
stand and Summon system in MCU future avengers

I own nothing

gamefame_2014 · Anime & Comics
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Max is on the stage as a small audience gathered

Max:hello my name is max and I'm am here today to show you 3 only three of my inventions that will benefit the world(walks to his first inventions) I shall ask you this "who here studys for a major" like doctor,lawyer,police or something else ?

As no one knows what to say a hand was raised revealing a 16 year old boy with a "I LOVE SCIENCE " T shirt on max picking him the boy got up on stage

Max: what's your major Boi

Man named Boi: I am studying to be a surgeon

Max:Okay how much do you know about surgery

Boi: just the basic

Max: did you ever dissect anything


Max:(holds up a piece visor the one vegeta has and mix it with SAO augma) put this on Boi

Boi put on the ear piece as Max attached a cable to the side of the device and a projector he made

Max: Okay now this will let everyone see what you'll see now and.... done

Max press a button as a virtual sphere surrounded the whole audience as the surrounding of the sphere turned into a operating room with a holo body on a table in front of Boi(his name is Boi deal with it) now in surgical gear everyone looked surprised while Max smiled seeing it working

Max:this is called "augma" as it augment your reality in a special hologram so that you could practice on the major you have as you can see that Boi is gonna perform surgery on a holographic body but it's not just for a major practice its also like a computer and/or phone as I'll show you an example (as his harem gets on stage as more people gather around) Rue if you will

Rue then pulled out her phone and Dailed a number a few seconds later the augma started beeping as Max pressed a button on the side as a holographic rue appeared in front of the crowd gaining wows from everyone as Boi just stood there

Max:that's not all folks as yes it can take calls and now for the fun part (press a button) tada

The surrounding changes into a space ship deck as holographic Darth Vader appears with his lightsaber on as Boi now in Luke Skywalker clothing Turing on his lightsaber about to fight

Max:whatever it's study practice, taking call,be in someone else's place, or looking at the world from a different perspective with Augma you can do it all

After that max turned off Augma as everything turned back to normal as the crowd went wild seeing this making them wonder about the other two inventions are ...while Boi took off Augma and gave it back to max after a while the crowd calmed down max went to his second invention as a bigger crowd was approaching and now if you look really closely you can see some important figures

Max:now my second invention it's for all the construction companies as you know they build houses and stuff but did you know about 816 workers die(Google it 2009) each day and some injured thus slowing the building process and need more man power but no more

As max reveal his next invention which is a backpack putting it on he put something on the back of his neck as 4 mechanical arms popped out (that's right female dogs doctor octopus is back i know it was for science but this makes more sense to me) and lifted him up amazing the audience as the important figures look at him with interest

Max:these "smart arms" are made from nanotechnology thus making it reach and stretch(grabs something far),go over obstacles (hangs from the roof) and its safe,strong,durable(lifts a heavy object) and it's all controlled by a psychic link to the brain and the arms but that's only one feature it also keeps you protected from things that happen at construction sites like falling debris,nail gun accidents etc

Crowd went more wild with the inventions making them want to see the last one max putting his arms away he went to his final invention opening it reveals a belt (dark knight batman belt replace bat symbol with a rescue one) for all accidents this is "savior" it looks like a belt but to all rescue people doctors,police, firemen so on its the ultimate Swiss army knife of rescuing folks it's has a mini factory that can produce the items needed don't have a hand cuff bam (pulls out handcuffs) someone trapped in car and don't have a hammer no problem (pulls out car hammer) savior save and protect the people (batman approved)

People lost their 💩 after winning and as news people appeared asking a bunch of questions like "where did you get the inspiration from " "are you selling this" but there is one question that he thought about "are you considering working with Tony stark in the future " making the important figure who was Tony stark and pepper potts all along look at max from a distance max saw them and acting pretend to not see them with a thought he had an answer

Max:[guess I'll make Tony see his errors and hope it doesn't change the time-line] no I won't work for a murderer (sees tony moving close) while yes we both want to change the world for the better he builds weapons of mass destruction while I build not weapons but tools of preservation of the human life we the humans only have 1 life its fragile and could end any second while he's a war monger I'm a pacifist he's the fire I'm the water I'll make my own business and save the world because (walks off but says one more thing) I'm no killer I'm a hugger (spies in disguise)

After max left with harem he checked his phone and saw a notification pulling it up he saw a quest app opening it he saw something surprising and he did not expect it

Quest:win the expo

Reward 1,000,000,000$,advanced hamon training book,hamon mask,and harvest

Stats so far



Strength: 120

Defense: 90

Luck: medium high


Stand:echo 3,hanged man, red magician, the sun, harvest

Summon:Ms Fortune,Oboro,Rue Hitoma and Jillian

