

Quinn's POV

The door opened and revealed Michael. His look this time is one I haven't seen before. He was angry, like he wanted to scold me seriously, but he held himself back. I knew Bethel went to report me when I couldn't find her yesterday. I moved closer to him when I noticed he remained there. "Hi," I managed to say, being extra careful not to annoy him more.

"Morning Quinn, Theresa spoke behind him; I didn't even notice she was there at first.

"Good morning," I replied, smiling a little. "I'm sorry for going out yesterday." I apologise quickly before they mention it themselves. I looked back at Michael, but he didn't look less angry. I heard Theresa clearing her throat, and she said, "Well,will we discuss that soon, For now, you need to come out for breakfast, and we get to work immediately.".

"Okay," I replied, nodding my head. She turned back and left, leaving me with only Michael. He didn't look like he was ready to leave.

"I'm sorry," I said again,looking up at him. I'm very sorry. Bethel said I could go out, so I... I kept quiet when I realised I might be implicating her too. "No, I asked her to allow me to take a look around, and she warned me not to go far; it's not her fault, really." I changed my statement carefully.

"You have no idea the consequences of the mistake you made. Wasn't it in the contract that you can't relate to just anyone?" He spoke seriously, and his words made me more scared than I already was. I faced down again, staring at my shoe. It would be lying if I said I didn't know this could happen; I should have resisted talking to the woman at all costs. I heard his footsteps, and I knew he was leaving. I sighed deeply and followed him behind after some seconds; soon we reached the dining room. There were six chairs in the dining room—two on each side, one at the end of the table, and another one at the head. Theresa and Morris were seated on the first two chairs opposite each other, while Michael went ahead and sat on the one at the head of the table. He looked so good on it; it was more like the position was made for him. I stopped staring and took a seat beside Theresa. Looking at the food on the table made me think of Bethel, and it seems like she's not here right now. I mean, these foods don't look like home-cooked ones, and even the kitchen looks too neat for somewhere; they just finished cooking all this.

I felt Theresa move her cutlery, and soon I started eating too and finished my food. I noticed Michael barely touched his food, even Morris too.

"Can we start now, Quinn?" Theresa asked me after a few minutes if I had finished my food.

"Of course"

"Good, come with me," she said as she stood up and picked up a black-coloured box from the floor. And proceeded to the room. I followed her behind immediately. We got to the last room on the left-hand side, the one opposite mine, and she stopped pressing the password in it. The door opened, and we both entered. At first, I couldn't see a thing in the room, but everything became bright when Theresa drew the curtains. I couldn't help but say, Wow, the room looked ordinary and captivating at the same time. Maybe because I haven't been in that kind of place before, it looked like another world on its own. I could tell that they really meant business, not playing around at all. Being here reminds me again that I was here for serious work.

There were a couple of chairs and tables with computers on them on both the right and left sides of the room, while the middle was empty. Just at the front of the computer desk on my right, there was a small door. I guess that place is like an inner room or something. When I finally moved my eyes to the front of the room, my mouth was left open. There were so many pictures on the wall that I unconsciously moved towards them, trying to see if I could recognise any of them or if I was just curious. Stepping forward, I began to notice photos were in different sizes, but of course the largest one there cut my eye, and surprisingly, it looked familiar, and I was right, he's someone I know, but wait? What? Star? The boy I met yesterday? How come…… What is going on exactly? I faced it immediately, and three of them had already sat down, looking up at me. It seemed like they were waiting for me to look until I was satisfied. I guess I am now...

"Take a seat, Quinn," was Theresa's voice, and I did as she said.

"Stars College, that's where we're starting the whole thing from." Theresa said that as she moved forward towards the board, she picked something that looked like a remote from a table not too far from the board full of pictures, then Morris stood up and walked towards her. He moved the board away from its position and revealed a very big television screen, and Theresa pressed the remote. The screen turned up and showed a place that looked so pretty. "And this is it, Stars College," she said as she threw a file towards me. I caught it, and as I was opening it, I heard her saying, "An introduction is in there; do quick by going through it."

My eyes scanned through the first page quickly because I was already familiar with the basic introduction of the school. I turned to the second page when Theresa's voice stopped me instantly. "All you need to know for now is on the first page; you shall proceed when I say so," she said, and I only nodded my head in response.