

Bethel POV

I suddenly froze when I saw something.

unexpectedly approaching them—no someone actually.

"Oh, no," I said to myself.

Don't tell me they've already met, please! I looked back in their direction after rubbing my palm twice on my face to make sure it wasn't my imagination, and sure enough! He is genuine. Star is here!

"Shit shit shit," I said to myself repeatedly. I know I'm in a mess already. They were not supposed to meet this way; the plan was totally different.

"Oh God,what do I do? What should I do?" I muttered repeatedly to myself,pacing around with both my hands on my waist, but suddenly stopped when a thought came to my mind.

Maybe it's not the very bad thing they met earlier; I mean, that could make it easier for them to get closer and accomplish the mission, right?

I calmed down a little bit; I couldn't believe I really panicked like that. My heart started beating hard again when I remembered Michael; he hates mistakes! How am I going to explain this to him?. What kind of human being is this girl they call Quinn? Just a few hours, and she has already got me in trouble.

After a few minutes of thinking about this disaster, I finally made a move towards them. I got there and realised the woman was about to give Quinn her number. What?

"Quinn!" I called her name loudly.

"Ohhh Bethel?" She looked surprised to see me.

"Why are you here?" She asked me, looking confused.

"Is it not obvious I'm here for you? Seriously, you came this far for a walk?" I'm sure I sounded angry and didn't care. I'm indeed very angry and not going to pretend.

"I'm… I… sorry.. I didn't know there's a limit to where I'm supposed to...

Her statement was cut short by the woman who said, "Dear Quinn here didn't do anything wrong by strolling around; she said she's only going to be around for a while, so you should make a lot of good memories." She said while smiling, and I found that smile annoying. If only they knew the kind of punishment I'm going to get from Michael.

"We need to return Quinn," I said, ignoring the woman. I don't know who she is, and I don't care right now. By then, I noticed Star was no longer there; where did he go? I didn't even notice when he left the scene; my anger really got the better of me.

"Okay," she said, then faced the woman.

"I have to go now, ma'am."

"Yes, I understand. Take care of yourself, sweetheart.".

They said their goodbyes, and I left there immediately, expecting her to follow me.

"Emm… okay, Bye ma'am,

Soon, I heard footsteps behind me.

Quinn's POV.

Did I do something wrong? I'm not supposed to speak to people, or I've been out for too long? Or am I guilty of the two? What if they decide to cancel the contract?. That's my greatest fear right now; that mustn't happen!. I decided to apologise to Bethel, at least.

"Bethel '' I called the first time, but she didn't answer. I think she didn't hear me, so I tried calling her again. "Bethel…" I called her again, and this time she faced back, but I couldn't say what I wanted to say because of the way she looked at me. I could see fire in her eyes; she was definitely throwing daggers with her eyes. My mouth shut on its own, and I couldn't even look at her eyes anymore. I faced down and stared at my shoe.

Soon I felt her walking again,and I finally raised my head and started following her, walking really slowly this time. The more we got close to the house, the more scared I got.

Nobody needs to tell me before I know I've messed up big time. "What exactly did I do now? What will I even apologise for? Oh, God, please save me this once, and I'll never leave that house again," I said desperately in my mind. If only I could reverse time, I would remain in my room.

I thought of going out to beg her, but when I remembered her eyes earlier,I just couldn't stand up. I know for sure I'm not going to eat dinner tonight. I wouldn't dare.

Bethel's POV.

Anyone could tell I was visibly shaking. I have no idea how I can get away from this one. Of all the missions we've been taking, I know this particular one is different. I know Michael has been planning this one since I met him. Oh, God, I'm so dead.

"I am very sorry, Michael. She wanted to go out for fresh air, and I allowed her. I was told to treat her well, so I thought it was going to be alright." I managed to say, with my voice trembling, that I was deceiving myself when I said maybe it was a good thing they met early; this is a complete mess!. Right now, it seems like I have committed such a great sin that I won't be able to pay the price in this lifetime.

"Bethel," he finally called my name after about 30 minutes of standing there begging and trying to explain myself. His voice was so cold that it shivered down my spine. Oh, holy Mary!

"Look at me," he said again. I managed to raise my head up, and the moment my eyes met his, it was as if my whole body was set on fire. I was feeling cold before, but now I feel very hot, as if there's no air in the room. I look away instantly,placing my eyes on his chest instead. He's wearing all black as usual; in fact, he barely wears any other colour. He looks like the devil right now. The black-coloured sofa he was sitting on matches the colour of his clothes. The only bulb there was blue, making the room dark and difficult to see, but we were used to it easily; that was our hideout since the beginning.

"Look at me, Bethel," he said, standing up now. He dipped his hands into his pocket and continued, "Make me understand what you just said." He said, walking slowly towards me; by then, my head was already down again, staring at my shoe. "ANSWER ME!"