
Commencement of a Battle

Union of Colloquium, Inner Circle

Many figures appeared in a court yard, each excluding formidable presences. Looking at each other, they nodded as they entered.

This building was a circular building, though absent of windows, it gave off a strong impression by the majestically grand entrance represented by two large golden doors.

As they entered, others already present in the room turned to look at them with grave expressions.

"Welcome, Elders."

As the elders took their seats, they all focused their attention to the two men, siting and standing at the center.

"Time is of the essence, elders. With the pandemonium decree, the Tripartite Treaty is now invalid. The United Arms of Lyeaif is no longer enforcing it. With the fear of persecution by the Empire gone, we could expect rash actions in the form of an assault from the Han Clan soon."

"What about the Sky Society? Information from a couple months ago by our spies within the Sky Society domain suggest a relationship between the two." An elder said.

The Patriarch paused as he spoke to the Grand Patriarch next to him for confirmation before he responded.

"The Sky Society would find raiding our small clan unbefitting of a domain such as theirs. Nothing the Han Clan could provide would prove enough to entice the Sky Emperor. As such, interactions between them may be the Han Clans attempts at scare tactics knowning we have spies within, and are not to be taken seriously."

"Patriarch, how could you expect a confrontation during this time of chaos? The Han clan is relative in military power to us, though we lost an elder, it won't be an easy fight for them should they choose to take it." Another Elder said.

"We don't claim this without reason. The fastest way out of the Empire is to cross the Pylon Mountains. Given our distance from them, expectation is an element they know we would lack, as they would receive the imperial order first, expecting the worst in not in all cases simply paranoia."

The Patriarch then signaled to the Grand Patriarch. The Grand Patriarch rose to speak.

"The border of the Pylon Mountain range has been unplotted since the time of our clans founding. The dangerous beasts residing within it are of the 7th Stage… and above".

Eyes widened across the room. A 3rd Stage beast would require a minimum of Earth Qi Stage, while a 7th stage beast is of the level of the Grand Patriarch and Patriarch.

"Such beasts would prove fatal to our wandering clan should we choose to retreat through the border mountains. Instead, the patriarch proposed that we move around them to avoid pursuit. As knowledge of the dangers are unknown to the world, we could use this it our advantage in case the Han Clan decide to meet us by short cut, charging through the Mountains."

"Grand Patriarch, what of the transportation of the women and children?"

The Grand Patriarch turned to face the fifth elder, Xi Fengge.

"The road around the mountains shouldn't be dangerous. With the exception of bandit organizations, knowledge of the decree should

have reached the ears of the major surrounding powers of the province. Enemies of ours should have our rivalries in the least of their worries. The women and children will be evacuated first, we as elders and patriarchs will follow behind."


The entire building shook. The elders took out their communication crystals, informing them of an attack on the barrier.

"It's the Han Clan, as expected. Prepare for combat and evacuation, they shouldn't be able to break through the barrier for another day even if all of their cultivators were to attack."

The elders exited the Union Hall as the patriarch went out to meet the attackers.


A group of over 400 cultivators waited patiently outside the barrier.

"What is the meaning of this, Han Gao?"

The patriarch along with the grand patriarch appeared on the opposite side of the barrier.

"I think you know all to well, patriarch of the Xi Clan."

The patriarch darkened his eyes, lifting his hand up.

100s of inner and outer elders appeared behind him.

"This is not the time, Han Gao. It couldn't be your clan is that deprived of resources?"

Han Gao laughed.

"Hahaha, if that's what you want to believe, I won't fall so easily to provocation. Today, the Xi Clan belongs to me."

A purple ball appeared in his hand. Energy started seeping off of the barrier, causing the barrier to shift in and out of reality.

"Void Sphere!"

The patriarch widen his eyes.

"Bring down the barrier, activate the Tear Killing Array!"

The transparent blue barrier collapsed with its lack of supplied energy. Runes started appearing mid air, shining a deadly turquoise, drawing energy firm the surroundings. The Tear Killing Array was a 3rd Stage killing formation that was created by an array master during the founding of the clan. The Tear Killing Array caused pre-placed runes attract surrounding objects with its own gravitational pull, gathering the surrounding energy. When the rune gathered sufficient energy, it combusted, killing anyone within its radius under the Emperor Qi Stage.

Han Gao saw this, motioning his men to retreat as he pulled up a barrier for himself. Though, they noticed to late, as many of the Han Clan elders were already stuck in the gravitational pull of the runes.


Many Han Clan elders weren't able to react in time and got caught up in the combustion of the runes.

Han Guo was forced back by the shock wave. Looking at the loss of his elders, he laughed maniacally.

"HAHAHA, Your Xi Clan is fated to die today!"

He looked up to the Sky, screaming with fury in his voice.

"SKY EMPEROR! Has my clan put enough of a show on for you?!"

Everyone focused their attention to the man floating in mid air, a powerful pressure descended upon them.

"That was entertaining, Han Guo, has my support gotten to your head? Every clan has at least this much in defense!"

The Sky Emperor descended, inching closer to the patriarch of the Xi Clan.

"What is the meaning of this, Sky Emperor?"

The Sky Emperor didn't answer his question, instead asking a question in return.

"I'm sure you know of only one such thing a rural clan such as this has that could interest me?"

The patriarch narrowed his eyes.

"My Xi Clan possesses no such thing a man of your stature would find mildly interesting, Sky Emperor."

He laughed.

"I'm sure with your age, Xi Clan patriarch, you know flattering is a thing you reserve for your harem. I know you have it. Hand it over, or maybe I'll consider assisting this Han Clan in their endeavor."

The Xi Clan elders looked towards their patriarch and grand patriarch in confusion. What could their Xi Clan possibly have that would interest the Sky Emperor?

"Of course, but please make sure the Han Clan doesn't take advantage of my absence."

"If that will make you feel secure, treat it as compensation for such a magnificent gift you are about to gift me."

The Sky Emperor eyed the enrage Han Guo.

"No rash actions, Han Guo, or perhaps the Xi Clan may not be the only place I'll be visiting tonight."

The Sky Emperor, along with the Xi Clan patriarch, disappeared in front of everyone.