
Stand Among Them

Imagine being a regular college student one day and waking up in a world of ancient martial arts and magic. That's exactly what happens to our protagonist, armed with the legendary Uchiha bloodline from the Naruto series. As they journey through this unfamiliar realm, he discover incredible powers within himself. It's a journey of mastering these powers, facing enemies, and aiming to become the strongest in a world that's completely different from their own. Get ready for an adventure where the Uchiha legacy takes on a whole new meaning!" "Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction story, and English is my second language, so please expect some grammatical errors."

XiaoXiuu · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter 23

Madara settled onto his bed, folding his legs into a cross-legged position—a posture conducive to deep concentration. As he slipped into meditation, he allowed his mind to wander through the vast expanse of techniques he had encountered and stored over time.

Amidst the abundance of choices, Madara discerned a crucial criterion: simplicity. He needed a technique that was effective yet unassuming. Anything too advanced would raise suspicion, drawing unwanted attention to the origin of his newfound abilities.

"Basic, yet useful," he murmured to himself, his thoughts mingling with the serene ambiance of his meditative state. "Starting with something fundamental is essential, especially to understand my own nature affinity."

With this clarity of purpose, Madara continued his mental exploration. He subjected each technique to rigorous scrutiny, measuring them against his criteria. After a thorough evaluation, he finally settled on one that resonated with his goals and aspirations.

Slowly emerging from his meditative trance, Madara's eyes fluttered open. With determined resolve, he retrieved a notebook from beneath his desk, its pages waiting to receive his chosen technique. Carefully, he transcribed the method, each stroke of the pen imbued with intent and purpose. Once finished, he tore the page from the notebook, safeguarding it in his sack.

As he prepared to rest, Madara found solace in knowing that he had taken the first step towards mastery, guided by his methodical approach and unwavering determination.

The next morning, in the training area, a lady stood before two attentive children, her words hanging in the air as they absorbed her teachings.

"I will now delve into the nuances of being a swordsman, outlining both its strengths and weaknesses," Xiao Yun, declared, her voice carrying the weight of experience.

She patiently and clearly explained the intricacies of swordsmanship to the young learners. Despite already possessing some understanding of the matter, Madara remained silent, choosing to listen intently as his sister shared her wisdom.

As the discussion unfolded, Xiao Yun skillfully navigated through the advantages and disadvantages of the path of the sword. Her words painted a vivid picture of the challenges and rewards awaiting those who walked this martial path.

"As we draw this discussion to a close, remember the importance of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses as a sword cultivator," Xiao Yun concluded, her gaze sweeping over the attentive faces before her. "If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask."

With her parting words hanging in the air, Xiao Yun welcomed any inquiries, ready to further guide her young disciples on their journey of martial enlightenment.

Upon hearing Xiao Yun's invitation, Li Lu eagerly raised her right hand.

"Li Lu, what's your question?" Xiao Yun inquired, acknowledging the young girl's curiosity.

"Big Sister Yun, do body cultivators use weapons?" Li Lu asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Yes, indeed," Xiao Yun affirmed with a gentle smile. "There are body cultivators who incorporate weapons into their practice, complementing their physical abilities. They might be known as 'weapon-wielding body cultivators' or simply as martial artists."

"Additionally, there are practitioners known specifically as weapon cultivators. So, regardless of the type of cultivator you encounter, it's common to find them wielding a weapon."

Weapon Cultivator: A type of cultivator who specializes in incorporating weapons into their cultivation practices. Unlike other cultivators who may primarily focus on martial arts, magical abilities, or elemental powers, weapon cultivators enhance their combat prowess by forging a deep connection with a specific weapon or a variety of weapons.

Out of the blue, Madara interjected with a question about the necessity of hand signs when employing a technique.

Xiao Yun, taken slightly aback by the unexpected query, responded, "No, hand signs aren't typically required. Cultivators often use alternative gestures or movements to channel their energy. Some even vocalize the name of their technique before unleashing it. But the notion of needing hand signs specifically for casting a technique is the first time I've heard that."

"Ah, I understand now, sister. It was merely a matter of curiosity," Madara acknowledged with a nod, his inquisitiveness satisfied.

With the brief exchange concluded, the conversation seamlessly transitioned back to its previous course.


Xiao Yun's movements were graceful yet purposeful as she demonstrated each footwork technique. With a steady voice, she guided the two children through the steps, ensuring they understood the importance of balance and control in swordsmanship.

"Now, let's try the backward step," she instructed, shifting smoothly back with one foot while maintaining her stance. The children mirrored her movements, their focused intent on emulating her precision.

As they progressed, Xiao Yun emphasized the significance of fluidity and agility in combat. "In battle, you must be able to move in any direction without hesitation," she explained, her words punctuated by the sound of her feet shifting across the floor.

With each step, the children grew more confident, their movements becoming more synchronized with Xiao Yun's guidance. They practiced the sidestep, the diagonal step, and other essential footwork techniques, absorbing the fundamentals of swordsmanship with each repetition.

By the end of the session, Xiao Yun smiled approvingly at their progress. "Remember, mastering footwork is the foundation of sword cultivation," she said, her tone encouraging. "With dedication and practice, you will become formidable swordsmen."

The children nodded eagerly, their determination fueled by Xiao Yun's expertise and encouragement.

After Xiao Yun finished demonstrating, she watched attentively as the two children executed the moves she had just shown them. If she noticed any mistakes, she corrected them immediately, ensuring they grasped the techniques accurately. 

After hours of practice, Xiao Yun instructed the two children to perform the routine they had learned. Li Lu went first, confidently stepping into the center of the grassland and adjusting her body position with precision. She began the sequence, executing the footwork with grace and determination. 

Following Li Lu's lead, Madara stepped forward, mimicking her movements with concentration. He too performed the sequence flawlessly, matching Li Lu's precision step by step. 

As the two finished their performances, Xiao Yun nodded in approval, a smile touching her lips. Approaching them, she commended, "Good job, both of you. Now, let's add some fun to our training. It's time for a game of tag."

"Play!" both children exclaimed eagerly.

"Yes, you'll play tag," Xiao Yun explained, detailing the game for them. "And you'll use the footwork you've learned."

The two children looked surprised at this twist.

"Li Lu, stand here," she instructed, pointing to her right. "And Madara, please stand over here," she said, indicating to her left.

Xiao Yun then picked up a stick and skillfully drew a vertical line on the grassland, forming a large rectangular shape and outlining the boundaries of their play area.

"This will be your ring," Xiao Yun explained, gesturing to the rectangle she had drawn. "Once one of you steps on or touches the perimeter, I'll award one point, and the tagged individual becomes 'it.' Remember, you can only use your hands for tagging; using nature affinity is forbidden. Also, touching hair or clothing won't count."

The two children stood facing each other, anticipation evident on their faces. Then Xiao Yun reached into her storage ring and retrieved a copper coin. As she held it up, she addressed the two.

"Who's heads?" Xiao Yun inquired.

Madara raised his hand promptly. "I am, sister," he declared.

Xiao Yun then turned to Li Lu. "You're the tail," she instructed, to which Li Lu nodded in response.

"Now, cup your fists toward each other," Xiao Yun directed. The two children followed her instructions eagerly. As Li Lu and Madara locked eyes, their serious expressions were unmistakable.

A cup fist is a traditional gesture of respect or acknowledgment commonly used before a duel or tournament match begins. It's a symbolic way for participants to show courtesy and sportsmanship towards each other, acknowledging their opponents' skills and showing a willingness to engage in fair competition.

"Once the result comes out and I shout what's on the coin flip, it's the signal for the start of tag, clear?" Xiao Yun reiterated, ensuring they understood the rules. The two children nodded in acknowledgment.

Observing their readiness, Xiao Yun began to flip the copper coin into the air using her thumb. Catching it skillfully, she shouted the result. "Head!"

Upon hearing the word "head," Madara wasted no time. He dashed swiftly towards Li Lu's position, leaving solid footprints with each large step. Upon reaching her, he tapped her shoulder and declared, "You're it."

Taken aback by Madara's swift response, Li Lu felt annoyed with herself upon hearing "it." As he stood before her, she quickly reached out to grab his right shoulder. However, he deftly sidestepped to the left and then backstepped, creating distance from her.

Observing their interaction, Xiao Yun smiled, leaning against a nearby tree. She reminded the two that they could use their qi in their feet to enhance their speed in running and evading, encouraging them to envision their arms as swords. Upon hearing this, the two children released qi into their feet, enhancing their agility.

As Madara continued hopping backward, he noticed Li Lu's serious expression. While he evaded, Li Lu attempted to counter his movements by advancing. Each time she tried to grab him, he managed to dodge at the last moment.

Despite her initial surprise, Li Lu didn't give up. She tried different combos, such as right and left swings or upper swings, but Madara still managed to evade them. However, as he dodged, he failed to notice that he was nearing the edge of the ring, giving Li Lu an opportunity to continue her pursuit.

When Li Lu drew close, she spoke to him. "You should give up now."

Upon hearing Li Lu's words, he glanced briefly over his shoulder, realizing he was almost out. Without responding to her, he continued to move forward. With one step forward, he made a sudden leap over her. His unexpected action caused Xiao Yun to raise an eyebrow in surprise, while Li Lu stood bewildered, watching Madara escape.

"You're unfair!" Li Lu exclaimed in frustration.

"Unfair? There's no rule against what I did," he chuckled as he ran.

"Just wait; I'll catch you," Li Lu said, slightly annoyed, determination evident in her tone.

Xiao Yun chuckled at the banter between the two children. As evening fell, they finished their game, and she called them over. As they approached, the remnants of their day of training became noticeable—remains clinging to their clothes from their activities.

"The result of the game is 1-0, and the winner is Madara," Xiao Yun announced.

She applauded Madara's achievement, and Li Lu couldn't help but join in.

Seeing their reactions, Madara smiled. Then Xiao Yun reminded them that they still had training the next day.

Afterward, Xiao Yun invited the two children to head home, knowing they must be hungry and tired. Once they arrived home and had dinner, Madara went straight to his room to rest, quickly falling asleep due to exhaustion.

The next morning, in the training area...

Xiao Yun faced the two children, who sat cross-legged before her. She stood in contemplation, her hand resting on her chin.

"Now, I think it's time for you to experience your first battle."

"Against whom?" the two children asked eagerly.

"Against monster beasts, don't worry, from what I know, their cultivation level is at the early stage of qi condensation. So, gather your belongings, and let's head there."

The two children immediately followed Xiao Yun's instructions.