he spoke what he thought in his head.

"I'm sorry.", Clark apologized guiltily but he was questioning himself of Jonathan's intentions even though he doubts that Jonathan will have ill intentions towards him.

Then they saw people running. "Run!!! There is a tornado!!!" someone shouted.

"Clark help them", Jonathan asked them to but Clark wasn't budging.

"I thought I shouldn't attract my enemies." Clark said to Jonathan.

"How can you say that?", Martha asked.

"So it doesn't count in this. I shouldn't attract others isn't that what you said hypocrites." Clark said to them but with a bit of anger.

Then a kid was pulled in by a tornado and hit a car that the tornado carried.

Clark immediately blew as hard as he could and flew in the opposite direction of the tornado's rotation diffusing it.

The kid dropped and Clark flew and caught him but he was already dead. Clark was having a mental break down and started to weep.

"It's not your fault Clark.", Jonathan and Martha tried to comfort him.

"It is my fault. If I had only listened." Clark cried even more.


(1 week later)

"I am leaving now mom.", Clark said to Martha.

"Okay becareful!!", Martha shouted with Jonathan.

Clark has received a message from Krypton in the communication device in his spaceship. They were ordered not to take on Zod until they have studied kryptonians physiology and train the powers they have on Earth and bide their time as Zod is not a random thug that can be taken down by some teenagers. It was a request from the parents so their children won't fight enemies without caution but now it was going to change. The message told him that they can build great bases to help them talk to Krypton. It will be their personal base.

Clark flew to the sky and to the Arctic in 5 seconds. He then takes the key from the spaceship to guide him. Clark then drop it and in 1 minute a fortress as big as a building was formed, made of crystals presumably from Krypton.

Clark takes back the key and used it on what seems to be a keyhole. Immediately a hologram of his father appeared.

"Kal, you are now allowed to arrest Zod." Jor El said to Clark almost instantly as he appears startling Clark.

"Are you only a clone hologram?", Kal questioned while squinting.

"No, I would have put a clone hologram if I were dead but I am alive so I don't need to and I also need to talk to you.", answered Jor.

"So I can't talk to you if you are busy?", Kal asked. Jor did not reply but just nodded.

"Okay quite not convenient.", Clark replied while rolling his eyes.

"You need to stay where humans are more populated and more advanced. You will have to leave the farm that you now inhabit."

"How do you know I am in a farm?", Kal asked with curiosity.

"We are one of the universe's most advanced people, of course I know. You have to leave the place you are inhabiting.", Jor answered and ordered.

"Okay", Clark answered but he did not like the order because he likes to live with Jonathan and Martha.

"Goodbye, Kal. We miss you a lot.", said Jor with a visible tear in his eyes.

"Goodbye dad." Kal replied.

Clark takes out his key and flew to the farm. Clark then explained everything to Jonathan and Martha.


(1 week later)

"Visit us sometimes, Clark", Martha and Jonathan said to Clark. Martha looks like she is on the verge of tears.

"I will." Clark shouted.


Clark then leaves Smallville and goes to Metropolis. He then applied work for the police force as a detective. He gets the job easily.


Clark hears a robber asking for money arrogantly from his office and ran to the robber. He pointed his guns at the robber to intimidate him but the robber ran at him with an incredible speed and punched him. Clark could feel pain as if a kryptonian had punch him and he was knocked back by the punch and went straight through a wall.

Clark immediately realized that it was a kryptonian but he wondered why the kryptonian expose himself.

He tear his clothes and wear the costume that Martha made for him with the El symbol in the chest. He flys at the kryptonian and punched him and sent him in the air. Clark then flew higher and punched the kryptonian again sending him in the air even higher. The kryptonian who was very angry at Clark shoot Clark with a heat vision that is as hot as the sun's surface knocking Clark on the ground.

"You are a kryptonian too? Did my parents send you?"

Clark without answering punched him again and concentrate the solar energy in his body to his eyes and shoot it out and to Clark's surprise a heat vision hotter than the one the other kryptonian shot came out but the kryptonian blocked it with a car which melt before contact and he flew at Clark with an incredible speed the moment Clark stopped shooting out heat vision after all it was Clark's first time.

He sent a punch towards Clark while running but Clark was way faster than him so he was punched in the face and knocked out.

Clark then see the people running from the fight which he had missed previously. He also sees reporters taking pictures of him and the other kryptonian. He flew to the fortress and immediately calls his father.

"Kal this is not a soldier of Zod.", Jor El announced with a bit of worry in his face.

"What!? Then what is he?", Clark asked with a surprised face.

"He is a kryptonian but he seems to be younger than you. Zod left Krypton not long after you were born so this person is definitely a child of the soldiers. We will also have to take him to Krypton. He seems to be impulsive because of the red ring he is wearing it seems it can affect kryptonians mentally. Kal you are to send this rock immediately to Krypton for further studies."

Clark ponders what he should do to the kryptonites as he sees how dangerous they can be but decides not to tell his father about his discoveries as he doesn't want to make him worry. Then he takes a teleporter machine made from magic and science put the other kryptonian in the machine sending him to Krypton.


A man and woman were fuming with anger at their son and the other kryptonian who beat him. They were also worried for their son and make plans to confront the culprit who kidnapped their son.


Kal returned to his apartment in Metropolis and looks at the news.

Most news say that he is not to be trusted but a certain reporter shows the interview of the person who was getting robbed saying how he is not necessarily a villain like the joker in Gotham.

'Is he a hero or villain? We don't know for sure but what we know is he is Superman.", said a female reporter whose name is Lois.