
Chapter 96

“No, it was fine, I was totally fine, I just hit the ground and rolled. But that’s the story of how my first gay sex experience ended with me punching the guy in the stomach, jumping out his window, and getting him in trouble for breaking pieces of a hotel in Spain.”

“Oh dear God,” Colby said, both entertained and dismayed.

“He’s married now. To, this is the best part, the first guy who came over to check on him.”

“Oh, that’s perfect. They must be so happy.”

“Pretty sure they are. They even adopted two kids. Twin girls.”

“That’s practically a romance novel. I’m so happy for them.”

“Me too.” He folded arms around Colby. “So that’s me. You want to share yours, or—you don’t have to.” He’d seen the change in sapphire oceans, felt it in slim muscles against his. “Whatever you want to say. Or not.”

“It’s only…” Colby sighed but didn’t pull away. “Yours are so lovely. Mine…I didn’t think it was terrible at the time, but I’m afraid you’ll think it was.”