
A Diary

Main Character POV

2012 - Ferly at 12 years old

I brought some sheets of middle school entrance test results that i registered a few days ago, i tried to tell my daddy by running as fast as i could.

My daddg was looking at his canvas in his study which was not far from my room, but because i was so excited i couldn't wait to give this test.

After knocking on the door which was open a little and then i tried to open the door slowly, my daddy looked at me and greeted me with a smile and then let go of the brush and paint he was using on the table.

I immediately approached him and of course i gave the letter to him.

"Daddy see, i'm trying to register online at this junior high school. Continue to be received by report card, yeah." I said, smiling. Linking my hands back after my father read the contents of the sheet.

"Wow, you want to enter this junior high school, son? Very clever daddy's son." Even though my father's face looks fierce but after he smiles it looks so handsome, unfortunately my face doesn't look like dad. Some of our families say that i look like mom.

"Dad, is it okay for me to enter the dormitory?" I was a little hesitant to ask this but daddy still smiled, it's a sign that i can enter my favorite junior high school.

"You can, son. But don't be naughty? You have to study hard and also take care of your health while in the dormitory. Listen?" With slightly bulging eyes i nodded my head, i promise i will study hard and get good grades later.


The day i was waiting for arrived, after doing several steps also following the mos, finally i could go straight to the dormitory and start school tomorrow.

I was in room 14, the building here is very spacious and some of the rooms there are very much like an apartment.

I happened to be in front of the room door, i tried to knock on the door and open my room slowly.

Apparently there was a boy a little shorter than me smiling at me, his skin was white and very friendly.

Carrying my suitcase and closing the door i walked in. I walked over to him, who was not far away with the empty bed that was already available to me.

He was also tidying some of his things into the cupboard next to his bed, he looked at me.

"Hey, what's your name? I am Jerry Wang, in grade 7-3." This boy is pointing his hand towards me.

"Hi, I'm Ferly Adinata Nuraga, from grade 7-1. Nice to meet you." I also greeted him by shaking hands with him with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, hopefully we become good friends, right?" I nodded my head, I was so excited because my roommate was a very nice person.

Day after day, month after month. I am always with him, he is indeed a very difficult person to learn and often asks me to teach him. But he has so many stories about his family who are Chinese families.

His father and mother were so busy and he was an only child, for him he didn't mind living in a dorm. What's more, he doesn't like his uncle who always asks him to fish even though he doesn't like fishing.

He was very surprised if i was the son of David Hengkara, he was very happy to meet me who was the son of his mother's favorite artist.

He always talked about his mom who always saw my dad's handsome face on television which made him always scream hysterically.

I laughed a lot to hear that, i'm glad someone was remembers society about his achievements.

He told me that he likes to envy me because i can sing well. He always asked me to teach him to play the piano, but i didn't have time because i had a lot of tiring activities after going back to the dorm i went straight to sleep.

I always participated in several school competitions, painting and several singing competitions as well as the orchestra. The results are quite satisfying in between my time besides learning i can play music to get rid of my boredom, maybe it's true what my mom said ..

"You have to do whatever you like so that when you study, you can relieve your stress after studying. Don't ever be forced to take part in competitions or extracurricular activities that you don't like. Got it?"

From there i know that playing music is fun and yes .. it's better after graduate from school that i can enter college majoring in music arts. It must be cool to have no more math problems.


It doesn't feel like it's been almost a year that go to school here, k have done several activities as well as a lot of experience that i get.

Likewise i now have some friends in class and some friends in arts extracurricular activities, every semester is usually off after the distribution of report cards.

Mom and dad are always happy to listen to my stories when i come back, i take part in competitions and some of the activities i do too .. My report cards are not bad.

Coming home in the first semester i asked mom and dad to take a walk. Since i was in elementary school my dad was rarely in Indonesia, he always went abroad to attend several art painting exhibitions in France and Italy.

Until i rarely met dad, mom was always busy at the restaurant because your restaurant already has several branches. At first o was lonely, after my father returned to Indonesia and i asked him not to go again. Make me feel lonely at home no longer.

Now that i am in the dormitory i miss the atmosphere of the house, want to help mom take care of the restaurant also ask dad to teach me some classical music notes while playing the piano.

Finally, after my second semester in first grade i was only at home helping my mom and playing the piano with my dad, my daddy also asked me to take a walk but i just wanted to be at home.


It doesn't feel like i'm in second grade, of course in the top class again, which is 8-1. Much like on my first day of school i had to pack my things and say goodbye to Jerry, he was nice to me during this year i am very grateful to have a roommate like him.

But in this second grade .. I had bad luck .. I got a room on the third floor which obviously doesn't have an elevator, it's different in class one downstairs i can go and come as i want, no need to walk far.

Ah ... annoying, yet to leave my room at the end of the corridor really makes me a running athlete every day ..

After going up to the third floor while carrying my heavy suitcase and of course still have to walk again to the end of the corridor, i hope that the room number is not the same as the name tag i saw as number 43, really far from my expectations.

I opened the door to my room and it turned out that no one was in the room. But ... The room is really messy. Like a ship breaking, very much different from my room which was always clean because Jerry and i often clean the room together.

I want to go home .. I tried to enter from that room and saw a really dirty scene for me, but suddenly the loud pounding sound of the door made me surprised.

"Oh you are my roommate?" That guy is taller than me and like the gangster from the movies .. Is this really my roommate?

This man with a black jacket wearing earrings on his ears it is clear that he does not follow the school rules, he approached me with a sharp gaze. I really feel scared .. Will he hit me?

"HEY, You don't sleep there. It's got a cave." Suddenly i looked to the right and it turned out that the bed near me looked messy and looked full of things scattered everywhere.

Do i have to clean this room alone every day? Meanwhile, he just made a mess.

"HEY! Do you hear what i'm saying?" He shouted at me, making me surprised, i could only nod and dare not to see him.

How is this .. for a year i have to be with him? Seriously..?