
Standing on top of the worlds

Don is the ruler of the world earth, but gets betrayed by his ally, after his death he finds himself in a new world way diffrent then the one he was in before. Don sets his sights on conquering this new world and getting stronger, striking everyone agains him or even those that’s not against him all to relise his new goals.

dad_song · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The town.

As Zei and mark now entered the town, it was very lively, There where people all over the streets, and There where stalls selling goods and houses for living. But the thing that cought Zei's attention was that In the middle of the town was a black tower. It looked out of place from the lively city.

"Hey come buy this special sword made with enchantments, of you chant some mana to it, it's going to become extremly hot making cutting through armor like butter, for you my friend i'll do 100 mana stones, and 50 gold coins.

"Come to this stall where we sell the best armor with special enhanced mana that strengten your armor making it block up to the semi first realm of mana cores, it as long as you put in mana to it, for just 70 mana Stones and 100 gold."

"I'll take that" a man with a green robe said and handed him the money, and some type of glowing blue round stones.

Stalls everywhere talked about their goods and sold left and right, wherever they could.

Zei was also a bit intressted by what they said and their goods, so like any one year old he went to the guy seeling the sword.

Mark took notice of this and said "we cant buy that Zei, the heavy fee of the school is and something else we are gonna get is already enough, now let's go."

He then took Zei's arm and continued to go forward. Zei did not like being draged and told What to do, but there was nothing he could do about it.

As they continued walking among the crowd and merchants. They suddendly found themself outside the adventurer guild. Zei saw many people with armor and swords coming in and out from the building, and a few without. The building was very big and made of wood, it was near the center of the city, there was a big mark outside the guild with 2 swords leaning on each other like this.


Some of the people where in groups, and others alone, they all felt diffrently powerful, but Zei could feel that they are far stronger then him. Maybe some are as strong as Mark or stronger.

Mark then yet again talked to Zei "The adventurer guild is something that every clan has, at least in the gox territory, they have to follow the rules set by the clans on where they station their guild, and give a little fee to the clans from the profit they make on quest that we do for them."

"The reson we do quest for them is we also make much from what we do, and only give about 10% of our quest to the guild, the reason we go to them is all we have to do is bring the beasts to them, they handle the process of selling and they make the best prices by their quest for the beast, supply and demand. And with so many attending them you see that they are very rich"

"They are all over the empire but that's something for another time. And just because they follow the rules set by the clans on them, doesent mean they are to be messed with. They are one of the richest powerhouses, one time a clan far away put too binding rules and even robbed them, this resulted in the hole clan being whipted out. So don't mess with them" Mark knew Zei could not understand but he still explained.

"It kind of sounds like McVonlads back on earth, they are everywhere, and make bank, but they still pay taxes to the country they are in. So it's a win win situation. But here it's just more conrtol because of power" Zei thought.

Then they went inside, and it was pretty big the insides was also made of wood, and it was smooth there where some lamps hanging from the ceiling and on the walls. The resseption was at the front from where you enter. There where also 2 guards There with black armor and 2 swords lining against each other on the armors front. Representing the adventurer guild.

That was where the people go register the quest they will take. There where also people lining on the walls looking for quests beffiting of their strengts and most profitable to then comfirm in the ressesion.

Mark took Zei to the line of to the resseption. After waiting for a bit they finnaly met a girl at the front.

"Hello, what can i help you with" the girl said in a profesionall manner.

She had blonde hair and brown eyes, with mature fetures.

"I'd like a quest for something beffiting of what my son can handle"

"Very well, tell me his rank and realm." She then looked at Zei. Then back at Mark.

"He dosent have a rank or realm yet." Mark said, She looked at him with a annoying look but then got her act together and said "i'm sorry but there is a long line waiting for approval of quests, please don't come and waste time here"

"He has strengthened himself." After he said that, she was a little supprised, but then said "alright he can take on the most basic of quests, don't people strengten when they are just 1 year old?"

"Yes he is just 1 year old right now" Mark said, she then looked at Zei and then at Mark again and said, "you really love wasting time don't you, now get out."

"Guards show this man out." She said to the guards stationed near the resseption.

They walked out peacefully and after they where outside the guards went back in.

"Well that did not work out" Mark then scratched his beard and said "well I just wanted to test out if we could upp your rank while ur still young, but that did not work out i guess"

Zei however was starting to question himself if his dad is stupid or not, what type of idiot would send a 1 year old on quests," back in the organisation the first quest he got was when he was 4 years old and it was to assasinate someone because people let down their guard around kids.

"Now let's go to what we really came here for" taking Zei by his hand, Mark walked to the big black tower in the middle of the town.

And as they where outside the tower, the guards stoped them and asked what their here for, Mark then explained his here for mana cultivating books, and they let him and Zei in. But not before paying the entre fee of 5 mana stones, this is so that people won't go in and just waste time. But where acctually here to do business.