
Star's Malice

Mark was just a tool created for the sole purpose of protecting his Young Miss. But what if he got betrayed, and killed, what can he do? Wait, he actually got into some other world? And there are Alpacows here? Join Mark on his journey in this new world as he attempts to understand how he got here and to what purpose. This story is for other lovers of stealthy characters and sneaky, stabby stabby people. The main character will try to resolve most of his encounters before his prey knew what hit them. I will try to portray his expertise as best as I can. If that's what you like? You're welcome to try. The story is also uploaded on Royal Road. Posted as The Umbra Bear

HuangShiFeng · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

3. The Goblins

The creature thought that its ambush is flawless and wasn't expecting that the moment it jumped at its target, he would instantly react by spinning towards it. The only thing it was able to see was a cold flash of steel. The dagger pierced its chest, right above the heart. Blood spurted onto Mark's hand.

Before it was even able to start struggling to break free the target was already backing off, yanking the dagger out, ready to fight its two companions. It was unable to see how the fight went on, as it slowly lost its consciousness. Mark was a little displeased with his attack. Because of his lack of control over all his movements, and the unexpectedly short stature of the creature he was unable to hit its heart precisely.

Because of that, the creature has a chance to survive and may wake up to attack him when he was least expecting it. Before he was able to delve deeper into the quagmire, he run a little ways ahead and to the left to not get pinned in-between the two remaining foes, who showed themselves after their companion was easily taken care of. But contrary to his expectations it didn't deter them whatsoever, they were behaving as if they didn't see it at all, still intent on fighting him. When they left the bushes, he was finally able to see what he was dealing with.

Two creatures of about 1,2 m in height with gray patchy skin and completely round head with two floppy pointed ears. In their small red eyes, only hatred and hunger could be felt. They were both almost naked with the only thing protecting Mark from some ungodly sight were rugged loincloths that were filled with stains of blood, sweat and he was sure of it, shit. For weapons, one was using a short iron spear, that in the creatures hands looked almost like a pike. It wasn't rusted and the wood looked pretty new and sturdy, must be from some recent victim. The other one tough was only using a rusty dagger. He felt disgusted at the first sight of them but he didn't let that thought distract him from the task at hand.

He grasped his dagger tightly and observed carefully for any movements that the two creatures would make. After staring at themselves for a while, the monsters couldn't hold their hunger anymore and both lunged at him without any tactics or formation. It seems that the leader that was responsible for setting this ambush was the one that lunged first, thus they were no longer able to cooperate. Seeing that, Mark couldn't help but smirk, he lightly dodged the stab from the spear, while at the same time sending a quick stab at the monster's throat.

Unfortunately, at the last moment it dropped its spear and used its hands to protect itself, earning a nasty stab to the arm, blood squirting on its face and leaking down. Using this opportunity, the second one slashed at him with its dagger, intending to gut him. Unfazed, Mark tried to evade that, but the dagger still managed to graze him slightly on the forearm.

Feeling the pain, he knew that he would have to clean the wound. After slashing with all its strength the goblin has overextended itself and using this opportunity, Mark quickly pierced its throat and kicked its body towards the spear wielding one that tried to pick up its weapon in the moment he was distracted. The force of the kick sent both monsters staggering and not willing to spend more time on them than necessary, he charged forward and pierced the throat of the spear Goblin. Then he went towards the first one and when he was about to finish him off it suddenly jumped wanting to pierce its claws into his neck, the only thing it saw was a tip of a dagger just before its eye and then darkness. Looking at this puny animal, Mark couldn't help but chuckle.

He had seen so many people trying to feign their death that he could instantly tell that it was waiting for the best opportunity, how could he be caught off guard by it? After killing them he looked around and focused on the forest around him in search of any signs of anything else that could be waiting for him to get distracted. He looked at the bodies and seeing the state the loincloths were in he didn't have any intention of searching them. The only thing he thought he will take was the spear.

He strapped it at his back with his belt and after thinking for a bit decided to throw the bodies further into the forest as to not attract any predators to his only path towards water. After dragging them about 200 meters deep into the forest he came back to the river and carefully cleaned the wound before tearing off a small cloth from his shirt and wrapping it around it. This time coming back, he was fully focused on the surroundings.

Fortunately, he was able to get back without any mishaps. After settling down he remembered about all these statistics on his wrist and decided to check if there was anything new there.

Name: Mark

Class: None

Level: 1-> 2

Experience: 19/20

MP: 6->8

SP: 6->9

Strength: 3->4

Agility: 4->6

Constitution: 2->3

Intelligence: 3->4


Precise Shot:

Slight correction of fired arrow.

LVL 1 EXP 9/10

Beginner Bow Mastery:

Better handling of weapon: Bow

LVL 2 EXP 2/20

Beginner Dagger Mastery:

Better handling of weapon: Dagger

LVL 2 EXP 4/20


Executes a powerful stab dealing much more damage.

LVL 1 EXP 1/10

He was astonished to find that there was a new skill there, Stab. 'Hmm when he thought of it, he killed all the goblins with only stab attacks. But if getting a skill was so easy then this body should have many more skill than it has now, so he can conclude that it is not so easy at all. Then why is it that he has got another skill just after one fight? Hmm, could it be because of his past life proficiencies? If it was like that, then he should get a lot more skills, but it was possible he needed to use them in this world for them to actualize.'

Thinking up to now he decided to try his theory out with the skill in which he was the most proficient. Stealth. In the end he was the shadow of his Young Miss, of course he had to be able to hide his presence. He stood up and went into the shadow in the corner of his room. He crouched and concentrated on hiding his presence, after a moment he felt the surroundings dim a little bit, everything became gray, time seemed to slow down a minuscule amount and he felt his presence thinning out. He stood like that for almost half an hour before he suddenly felt an enormous exhaustion.

The world turned back to normal and he slumped to the ground. After resting for a bit, he was finally able to move, and he immediately checked his status.


You are thinning your presence, avoiding the awareness of other living beings.

LVL 1 EXP 8/20

So that is how it works. He also understood why did he suddenly slump down with no energy. It was because he run out of SP. Right now, he could stay in that state for about 25 minutes and if he wanted to forcefully stay like that, fainting was the only result he could get.

That meant he could stay hidden for only this much and if he wanted it to last longer than he needed to increase his SP, there was also a possibility that rising the level of this skill could extend the time duration or decrease the SP cost. With his theory confirmed it was now finally time to work. He had to get back as much of his skills from last life and to get completely used to his new body. Only when he gets to his peak, will he go out to the world and find out more information.

So, he made himself a meal with the ingredients he has got at hand and started thinking of the best route of training for his body.

With this, his hellish training began.