
Stalking the President: A Dark Romance

Angel is stalking the President, a daddy twice her age. Call her deranged, but she thinks she is perfectly fine. Darrow is the love of her life, and she will stop at nothing to win his heart. Not even murder. Darrow sacrificed much for presidency, but somehow, he can't shake the feeling that he is always being watched. When a peculiar female reporter is seen leaving his hotel room late at night, he proposes an arranged marriage to her to solve his problems. What a heavenly plan.

Zella_Ace · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

"Mr. President! Where have you been?! Please don't ever do this again!" a man rushed up to him the moment Darrow ascended the steps to the Red House with Angel.

"Is dinner ready?"

"Yes, but more importantly - "

"Let's have dinner, Angel," Darrow said to her, and she nodded.

Their first meal as a family!

When they finally reached the dinner table, they were greeted with a delectable spread of various dishes. Angel sat on the far end of the table, hoping Darrow would join her at the side, but he took the seat at the other end of the table instead.

"I know, Angel."

"Know what?"

"I know what you've been up to."

"How can you know?"

"You don't hide your secrets as well as you think. I'm the President, for Christ's sake. The world's best intelligence team is on my side, and you think you can hide the fact that you're my stalker from me?"

Angel swallowed hard, her heart falling to her stomach. God, this wasn't happening! She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"I've known for a while, long before I was sworn in. But I still don't know one thing. What is your end goal?"

"I want your heart," she said. "I know you want me too."

He laughed. "And what makes you think I want you?"

She took a drawn out breath in. "Because we understand each other. I get you and you get me. We're both victims of unrequited love. I love you but you don't love me, and you love Shannon but she doesn't love you. You have a hole in your heart, a hole that only I can fill. You feel lost because the love of your life left you, and you've been wondering if that hole will ever be filled. You need someone who loves you, every part of you, even the ugly parts unapologetically. I am the only one who can provide that to you, because I am obsessed with you. I am the one who will fill that gaping hole in your soul. Me."

He froze at her words, his expression unreadable.

"I am the answer to your trauma, Darrow," Angel said.

He didn't say a word to her, and got up from his seat instead. He disappeared into a room and Angel sat in her seat, her words ringing in her ears. She meant each and every word she said, and would say them again if she had to. In about five minutes, Darrow reappeared from the room in the corner with a thick manila folder in his hands. He sat down in his seat and put the envelope on the table, sliding it over to her with one swift push. She caught it in her hands and opened the folder, pulling the documents out and reading them.

"This is?"

"It's what you've always hoped for," he replied. "I've waited so long for this very moment, and now it's here."

She continued reading the document. "Darrow, are you for real?"

"I'm serious about this."

"This - " she held it up in her hands. "This is - What the hell is this?"

"It's exactly what it is," he said, half-smiling. "It's a sex contract. In return for me fulfilling your craziest desires, you have to obey each and every single order I give you."

Her legs quivered under the table, wetness collecting at her core. With shaking hands, she leafed through the document, her mind hazy with all the sordid images that were running through her head.

"Where do I sign?" Angel said eagerly.

"In the last page."

She skipped to the last page and picked up the pen on the table, signing it so quickly that she had to go back to fill in some strokes because the ink did not have enough time to flow.

"Thank you so much, Darrow," she said.

"From now on, you will address me as 'Lord'."

"Thank you, Lord," she breathed out. "Now what?" Angel continued, her heartbeat in her pussy.

"Now," Darrow said. "Go to the bedroom."


Angel was in his bedroom, and he smiled as he picked up the jar of whiskey in the dining area. He poured the whiskey into a glass as slowly as he could, making sure to trickle it. The glass finally filled after a long time and he picked it up, fetching it to the armchair.

Taking a slow sip from the whiskey, he wet his throat before he put his feet up on the leg rest. Reaching into his pocket, he removed his cigar and lit up. He puffed on it gradually, and later removed it from his mouth to puff the smoke out unhurriedly. He took several more puffs at a leisurely pace before he set it down on the table beside his armchair.

The clock ticked towards the hour since Angel had signed the contract.

She sure must be enjoying herself in his bedroom.

Picking up his glass of whiskey, he relaxed his muscles and drank from it gently. It soon emptied as he picked up his cigar again to puff on it. Laughing to himself, he finally stood up to his feet before he unknotted his tie and threw it back at the armchair.

Then, completely unrushed, he strolled to his bedroom.