
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 29

Twenty minutes ago, on the northwest side of Jiandan Village, a complex magical formation began to take shape in the distance. The intricate patterns and symbols often glow, etching themselves onto a surface surrounded by lush vegetation and the moonlit shadows of trees. Gradually, it assumed a square shape, rising to the height of an adult tree. Upon completion, shadowy figures emerged, taking on the form of human silhouettes, one by one, from within the square-shaped magical formation.

After a few minutes, around 35 of these shadowy figures started to emerge from the forest. As they approached the exit, the leading figure raised their right hand, prompting those following to halt. Then, in a soft voice, the leader spoke, and four shadowy beings approached. The leader whispered to them as he handed over a scroll. Upon receiving it, the four swiftly departed, employing their distinctive movement technique.

As the four departed, they continued their journey on foot. With each step, their figures gradually emerged from the darkness, illuminated by the soft glow of the waxing gibbous moon. Dressed in simple black Hanfu attire, they adorned themselves with black capes billowing behind them. Once they had stepped fully outside, Long Spiky Hair issued instructions to the 21 companions, detailing their next course of action. Upon hearing this, they promptly complied with his orders, fully aware of the tasks at hand. After finalizing their preparations, they activated their movement technique, propelling themselves swiftly towards the village with determination in their strides.

As the group dwindled down to only nine members, one of Long Spiky Hair's trusted subordinates seized the moment to seek clarification from their leader.

"Why didn't you bring us along, boss?"

He turned towards his subordinates upon hearing the question, his gaze shifting momentarily to the village. "Because my big brother warned me that there might be a cultivator here," he explained softly, his voice carrying a hint of caution.

Continuing his explanation, he addressed his astonished subordinates. "It's too risky to let anyone escape again due to the interference of a cultivator in our operations. So, whether someone manages to flee or not, including villagers in our carefully arranged formation array will ensure we can easily capture them."

His words impressed his nine subordinates, but they paused when their leader raised his right hand. "This idea came from my big brother, so let's also give him credit."

Acknowledging their leader's words, the nine subordinates redirected their attention to the village, their primary target, from their vantage point.



On the northern outskirts of Jiandan Village, two figures, their faces partially obscured by bamboo hats, walked alongside their horses. The moonlight gradually illuminated their features as they engaged in conversation.

"Sorry if I wasn't much help in finding the medicinal plants," Li Mei apologized to Xiao Yun.

"Don't worry about it. Searching for medicinal plants is indeed difficult and dangerous because we're not the only ones looking; there are also many cultivators, like alchemists, searching. Medicinal plants are the main ingredients for making pills," Xiao Yun explained.

"But do you think the medicinal plants we found are enough?" Li Mei asked.

Hearing her question, Xiao Yun's expression turned serious as she touched the storage ring she wore. "Honestly, it's not really enough. The herbs we found are only low-grade. Nonetheless, they'll still be a significant help in supplementing the funds for purchasing the techniques we'll need."

Li Mei fell silent, contemplating Xiao Yun's response.

"Alright, let's pick up the pace; those two might be waiting for us to come home."

Li Mei simply nodded, and they quickened their steps. After returning the two rented horses, Li Mei and Xiao Yun bid each other farewell and headed towards their respective homes. As Xiao Yun walked home, she noticed something peculiar: four straight lines gradually forming at the four corners of their village. This strange sight caused the villagers to halt their activities as they observed the mysterious phenomenon unfold.

Meanwhile, at the chief's house, Elder Chief Bai Yun stood in stunned silence, realizing the significance of what he was witnessing. Aware of the implications, he instructed one of his men to sound the alarm, indicating either an imminent attack or the need for immediate evacuation. Without delay, one of his men promptly executed the order to sound the alarm, and the bell rang out loudly.

Dang, dang, dang...

As soon as they heard it, all the people in Jiandan Village halted their activities, their attention captured by the four lights illuminating their village. Without hesitation, they sprung into action, rushing to their homes to gather essential belongings and be with their loved ones, preparing to evacuate.


Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Yun hurriedly made her way home to find Madara. However, upon reaching the house, she found that he was nowhere to be found.

"Madara, where are you?" Xiao Yun called out, her voice tinged with worry.

Pausing briefly to collect her thoughts, Xiao Yun suddenly heard an explosion coming from the west side of their village. Without further delay, she rushed towards the source, hoping to find Madara there.

Arriving at the scene, she was shocked to see a group of men dressed in black. It wasn't their appearance or attire that caught her attention, but the distinctive wolf tattoos adorning their necks. Recalling what a merchant once told her about such tattoos being associated with slave traffickers, Xiao Yun couldn't help but murmur softly, "This is bad."


After the explosion, the villagers dashed towards the village exit, only to find their path obstructed by a group of men in black emerging from the dissipating smoke.

Summoning his courage, Oldman Chief Bai Yun confronted the strangers. "Who are you, and why are you attacking our village?"

One of the men, noting his attire, interjected. "Judging by your outfit, I'd say you're the leader here, so..."

As he was still speaking, someone suddenly interjected from his left. "Wind Whisper Slash."

----Wind Whisper Slash: It's a stealthy move where the wielder infuses their sword with wind energy, enabling them to deliver silent slashes. This silent approach catches enemies off guard.----

In an instant, the man didn't even grasp that his head had been severed. Witnesses, including the companions of the dark-clothed man, could only stare in shock as his head fell to the ground with a dull thud. Xiao Yun's urgent cry broke the silence: "Run now!"

In response, the townsfolk swiftly fled towards any available exit, but before they could escape, explosions erupted in various directions.



Meanwhile, their leader, overseeing the operation, noticed something amiss with the pouch containing their pendants. One of the pendants abruptly dimmed, indicating the loss of one of his men. Moments later, another pendant flickered and dimmed, prompting him to issue swift orders to his remaining men.

"Secure the perimeter of this village," he commanded.

With determination, he swiftly employed his movement technique towards the village. His nine men, upon hearing his directive, sprang into action without hesitation.



Under the shroud of night, chaos descends upon the once-tranquil village. Flames consume homes, shadows wield sinister powers, and villagers flee in terror. Brave warriors engaged in fierce clashes with the invaders, their courage illuminating the darkness. Yet the outcome remains uncertain as fear and desperation grip the village, its fate precariously balanced.

As chaos erupted in Jiandan Village that fateful night, a lone lady found herself embroiled in a fierce battle against two shadowy figures. Despite the wounds that marred her form with each clash, she remained undeterred, confronting her adversaries with unwavering resolve. Amidst their lightning-fast exchanges, a symphony of evasion and the brilliance of intersecting techniques danced through the air, a testament to their mastery.

Though outnumbered, the lady wielded her jian sword with deadly precision, targeting the vital points of her dark-clad foes. Her movements, a seamless blend of footwork and swordsmanship reminiscent of a seasoned cultivator, had already claimed the lives of three assailants earlier that night. As they continued their deadly dance, one of her opponents couldn't help but remark amidst the fray:

"Miss, I never imagined that in the remote confines of this village, we would encounter a swordswoman as skilled and beautiful as you."

Unperturbed by the remark, Xiao Yun's focus intensified, amplifying the energy swirling around her sword. As a result, the two men felt the change in Xiao Yun's grip on her sword. Swiftly, she aimed a slash at the man before her with her left hand. Yet, because of Xiao Yun's potent sword intent, her strike only grazed the man's chest, forcing him to quickly sidestep. Sensing it abruptly, the man veered slightly to the left, catching sight of Xiao Yun's exposed right chest. Reacting swiftly, he unleashed the "blazing punch."

Without hesitation, he channeled it into his fist and released it in a fiery burst. The impact was palpable as she coughed up blood, but her resolve remained unshaken. In a fluid motion, she retaliated, driving her sword into the man's left side. 

----Blazing Punch: This technique involves gathering Qi into the fist and then releasing it in a concentrated burst, enveloping the fist in flames. It's a powerful attack that can cause moderate damage upon impact.----

Empowered by her manifested sword intent, the blade pierced through the man's body, cleaving through flesh and bone until it emerged from his back. As agony coursed through him, he cursed vehemently, blood seeping from his lips. "Fuck."

When his companion saw what was happening, he cried out, "Brother!" and immediately lunged toward Xiao Yun's back. "I'll kill you," he shouted as he unleashed the "Ignition Kick."

----Ignition Kick: By infusing Qi into their legs, cultivators can execute a swift kick that leaves a trail of fire in its wake. It's commonly used to catch opponents off guard or to break through defenses.----

With precision, he aimed for her head, but just as the kick was about to connect, she swiftly drove, evading the attack. Seizing the opportunity, Xiao Yun turned and swiftly charged towards the man.

Realizing Xiao Yun's evasion, the man quickly conjured "Flame Strike," channeling it through his right hand.

----Flame Strike: A simple yet effective move where the cultivator concentrates their Qi into their fist and unleashes it in a forward punch, creating a streak of flame that shoots towards the enemy.----

Acting without hesitation, he swiftly directed his right hand towards Xiao Yun as she closed in. With a fierce cry, he unleashed the technique: "Flame Strike."

Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Startled by the approaching fist, she didn't hesitate to step back and confront it directly. Utilizing her agility, she turned the momentum into an opportunity, swiftly sidestepping to narrowly avoid his fist. Unfortunately, the blow landed on her ear, damaging her left one and causing it to bleed.

Disregarding the pain, Xiao Yun closed the distance, locking eyes with the man before unleashing her devastating Wind Whisper Slash upon him. Unable to evade the attack in time, it struck his neck with lethal precision, severing his head from his body. Blood gushed from the wound as his lifeless eyes stared blankly, his head rolling to the ground.

Despite her intense exhaustion, wounds, and blood loss, Xiao Yun remained singularly focused on her objective. Suddenly startled by a voice speaking behind her, she lost herself in contemplation.

"I never imagined there would be a sword cultivator in this village."