
Stains of Destiny

In the city that never sleeps, an accidental wine spill binds Emily, A passionate student, to the enigmatic billionaire, Alexander, in an unconventional contract of revenge. As they navigate a dark twist of fate, secrets unravel, and an unexpected love story emerges. ‘Stains of Destiny’ is a captivating tale of love, secrets, and an unpredictable journey that will keep you hooked till the end.”

Bisma_Hussain · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 25 : Last Night Plans

The soft, ambient music in the background mingled with the soothing sound of running water as Emily, Sarah, and Julie settled into the plush lounge chairs in the city's most luxurious spa. The entire spa had been reserved for Emily by none other than Alexander Caesar himself. It was the day before her wedding, a day that had filled her with a mixture of nervous excitement and trepidation.


Emily let out a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart as she stared at the crystal-clear water of the spa's pool. Her friends had insisted on this pampering session, hoping to ease her pre-wedding jitters. Sarah and Julie had been her pillars of support throughout this whirlwind journey, and Emily was grateful for their unwavering friendship.


Sarah, with her warm smile and calming presence, leaned over and placed a reassuring hand on Emily's arm. "You okay, Em?"


Emily nodded, managing a small smile. "Just a little nervous, that's all. It's hard to believe that the wedding is tomorrow."


Julie, ever the bubbly and optimistic friend, chimed in, "Oh, come on, Emily! You're going to be a stunning bride, and Alexander is head over heels for you. There's nothing to worry about."


Emily appreciated their words of encouragement, but the weight of the impending wedding ceremony still hung over her like a cloud. She couldn't help but wonder about the future, about the life she was about to step into as Alexander's fake wife.


Sarah, always the perceptive one, sensed Emily's apprehension. "Hey, Em, it's okay to be nervous. Marriage is a big step and it is normal to feel anxious."


Emily couldn't help but share her thoughts, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "You know, this wedding... it's not like any other wedding. It's not normal. That's what makes me worried."


Julie exchanged a knowing glance with Sarah before nodding sympathetically. "We understand, Em. This whole situation is far from typical. But you're doing this for a reason, right? It's not just about you and Alexander. There's something bigger at play here."


Emily sighed, her gaze fixed on the rippling water of the spa's pool. "I know. It's just... sometimes it feels like I'm living in a completely different world. The media, the public scrutiny, the expectations—it's overwhelming."


Sarah leaned in closer, her voice gentle and reassuring. "You don't have to face this alone, Emily. You have Alexander, and you have us. We'll support you every step of the way."


Emily offered a grateful smile, touched by her friends' unwavering support. "I couldn't ask for better friends. And you're right; I'm not alone in this. I have Alexander, and we're in this together, even if it's not a conventional wedding."


Julie added with a playful grin, "Who needs conventional, anyway? You're about to marry a billionaire. That's pretty epic!"


Despite her lingering worries, Emily couldn't help but chuckle at Julie's infectious enthusiasm. "That's one way to look at it, I guess."


As they continued to relax and enjoy the spa's amenities, Emily's heart felt a bit lighter, knowing that she had friends who understood her fears and were there to offer their unwavering support. The wedding might not be normal, but with her friends by her side, she was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Julie, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement as she gazed around the luxurious spa. "I mean, seriously, guys, have you seen this place? It's like something out of a movie! I feel like I've stepped into a whole new world of extravagance."


Sarah grinned, giving Julie a playful nudge. "Careful, Julie. You might decide you never want to leave."


Julie's eyes sparkled with amusement as she played along. "You know what? I think you're onto something. I'll just set up camp right here in this plush robe, and they can bring me cucumber water for the rest of my days."


Emily joined in the laughter, feeling the tension ease from her shoulders. "Cucumber water and massages on demand? Sign me up!"


The luxurious spa embraced Emily, Sarah, and Julie in an atmosphere of opulence. Soft, ambient lighting cast a warm glow over the marble floors, and the soothing scent of essential oils lingered in the air. Plush white robes enveloped them in comfort as they prepared for their treatments.


Julie, still in awe of the spa's extravagance, couldn't resist making another comment. "I half expect to see a celebrity stroll in here any moment. Maybe we'll get a selfie with someone famous!"


Sarah chuckled as she settled into a cushioned lounge chair. "Oh, Julie, you never cease to amaze me. But who knows, in this crazy world of ours, anything is possible."


While the trio enjoyed their massages and facials, their conversation continued in hushed tones, punctuated by the occasional giggle.


"Julie, have you ever been pampered like this before?" Emily asked, her eyes closed in relaxation.


Julie sighed contentedly. "Not even close. This place is like a dream come true. I feel like a queen!"


Sarah, her face adorned with a nourishing mask, chimed in, "Well, you certainly look like one, Julie. And don't worry; we'll make sure you feel like royalty for the entire wedding extravaganza."


Julie's laughter filled the room. "I have no doubt about that, Sarah. With you two by my side, I feel like I can conquer anything, even a fake wedding."


Their shared laughter echoed through the spa, a testament to their enduring friendship and their ability to find joy in the midst of the surreal. 


With their spa day complete, Emily, Sarah, and Julie emerged feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The treatments had worked their magic, leaving Emily with a radiant pre-bridal glow that her friends couldn't help but compliment.


"Emily, you look absolutely stunning," Sarah exclaimed as she admired her friend's flawless complexion.


Julie nodded enthusiastically. "I have to agree. You're going to make the most beautiful bride, even if it's just for show."


Blushing at their kind words, Emily smiled warmly. "Thank you, both of you. I can't believe this is all happening. It still feels like a surreal dream."


Sarah linked arms with Emily. "Well, my dear, we're going to make sure your last night as a 'single' woman is unforgettable. Right, Julie?"


Julie grinned mischievously. "Absolutely! And I've got some surprises in store."


As Emily, Sarah, and Julie stepped out of the luxurious spa salon, they were greeted by an unexpected sight. A line of sleek, black vehicles with tinted windows was parked outside, and Alexander Caesar, accompanied by his security guards, stood waiting near the entrance.


Sarah exchanged a surprised glance with Julie, and they both turned to Emily, who looked equally taken aback by Alexander's unexpected arrival.


Alexander's eyes immediately locked onto Emily, and for a moment, he couldn't hide the mesmerized expression on his face. Her spa-induced glow and the relaxation of the treatments had enhanced her beauty, and he couldn't help but be captivated.


However, Alexander was quick to regain his composure, his gaze turning more composed. He cleared his throat and addressed Emily, "Emily, I thought I'd pick you up. I was planning on taking you to my house for the night."


Emily's friends exchanged another glance, and Julie decided to speak up. "Actually, Mr. Caesar, we have some plans for Emily's last night before the wedding. We've arranged a special evening for her at her apartment."


Alexander's expression tightened slightly, indicating his displeasure at the change in plans. He had clearly been looking forward to having Emily with him for the night. However, he nodded in understanding, choosing not to make a fuss in front of her friends.


"Very well," he conceded. "Emily, enjoy your evening with your friends. But remember, you're expected at the venue early tomorrow for the wedding preparations. I'll send the stylists and helpers to your apartment in the morning."


Emily nodded, grateful that he had agreed to their plans. "Thank you, Alexander. I'll make sure not to be late."


With their plans settled, Alexander's driver stepped forward to escort the ladies to their respective vehicles. As Emily prepared to get into the car with her friends, Alexander leaned in and whispered, "I'll see you at the wedding venue, Emily."


She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll be there."


With a final glance and a nod to her friends, Alexander stepped back, and the car doors were closed. The driver ensured that the friends were safely in their own vehicle before leading the procession of vehicles away from the spa salon, leaving Emily and her friends to enjoy their last night together before the grand spectacle of the wedding day.


The trio headed to Emily's cozy apartment, which had been adorned with elegant decorations by Sarah and Julie to create a festive atmosphere. Soft music played in the background, and a delicious spread of food and drinks awaited them.


As the evening unfolded, laughter filled the apartment as Emily's friends regaled her with funny anecdotes and stories from their own lives. It was a night of camaraderie and celebration, a moment of respite before the whirlwind of the wedding day.


Julie couldn't resist teasing Emily about the upcoming "wedding of the century." "So, Emily, are you ready to walk down the aisle and say 'I do' to Mr. Alexander Caesar?"


Emily chuckled, taking a sip of her drink. "As ready as I'll ever be. But let's not forget, it's all an act, right?"


Sarah raised her glass. "To the most unique wedding in history! May it go off without a hitch, and may Emily and Alexander put on the performance of a lifetime."


They clinked their glasses together, toasting to the absurdity and unpredictability of life, and to the enduring bonds of friendship that could weather any storm.


As the night grew late, Emily's friends decided it was time for her to get some rest before her big day. They bid her goodnight, leaving her alone in her cozy apartment, her heart full of warmth and gratitude for the unforgettable evening they had shared.


With a contented smile, Emily prepared to retire to her bedroom, knowing that the next time she stepped into the world, she would be adorned in a wedding gown, ready to play her part in the grand charade that had become her life.