

At the airport

Quinn faced back for the last time and waved for the last time to her family. She could tell her Granny was crying, and Amie was looking at her with her eyes filled with tears too. She realised she was crying but cleaned her face with the back of her hand quickly and gave one last final smile before turning and entering the private jet, and then she closed her eyes.

The next time she opened them, she was in the jet alone.

Quinn's POV

What? What happened here? Hello? I called out a few times, but nobody answered me. What the hell is this? A dream? Getting a little scared, I stood quickly from my seat and walked towards the door, and it was opened. Immediately after I got out of the jet, I knew I was no longer in England, so it wasn't a dream after all.

The sight was so beautiful, I couldn't help but gape and let out a wow, but wait. Why is this airport so quiet? Is this how it is, or is it a kind of personal space? Aside from that, where is the pilot? My eyes danced around quickly, and there I saw a black car parked around one corner of the place. I moved towards the car, and before I could get there, the door of the car was opened, and a man was wearing a black suit. He was six feet tall, if I'm not mistaken, and he was wearing sunglasses, but I could still tell he was a handsome man.

"Hello, you're awake now." He said, taking off his sunglasses, that he smiled at me a bit.

"Yes, uhmm…. Who are you?" I asked since I couldn't find anything else to say.

"I'm Andrew; I'll drive you to the house."

"Ohhhh," I said, nodding my head. I see; he's the driver they sent.

"And your phone is here; also, your luggage is in the car," he added again politely as he handed over my phone to me. The phone rang almost immediately. I collected it; it was him. I picked him up and waited for him to speak first.

"You've seen your driver, right?"

"Andrew?" I asked to be sure; I just got here.

"Yes, that's him; he'll bring you."

"Okay," and he hangs up.

"Welcome to America, Quinn," I heard Andrew say, with a smile on his face.

"Thank you," I smiled back. He seems like a nice person. That made me remember Joshua, although he doesn't smile regularly; in fact, he rarely smiles, but I knew he was a very nice and responsible person. I was so touched when he told us his story. That night was the second week we packed into the house we were given. My grandmother forced him to eat dinner with us, and he ended up telling his story. I smiled harder as I remembered that scene.

Andrew opened the door to the passenger's seat for me, but I refused and insisted on sitting beside him. He gave up trying to convince me and allowed me to sit with him at the front.

I kept staring everywhere as we were going. America is indeed very beautiful. I kept gasping and saying, Wow, anytime I see something I haven't seen before, or even when I see things that are in England, but I have no idea it's going to be in America too. I could hear Andrew laughing at me all this while, but I ignored him totally and just enjoyed it and even took pictures of some of it. I wish I could stop to visit these places one after the other, but I know better.

Soon we got to a place that looked kind of different. I mean, it's kind of quiet and extra beautiful. There were houses on every side. I could see pretty flowers shining so brightly that I felt like touching them. The place was so peaceful that it made me wonder where we were. I turned to Andrew. "Where is this place?" I asked

"An estate, your apartment is here," he answered me. I was speechless. No way, my apartment? Here? My mouth remained wide open for a while before I could finally speak again.

"Are you kidding me? What do you mean I'll be living here? Wait, with whom?"

"I don't know if you're going to be living with someone else, but you'll be staying here. But, why are you so surprised?"

"I don't know, I mean... I guess I just don't know I'm going to be living in a proper house like this one." Andrew looked at me somehow before nodding his head. I guess he doesn't understand what I meant, but you can't blame me though; this place is just too beautiful. I honestly thought I was going to live in the school hostel or something.

The car suddenly slowed down. I looked up to see a big gate in front of us. The gate opened on its own accord, and Andrew drove in. Now I couldn't help but open my mouth wide again. Beautiful is an understatement for this one; it looked like paradise.

"Don't tell me my house is one of these," I asked as I pointed to the houses we passed by.

"Hmm, not really, no," Andrew said, and I breathed out in relief before I knew it.

And yes, I notice that as we get deeper into the so-called estate, the beauty somehow decreases. It seems like they intentionally made it that way. The first set of houses was the most beautiful, while the second followed. To satisfy my curiosity, I asked the question, "Why does this place look more ordinary than the first one?"

"That's how it is here; it's a three-in-one estate. Maybe you didn't notice, but they indicated the name at the front of the main entrance."

"I didn't see it. What's the name?" I asked as I interrupted him.

"It's called Rosey Palace, and as I was saying, there are three sections here. Like you said, the first set is more beautiful and, of course, more expensive, followed by the second, and then the third. You'll figure out more yourself. He concluded.

I remained silent, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence anymore. Soon Andrew took a turn to the left, and we faced a black-coloured gate. He horned twice. My heart was beating hard against my chest. Yes, this is it. I can tell we are there at last.

The gate opened, and we drove in.