
Stains of Red

Gods? Realms of Immortals? Inheritances? Mythical Beasts? Such fantasies Xi Heji never imagined he would one day be faced with. Born with poor Qi cultivation talent, Xi Heji instead took the path of martial arts, a long forgotten practice that he was told had no potential. Being surrounded by members of the Xi Clan, an elite power in the province of Gek’hial, geniuses were the norm here. Being born from the daughter of the 5th Elder, his position in the clan was only natural, even if people didn’t agree. Though this all changed when calamity struck the Empire of Lyeaif, causing the entire continents reigning structure to collapse. Faced with a decision to leave, or stay and fight the factions who so desperately want power, what will he do? What caused the fall of the most powerful Empire in history? How will life change now when even the strongest powers cower before them?

Czzi · Fantasy
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32 Chs


The Qi Stages are in descending order (some examples of characters with the corresponding realms are included based on chapters 5>)

Elementary Qi Stage (Xi Heji)

Origin Qi Stage(Xi Cheng)

Earth Qi Stage (Xi Haohuan)

Saint Stage (Outer Elders)

Sky Saint Stage (Xi Fengge)

Emperor Qi stage (Patriarch & Grand Patriarch)

Grand Qi Stage (???)

Commandant Qi Stage (Huang Siyun)

Ascendant Qi Stage (Sun He)

Each stage has 4 levels, early stage, mid stage, late stage, half-step.

(***)- this could mean a change of point of view (characters), location, or used to lapse time.

Communication Crystals- Crystals embedded with runes that transfer voices for a location to another

Sealing Star Barrier- Strongest Barrier of the Empire of Lyeaif

Pandemonium Decree- A order of collapse, discontinuing government functions and current positions of power. In other words, collapse of nation state.

Qi Paths- Think of it as blood veins built for Qi

Locations (chapter 10>)

Great Province of Gek'hial:

Region of Wind

Pylon Mountain Range

Forestry of Hera

Major Powers:

United Arms of Lyeaif

Xi Clan

Han Clan

Sky Society