
Spider Story

i lived in Texas as a kid in a town called fort hood and one day me and my sister are sitting out in a little dirt area right by the door im playing in the dirt probably trying to figure out why its dirt over there while im sitting on concrete and cant wrap my brain around that when i here my dad come out of the house and yell "O shit" and grab my sister by her arm and pull her to the door like she was on the edge of a cliff and i look over and i see this spider that is the size of a dinner plate and its in the spot my sister was just at i guess while me and my sister were sitting out here this fucking spider was hiding behind a gas can and started hunting my sister and my dad saw it and as he pulled her away is jumped over to where she was sitting a moment before as i see that my dad slams his both down on the spider but its not working so my dad start jumping on this crazy huge spider with both feet slamming down for a good 15 seconds while yelling "Babe get the fucking bug spray HURRY" what i didn't know at the time was my dad was fucking terrified of spiders when my dad was in Iraq he was in the middle of a firefight hiding behind a big as boulder laying down and coming up to shoot back when he sees this camel spider start crawling over the rock heading towards him and in the middle of the gunfire he yells "MOVING" bullets are spraying all around him but that spider was more terrifying to my dad that he would rather get shot then sit there anyway so hes jumping on this spider and spraying it with the bug spray and then he get off it and keeps spraying it and the fucking thing bounces back to shape and runs away.