
Stalking - N.H

"She loved having the camera on her. So I made sure it never stopped." All rights reserved

WrittenByMarieke · Teen
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2 Chs

The Storage Closet

The mornings are the hardest part of the day. Well, at least that's the case for Niall Horan.

Because every morning he has to find the will to get out of his bed and fight his way through another day, usually filled with everything but joy.

He yawns as he opens the curtains, allowing the sun to light up the room. The fresh fallen snow makes everything white and gorgeous. Nature is absolutely gorgeous at this time of the year.

Niall agrees with that. Nature ís gorgeous right now. But only to be watched from inside, with a cup of hot chocomel, while a christmas movie is playing in the background. And a pretty girl next to him, but not just some random girl he picked up the night before in a bar. Niall needs love in his life. Everything just feels less amusing, less wonderful if he hasn't somebody to share his happiness with.

But Niall almost can't remember the last time he truly loved someone. And if he's being honest, it were his parents. But he lost even those, when he decided to drop out of school and they didn't support that.

Niall has always hated school, to say in the least. The people at his school didn't like him and no matter how hard he studied for his tests, he just never was able to get a score higher than a C.

And here he is as the faillure he is today, living with his best friend, Harry, in an incredible small appartment. Harry once made a joke about their appartment having the same size as a storage closet. It wasn't even that funny, but it cracked them up for the rest of the evening. They've called the appartment "The storage closet" ever since. You would almost think that they don't build appartments this size, but apparently they do. And they charge a hell of a lot for it when it's this small. But Niall usually doesn't pay his part of the rent. Harry has been lending him money for the last couple years. Niall owes him so much now, that Harry doesn't even worry about it anymore. He just wants to help a friend out.