
A New Direction?

Union of Colloquium, Inner Circle, Xi Clan

Elder meetings were rarely held in the Xi Clan. Unless events that could change the way of function of the clan occurred or would occur, meetings of the upper echelon of the Xi Clan never happened. What was rare was that such a meeting was held twice within the same week, a meeting that wouldn't even happen every decade. The last meeting was when Xi Meiyings talent was revealed. The clan elders were thrilled, finally gaining a worthwhile talent to keep up with the rising Han Clan. But this time around, both meanings were the bearer of bad news.

After the Patriarch and Grand Patriarch didn't return for a few days, the first elder called another meeting.


The first elder gazed around the room. In the position which the patriarch used to stand, he patiently waited for the elders to arrive at their seats. The atmosphere was anything but calm. Though many of the elders wore a calm facade, it betrayed their true feelings of restlessness. Having their Patriarch and Grand Patriarch go missing at the same time took a huge hit at the Xi Clans current military power. As the pandemonium decree had just been issued, a true enemy was approaching. But the needless battle initiated by the Sky Society and Han Clan has resulted in the absence of both of the pillars of the Xi Clan. This meeting would decide in which direction the clan will take.

"First elder, everyone is present"

A man at the side of the first elder whispered to him in his ear. The first elder acknowledged him with a nod. Stepping up, the first elder started speaking.

"No news of our patriarchs have arrived in the past days. I fear that the Sky Society may have contributed to their absence as our Xi Clan envoys sent to them have all been killed. I feel that even if the Patriarch and Grand Patriarch are still alive, they won't return to us."

This confirmed the elders fears. What would be of the clan next? Many around the room let out a deep sigh.

"Addressing the forms of evacuation, we no longer have the power to combat surrounding enemy powers. After brief thought, it would be best if the original mass migration over the Pylon Mountain Range be reversed. Traveling in groups would only warrant attention we cannot handle should our enemies discover our situation. As for resources, we will equally distribute them according to elder rank and position. You may spread the news as you see fit, we plan for a diverse range of evacuation in 3 days time."

The first elder gave the elders time to ponder over the news they have just received as he continued.

"Our spies in the Sky Society have informed us of the unusual activity of the Saints of the Sky. The Society's Sky Arms has been mobilized for the first in many decades. It seems they have intel on this mysterious enemy that we don't, and it would be best to follow in their footsteps."

The First elder then waved his hand, a screen of runes floated in the air.

"Our rations for food will be distributed among the people of our domain over the next two days. The Reflection of Heaven and Earth will fall into my hands and be deactivated henceforth. I encourage elders of factions within this domain to consider your options throughly when deciding on evacuation. I will hand out pre-planed routes that will ensure any pursuits by bandits and rival factions alike to be untraceable."

Runes flew to each of the elders, landing in front of him before turning into brown scrolls. The first elder floated off the podium.

"May our clan survive this calamity"

The first elders image became a mirage before disappearing into thin air.

The inner and outer elders immediately followed suit, rushing to act upon the sudden news.


Inner Residential Circle, Xi Clan

Xi Fengge landed inside his residence. Immediately scaling the stairs to the second floor of his estate. Walking down the hallway at a fast pace, he arrived in front of room at the end of the hallway. He raised his hand to knock, slightly hesitating before tapping his hand against the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

Inside the room, Xi Meiying sat on the floor with her legs crossed as she opened her red eyes, still facing the window opposite to the door, her face bathing in sunlight.

"Come in"

Xi Fengge opened the door before stepping inside the room, closing the door behind him. Seeing as he made no effort to approach her, Xi Meiying spoke first.

"Need anything from me, Grandfather?"

Xi Fengge didn't change his expression at all as he spoke.

"You killed the Patriarch and Grand Patriarch"

Xi Fengge spoke with near absolute assurance, slightly surprising her.

"And what does knowing this information benefit you?" Xi Meiying said without turning around.

Xi Fengge narrowed his eyes.

"I hope you know your actions have affected the many innocent people that reside here. I'm sure you knew this as well, but we now lack sufficient might to defend our mass population following the migration."

Xi Fengge paused for a moment before continuing.

"And I'm sure the well being of our clan is at the back of your mind."

Xi Meiying turned around.

"This clan was fated to fall the moment the Sky Society arrived. You know nothing of the events that transpired between the patriarchs and I, your assumption only serves to prove your ignorance to understanding matters far above you."

Xi Meiying returned to face the window, closing her eyes again.

"I'm sure you'll understand the coming days. This clan was never going to survive regardless of my actions."

She opened her palm which was resting on her knee.

An image appeared above her hand which showed a figure Xi Fengge had never seen before. It was clouded with dark fog. But even so, it's traits were clear to anyone.

So Malicious.

So Evil.

So… Demonic.

"What… is that?"

Xi Meiying closed her palm, dispelling the image.

"You'll come to know soon, explaining will serve nothing when truly witnessing what will soon befall this Empire."

Xi Fengge was breathing heavily. The single image caused him immense fear unlike ever before. This type of fear was different when he saw Xi Meiying fighting Han Guo. It was pure… darkness. A being so dark that using fear to represent the feeling of distress he felt from it to be a understatement.

"How do you know this? Why wouldn't you inform the elders about this?!"

Xi Meiying remained with her legs crossed on the floor, not moving an inch to the violent changes in her grandfather.

"I had a vision of them the other day. I'm sure you know informing the elders will only ensue chaos in trying to avoid the inevitable."

Xi Fengge realized his impulsiveness as he calmed himself down.

"Thank you for the information."

Xi Fengge left the room with the doors closing behind him.

"It's only a matter of time."