

The Qi Stages are in descending order (some examples of characters with the corresponding realms are included based on chapters 5>)

Elementary Qi Stage (Xi Heji)

Origin Qi Stage(Xi Cheng)

Earth Qi Stage (Xi Haohuan)

Saint Stage (Outer Elders)

Sky Saint Stage (Xi Fengge)

Emperor Qi stage (Patriarch & Grand Patriarch)

Grand Qi Stage (???)

Commandant Qi Stage (Huang Siyun)

Ascendant Qi Stage (Sun He)

Each stage has 4 levels, early stage, mid stage, late stage, half-step.

(***)- this could mean a change of point of view (characters), location, or used to lapse time.

Communication Crystals- Crystals embedded with runes that transfer voices for a location to another

Sealing Star Barrier- Strongest Barrier of the Empire of Lyeaif

Pandemonium Decree- A order of collapse, discontinuing government functions and current positions of power. In other words, collapse of nation state.

Qi Paths- Think of it as blood veins built for Qi

Locations (chapter 10>)

Great Province of Gek'hial:

Region of Wind

Pylon Mountain Range

Forestry of Hera

Major Powers:

United Arms of Lyeaif

Xi Clan

Han Clan

Sky Society

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