

Quinn POV

The gate opened, and Andrew drove in. I closed my eyes instantly, placing one hand on my chest which was beating very hard already. I felt the car stop, but I still couldn't open my eyes.

"This isn't going to be the end of the world, Quinn; it may not even be as difficult as you're expecting; you need to calm down."

"Thank you so much," I managed to say, and slowly, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He smiled again, and I couldn't help but laugh. why is he always smiling? I wondered in my mind. Soon he joined me too.

"Thank you," I said again sincerely after we managed to stop laughing. I felt comfortable with him.

"You're welcome," he replied, and I was about to open the door when he said something confusing. "I hope I see you again." I was silent for a while. What does that mean? Is he not my driver? " Why? Are you not my driver?"

I asked the question in my mind, hoping it wasn't what I was thinking. "I'm not; I was only asked to pick you up today for some reason."

"Ohh.., soo… I…

"Don't worry, you'll see me again," he assured me, I nodded, and we both got out of the car. He told me to go in while he carried my bags from the car.

The house was indeed beautiful, painted white, making it look pure. I looked around the compound, and it was big but not to the extent of my house in England. Pretty flowers were planted around, and there was space to park about three or four cars, depending on the size of the car.

I didn't take my time to check out the compound properly as I hurried inside. I am so nervous right now.

As soon as I stepped inside, I saw about three people seated on the couches. Who are they? or am I going to be starting work immediately?

I don't know why, but the atmosphere seemed hot. I moved inside a little bit more and got a clear view of them; indeed, they were three—two men and a woman—all in black suits. They looked powerful, in fact intimidating. They looked like they were expecting someone, and I knew that was me.

I walked closer to them, my footsteps announcing my presence. The woman faced back to look at me, and I gave a little smile, not knowing how else to react. I kept moving forward until I stood in front of them, and there he was. Michael. He's seated majestically, with his right leg crossed on the left and his two hands resting on the couch too. On the two single couches that is beside the double, where the unknown woman and man sit respectively

Oh my! He looked dangerously handsome that my heart skipped a bit. I've always known he was good-looking, but strangely, he's more appealing right now.

"You're welcome, Quinn," I heard one of them say. I finally moved my eyes away from him in the direction of the voice I heard. It was the woman who was now adjusting her suit a little bit.

"Thank you," I replied. She stretched her hand, and I took it. We shook, and then she gestured for me to sit, and I did so carefully. I realised the chair I sat on was facing Michael's directly. I looked up and met his eyes staring straight at me too. I took my eyes away from him almost immediately and faced the woman again.

"I'm Theresa, this is Morris, and you know Michael already. We three will be in charge of you," the woman whose name is Theresa explained, and all I could do was nod; they knew my name already.

"We're going to leave you to rest today while you start working tomorrow, but I would like you to check out the furniture and every other thing about the house today and see if there's anything you want to change or adjust," she further said. I understand, but I will start working tomorrow? That is early.


"Yes, don't worry, you don't have much to do until next week." I sighed in relief and then nodded my head and looked around the house a little bit. I could tell instantly that it was okay for me; almost everywhere was painted white, even the furniture, and I love white. I would just check the rooms and all.

"Yeah, for now. Check around and let us know if you want anything to be changed." Theresa said again calmly, I'm starting to wonder if Morris was dumb or something. Why is she the only one talking?

"I will do that and get back to you."

"Okay, Bethel!" She's calling someone; who is that? I wondered, then a beautiful girl came from one of the rooms, wearing what looked like a uniform. She has pretty shoulder-length dark hair. I envy her immediately. I mean, long hair is always stressful to maintain, and Granny would never allow me to cut mine.

"This is Bethel; she will assist you in the house for a while."

"Oh, okay." I looked over to her, and she spoke first: "Hi, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too; I'm Quinn," I replied to her.

"Okay then, enjoy the rest of your day," Theresa said as she stood, carrying her black briefcase with her. She made to leave, and the two others stood up and followed her out without saying a word to me.

I'm still confused. Why did the three come if it was only Theresa who was going to do the talking?

"What would you like to eat, Quinn?" I heard Bethel's voice coming from a corner. I headed there and found the dining room. Everything in this house is sure impressive; even the dining room looked... I couldn't find the right word; the kitchen was approximately 10 to 15 feet behind the dining room.

"Nothing; I want to rest first," I said as I got to the kitchen. She was facing the cooker and looked like she was frying something.

"Okay then," she replied without even facing back to look at me. What is this? Is this how she's supposed to treat her boss? Silly me, am I even her boss in the first place?

"Follow that way," she said, turning back and pointing behind me, and you will recognise your room when you see it." She turned back to what she was doing. I wonder what she meant by recognising it when I see it.