
Its Time To Play Ball, Baby!

As always John Steve woke up at exactly 6:30 am.

"Uhmmmmmm, that was a good dream, I actually dreamed that i have a Sys-" before he even finished speaking, a sound interrupted him with a hologram of the System popping in front of him.

Ding ~

"Congratulations Host for getting your first Main Task" John heard Eve's voice in his head.

Main Task

Successfully become one of the Starting Line-up in your Basketball Team, Norton Shadows.

Rewards: 300 Star Coins, Fame 100, 3 EXP(Basketball) and Unlock Another System Function.

John stared wide-eyed at the sudden Hologram that appeared in front of him and after a few seconds he started laughing out loud.

"So it wasn't a dream after all"

"As this is you first time getting a Task, a gift was sent to your Storage" Eve's voice echoed again.

A gift? John thought so he immediately opened his Storage and what he saw inside was some kind of old worn out book with a Basketball as its cover.

What the hell? Its a worn out Book, was the first thought that John had after seeing the item.

"Well, its better than nothing i guess" John said before trying to click the item using his finger "Oh? that works too huh" then a hologram appeared showing the details of the item.

Skill Book: Basketball Mastery

Takes effect immediately. Increases your skill experience to the said Sport.

Learn / Decline

"Of course, learn it" John said before clicking the "Learn" button and then a rush of knowledge immediately appeared inside John's mind.

"Successfully Learned Basketball Mastery Lv.1 (Beginner)" Eve's voice sounded.

"Whoa, I feel like I'm not that talentless guy anymore" John was so excited because he felt a change occurred inside him. Even though the skill only provided him some common techniques on how to play the game. He already felt like he's been playing it for a year.

"Eve, I just noticed what's with the Unlock Another System Function on the Rewards section? Does that mean that there are still functions that's locked?" John sobered up from reveling on getting his first Skill because he remembered something he saw on the Rewards section from his Task earlier.

"Yes, there are still locked functions in the System and you can only open them from Specific Task that Rewards you by unlocking it or you can pay 30,000 Star coins to open one" told Eve.

30-30,000? F*ck that is expensive as hell, Well i think i should just focus my priorities first' John was at first gobsmacked hearing that but he immediately regained his wits and focus on what he needs to do first.

Well, I just started but what I need to do now is to try if I can execute those movements that i just learned' John thought before rushing towards the bathroom to wash himself, had a change of clothes and took a bottle of water which he then picked up his Basketball from the sofa and headed outside at the Basketball Court just outside his Apartment.

Growl ~

But before he even manage to step out of his apartment. His stomach protested that it's hungry and only then did that John realized that he even forgot to eat breakfast due to him being overly excited.

"Well, i guess i need to eat first, can't play with an empty stomach after all" John warily smiled before walking towards the kitchen and prepared something to eat.

At 7:15 A.M, John finished cooking his breakfast consisting of one sunny side-up egg, two toasted bread and a glass of warm milk.

Now that i think about I still haven't check the Item Shop yet' John thought while he ate his last toasted bread and drank his milk before opening the Item Shop.

Item Shop

- Skill Books

- Auxiliary Items

- Consumables

After seeing that there are 3 options to choose from, John thought for a bit then decided to see the Skill Books first because of what he experienced earlier and curious of what other skills he can learn.

Skill Books: Soccer(Beginner)|Baseball(Beginner)|American Football(Beginner)|Golf(Beginner)|Rugby(Beginner)|Equestrian(Beginner)|Formula 1(Beginner)|Fencing(Beginner).....

John was immediately dumbfounded when he saw those rows of Skill Books.

"Wooo! That's a lot of skills to learn from" John yelled when finally regained his bearings and you can almost see his eyes glittering while looking at those Books and the only thing missing is him drooling looking at them.

"Hey Eve, does this mean I can do all of these following Sports if I learn their respective Skill Books?" John immediately asked Eve while smiling widely.

"Of course John but you will need Star Coins if you want to learn them" Even immediately replied.

Right, I don't have any Star Coins but they can't be that expensive, right? John ended his thoughts and click the book for American Football.

Skill Book: American Football(Beginner)

Takes effect immediately. Increases your skill experience to the said Sport.

Cost - 10,000 Star Coins

"What!! 10-10,000 Star Coins!?" John was shocked that he even checked the others and he even repeatedly clicked on them just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

My God! How many Fame and Task do I need just to have that kind of sum! This is practically daylight robbery!' John was howling inside him. He was really shell shocked seeing those prices.

"Why are they so expensive Eve?" John asked Eve after ending his internal drama.

"So you won't just learn everything at a whim and to make you focus on raising the levels of your current and new skills before doing another and not to lose sight on the goal you need to do first" Eve said like she was lecturing John on these important things.

"Wow, I didn't think about that, you're very thorough on things huh, Thanks Eve for the reminder" John was stunned at first before thanking Eve because he realized that he's just being greedy.

"You're Welcome!" Eve happily replied.

Huh? Did she just replied happily? Nah, I'm probably just hearing things' John was confused at first because he felt that Eve is starting to talk like a human being and not an A.I but he just shrugged it off from his thoughts because he thought that he was just being silly.

Well, why don't i check the other two instead' John exited the Skill Books section and click the Auxiliary Items section instead.

Locked ~


Locked ~ Locked ~ Locked ~ Locked ~ Locked ~ Locked ~

John repeatedly clicked both Auxiliary Items and Consumable section and then he finally realized that they are really locked.

"So that's why they are greyed out because they're both locked" Only then did John realized that both of them are greyed colored unlike the Skill Books section that's practically shining in radiance.

I'll be able to open one of them after I'm done with my Main Task' John thought and then looked at the time.

Its already 8:30 a.m? That was fast, Good thing i still have a lot of time before my 1 p.m class, now to go and play ball' John smiled, took the dishes and washed them.

John took his keys and other necessary things then went out of his apartment and locked it. He walked towards the edge of the balcony and before shouting:

"Its time to play ball baby!" John was grinning then noticed his neighbors was looking at him like an idiot. He was so embarrassed that he lowered his head and immediately ran downstairs and behind him was his neighbors grinning and laughing at him.

On the road, John forgot his embarrassment and he smiled as he ran at the direction of the Basketball court.

Hello guys!

I added Mastery at the skill set of the MC.

Happy Reading! Enjoy!

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RealmMonarchcreators' thoughts