
Star Child of Krypton

What will happen if Superman didn't come to Earth and Krypton was not destroyed. What will happen if Superman have magic. ___________ I don't own DC

Isak_lal · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Be careful Martha", Jonathan told his wife with looks of worry in his face. Jonathan and Martha were going to their house when a spaceship hit the road to their farm. Martha insisted they see the inside of the spaceship and what they see is a very chiseled teenager.

Martha and Jonathan take the teenager to their farm. "Let's take the ship with us too.", Jonathan suggested. He takes his truck and he sees that it is very light. After they reach their home; Jonathan takes the boy inside the house. Martha leads the way to the sofa and helps Jonathan put the boy down. Martha than takes a wet cloth and put it on the boy's head. "I think you should put the ship in the basement" Martha suggested. "Good idea." Jonathan replied.


(Kal POV)

It is very dark. I can't see anything.

"Hello there." I heard a feminine voice. I look around to see a woman. "Who are you? Where am I?", I asked. "You are inside your own head", she replied.

"How do I get out?", I asked her. "I think I know one", she replied. She runs towards me and I dodge her. "Why are you doing this?", I ask. She did not answer and shoot ice at me. 'What did I do to her that she tries to kill me?', I ask myself. I tried kicking her jaw but she dodge and punch me. I was pushed back and fall down. She comes and sits on my chest. She touch my head with both her hands and damn it was cold. My head started to hurt and I punch her and pushing her away. I get out and run. Suddenly a white light hit my face.


Kal wakes up and see a woman putting wet cloth on his head. He looks at her and the woman ask, "Are you okay, kid?". To that Kal replies, "Yes."

Johnathan goes back into the house to check on his wife and the boy. He opens the door and shuts it. "Is he okay?" Jonathan asks. "Yes, he is okay." Martha replies.

"What's your name, kid" Jonathan asks. "My name is Kal, sir." Kal replies. "Where are you from?" Martha asks. "I am from the planet Krypton." Kal replies. "Why are you here?" Jonathan asks. "To catch rebel forces that is hiding in your planet." Kal replies. "But you are just a kid? What about your parents did they allow you to do this?", Martha asks with a hint of pity in her voice. "They have no choice, although our planet is very advanced it still needs protection from extraterrestrial lifeforms, monsters from our worlds and even gods. We are sent so that we will have experience in fighting." Kal replies.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Jonathan opens the door to see soldiers outside his house. "Did you see a machine or a person, Mr?", a soldier asks Jonathan. "I did not see anyone." Jonathan replies. "Then who is that boy over there?", the soldier asks with suspicion. "He is our son." Martha answers. "We plan to adopt him but not yet sign the paper works" Jonathan also says helping his wife's statement. "What's his name then?" the soldier asks. "Clark." Martha replies. "Okay, have a good day." the soldier gets out while saying that.

"Thank you. Father and mother", Kal thanked them while joking but little did he know that it touched the heart of both the Kents.

"What can you tell me about Zod?", Jonathan asks while sitting down on the sofa. "Zod is a ruthless general and he led a group of soldiers under his command against the council but before that he used to be in many wars.", Kal answered shocked Martha Kent.

"What?! And they sent you to catch him?" Martha asked. "Not just me my friends too so we also have to learn about your planet in order to catch Zod. That's why the council sent us in different places and to make sure to protect this world.", Kal answered. Jonathan nodded his head and says, "How do we know your planet won't attack ours?" Jonathan asks. Kal stands up and point at the Kent's farm. He runs at the farm and to his surprise he see that he is faster than he had ever been, shocking him since he never thought anything can be that fast and he reach the farm. "My father was downgrading the powers that we get way too much", Kal murmurs and turn to the Kent's who was very shock. Kal runs back at them and sits down on the sofa. "You probably realized that I come here with a machine that can travel faster than the speed of light by many times. I assure you we have more and that isn't the only technology we have.", Kal said stating the reason why they don't need a spy to conquer a planet like earth.

"Okay, I believe you.", said Jonathan while looking at Martha. "I will provide you an identity. Your name will be Clark Joseph Kent our son and after that if you want to leave or stay it's your choice."

"You are always welcomed to stay here." Martha added. Kal thought for a while and says, "Okay, I have decided. I will stay here as long as you allow.". His response really pleased both the Kents especially Martha who seems to think of Kal as a son. "Okay but you will have to help in the farm and live as... our son", said Jonathan. " Thank you Mr and Mrs Kent." Clark thanked wondering why they were so easy to trust. "Wait, should I call you mom and dad?", asked Kal. "In front of others you probably have to but at the end it's your choice it's all your choice.", Jonathan answered.


(6 months later)

"Clark! Wake up! You are going to be late for school.", Martha shouted. "I don't want to you and dad said it's my choice.", groaned Kal from his bed. "You know that's not what he meant and you better wake up before I come up young man.", argued Martha. "Whatever." murmured Kal while superspeeding to the bathroom. Kal gets out and go to school.