
Morning Star's Sword

Upon the moment of Rod's return of the sword to the armory, Archangel Rafael greeted him with a smile, acknowledging their victory against Gaap. "Remarkable is what you have shown, Rod," he said, expressing his admiration. "I heard you led the souls and vanquished Gaap. And because of that, we have triumphed over darkness, a significant step towards defeating Amaymon."

After his greeting, he approached Rod upon seeing the sword he returned.

"I have something to tell you about that sword," said Archangel Rafael.

"That sword, no one else has the capability to wield it. It's heavy and no one else can lift or claim it, except for Archangels," he added.

"Why. What kind of sword is this?" Rod suddenly got curious about what's special about the sword.

"That sword was once used by Lucifer when he was still here in heaven," said Archangel Rafael.

Upon hearing this, Rod seemed surprised and wide-eyed.

"After the great rebellion he led, it was left behind when he was cast out of heaven," the archangel recounted.

Rod seemed to be experiencing mixed emotions. He didn't know whether to be pleased or worried.

"But despite the sword having been corrupted, there is still a part of it that remains holy," explained Archangel Rafael. "That is the light you must use to fight darkness and show goodness in the world."

"I don't understand why I have been granted the ability to wield it," Rod said, seeming uncertain about what would happen.

"The fact that you can wield the sword means it has chosen you to use it. The decision is yours whether to cleanse all the stains on the sword by using it for good or to succumb to the temptation of the power it can bestow upon you," said Archangel Rafael, offering guidance.

"Thank you for your guidance, Archangel Rafael," said Rod.

After their conversation, they bid each other farewell. Rod headed to the garden, where he saw the souls he had fought alongside. They were there, talking and being together, their faces reflecting joy and hope.

When they saw Rod, the eyes of his companions sparkled with joy. "Rod!" whispered one, filled with gratitude. "Thank you for your courage and leadership. Because of you, we have succeeded."

Rod felt complete joy upon seeing them.

"No, you're wrong. We succeeded because of you guys. Despite not knowing each other, you all still trusted me. So thank you," Rod said, returning the gratitude to them.

"We will never forget all the sacrifices you made for us," added another soul, their voice filled with respect and admiration.

In the company of his comrades, Rod feels the warmth of their love for him. He's happy to see them all alive despite the trials and dangers they've faced.

In the days following their successful mission, Rod returned to training. As the days passed, his determination and perseverance in every aspect of his warriorhood intensified. His movements became faster and stronger, and his dances became cleaner and more graceful.

Despite the fatigue and effort, every training session brings him joy and satisfaction. With each step of his progress, he feels even more ready to face any challenge that may come in the future.

The following day, amidst the training, while the warriors are fervently demonstrating their skills, the seven Archangels watch from the sidelines, filled with interest and love for their subjects. Their faces beam with joy as they follow every step and movement of the warriors.

As they observe the practicing souls, the seven Archangels converse among themselves.

"Michael, have you not been assigned a mission yet?" Archangel Rafael asks.

"Not yet," Michael responds.

"The Lord knows all that happens in every world. Perhaps He's just waiting for the right time," Archangel Gabriel remarks.

"The problem lies with the people. God probably waits for then to call upon Him," Archangel Samiel says. "I'm getting worried about Earth U5."

"Every world faces challenges because of demons. As long as people's hearts continue to harden, others unknowingly get affected," Archangel Michael adds.

"Let's not be too serious for now. Uh, what if we have some fun?" says Archangel Rafael with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye.

"Haha, I think I know what you're thinking," Archangel Michael remarks. "Go ahead, Uriel. Give Rafael a shot," he adds.

Upon hearing this, Archangel Uriel stretches his body and flaps his glowing yellow wings, "Sure, no problem," he says with a smile. "Come on, Rafael, stretch out and let's show the warriors."

As Rod and the warriors rest, two Archangels land in the middle of the vast training ground. They are Archangel Uriel and Rafael. Meanwhile, the other five Archangels position themselves on the side of the training ground where the other warriors are resting.

In a loud voice, Archangel Michael speaks, "Fellow warriors, this is just for fun. Amidst your hardships, fatigue, and sacrifices, we simply want to bring you joy and, in some way, inspire you."

"Our brothers, Archangel Rafael and Archangel Uriel, simply want to stretch their bodies."

After seeing and hearing the Archangels and hearing what Archangel Michael said, Rod approaches from his position to witness the upcoming spar between the two Archangels.

All the warriors seem to have lost their fatigue and are excited for the spar to begin.

As the two face each other at a not-so-distant distance, Archangel Rafael smiles at Archangel Uriel, seemingly signaling him to initiate the attack. Archangel Uriel returns the smile, with a serious look in his eyes directed at Archangel Rafael.

With a swift flap of his wings, Uriel charges towards Rafael with extraordinary speed, leaving what seems like dust in his wake.

It delivered a powerful right punch, which Rafael countered by crossing his arms, causing him to stagger backward. Using his wings, he flapped them to halt his backward motion.

Afterward, he looked at Uriel with a smile yet serious, seemingly enjoying their sparring match. All souls and angels watched in awe at the first clash of the two archangels.

"Wow, so strong!" Rod exclaimed to himself as his eyes sparkled with admiration at what he had witnessed…