
Stage of oddities

Act 0 — Prologue (Don’t skip if you care about the mystery part) (Chapter 1 to 9) ---------------------------------------------------------------- In a technologically advanced country called Nanome, a young man named Noel ventures out of his self-imposed isolation to reconnect with the world. His journey takes him to Solaris Plaza, a massive shopping center, where an unexpected supernatural event suddenly unfolds. A mysterious voice announces a deadly game, trapping hundreds of people inside the plaza. Participants must register or face consequences, and those who fail to register vanish, only to reappear later as “Eaters”. The game’s rules are simple yet horrifying: survivors must eliminate each other to gain points and avoid being in last place. As chaos erupts, Noel’s analytical mind begins to piece together clues about the supernatural culprit. However, he realizes that thinking alone can achieve nothing; only action is the answer. He needs all the help he can get to survive. But will that be enough? Or is it just a pointless struggle? Something that, no matter what, he will suffer from without being able to do anything, like in the past—as if he’s a secondary character in his own life, unable to change anything. — Lying in agony, Noel laughed bitterly. “Hehehe. So, the narrative of life is written in the language of pain?” — “In my epic of self-liberation, I proclaim: my future lies within my grasp, my well-being no longer submissive of others but steered by the helm of my own resolve. As I cast aside the shackles of the external and my past, I emerge as the supreme leader of my universe casting aside any other perceptions than those created by me to forge a shining path towards my future!” He spread his arms with large motions and raised his head. “I’m Noel Leonel. This is my story!” His spirit soared above his physical condition, lending power to his words. His declaration echoed throughout the building. — As the realization of his words sank in, nearly half of the survivors fell into a stunned silence, their bodies rigid, eyes wide. The very air seemed to tremble with the weight of their collective understanding. Noel trembled; despite being filled with fear, a new emotion emerged. ‘This is getting exciting!’ “We can conclude that the culprit is ██████████████! This is the only answer!” The answer was a cataclysm, an unforgiving storm of revelation that tore the curtain of ignorance shrouding many.  ---------------------------------------------------------------- General synopsis ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Greenery has its share of stories to be revealed, hidden mysteries and characters of all kinds. The possibility of dying is a luxury in some cases. Shortly before the year 3000, an equilibrium was established, not an era of peace but a balance ensuring that the annual death toll did not exceed billions, whether from human or ‘special’ causes. On the Contonicate continent, there are five countries known as the ‘Main Countries’, a status signalling either immense power or a significant contribution to the continent’s stability. During the international treaty of 3025, an incident occurred which had a snowball effect, leading to a dramatic shift in the balance of power among the Main Countries and reshaping the political landscape of Contonicate.

UncoverTheStory · Action
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10 Chs

Prologue – The Theater of the Absurd

"Are you OK? What happened?"

"Is it a prank or not?! It's not funny jerks!"

"How did you disappear?"

If the questions reached their ears at all, the unregistered — or eaters as the mastermind had dubbed them — remained unresponsive. They stood unnaturally still, their vacant eyes staring into nothingness. The only betrayal of life within their rigid forms was the almost imperceptible rise and fall of their chests, a reminder that these were not walking corpses, but living beings. Their unfocused gazes never wavered, not even to blink, as if some unseen force had ripped away their souls.

Throughout the sprawling expanse of Solaris Plaza's eight buildings, this chilling tableau repeated itself, transforming the once-bustling shopping center into a grotesque gallery of human statues, their stillness more terrifying than any movement could ever be.

"IT IS NOT FUNNY! I will sue you!"

"So… when is the punchline? Nothing amusing is happening."

Noel took several steps back, his heart thundering in his chest like a caged animal. He paused, sweat beading on his forehead, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. '...No, I need to be sure. I still have more or less one minute and thirty seconds to confirm whether or not I should be afraid.'

The poorly dressed young man, his eyes wide with a mixture of terror and morbid curiosity, walked forward. He stopped near one of the new arrivals, a woman whose vacant stare seemed to pierce through him. With trembling fingers, he slowly extended his hand towards her right eye.

"What are you doing!" The silence shattered abruptly, but Noel remained unperturbed.

'Did I really need to say that it's forbidden to injure or kill them?' The voice sounded in their head.


Ignoring the screams and the announcement, Noel gritted his teeth and pressed on, his fingertip halting mere millimeters from the woman's eye. No reaction. He knew little about paid performers, but doubted they could override their instinct to blink or flinch when a finger approached so closely.

'One last thing to check.' If looks could incinerate, his gaze would have reduced the figure to ashes. Extending both hands, he gently tugged at her cheeks while scrutinizing her face.

"What the hell is he doing?" Once again, Noel ignored the shout.

Observing the grimaces he induced on the woman's face by tugging her cheeks and sensing their warmth, Noel reached a conclusion. 'I already knew realistic robots weren't possible, but I had to be sure, even if I'm no expert. Such lifelike machines would be prohibitively expensive, even for corporations. Perhaps robotic control mechanisms would lower the cost… No. The only plausible explanation is the no-robot theory, which isn't far-fetched.'

The implications hit Noel like a thunderbolt; these people weren't acting. His heart raced uncontrollably, the unwanted attention only intensifying his stress.

"It isn't a joke…", whispered some who shared Noel's realization, as he slowly backed away, keeping the potential man-eaters in sight.

"Are you stupid?! He's clearly just part of the stunt." Turning to Noel, the speaker continued, "Hey! How much are they paying you for this nonsense? Enough to buy some decent clothes, I hope?"

This abrupt interruption triggered laughter from a handful of listeners, about four noisy individuals. However, the clear supernatural evidence, like the voice in their heads, played a significant role in persuading even the skeptics among them that something was amiss. Without such irrefutable proof, many might have dismissed the situation as a cleverly planned joke or stunt. As it stood, most couldn't care less about a stranger's clothing or the few fools who thought nothing was wrong. Except for a lack of emitted sound and movement, dread surged throughout the crowd, leaving just four exceptions stained by idiocy.

Ignoring the taunt, Noel found himself consumed by intense shivering.

'The voice… expects me to act in a certain way without explaining why, and threatens to punish me if I don't, although I didn't choose to be part of it!' Memories flooded back, his eyelid trembling with rage as his vision tinted red. 'They dare? THEY DARE?!'

The absurdity of the situation was overwhelming. The voice was dictating actions without clarity, leaving crucial questions unanswered. How had the unregistered become lifeless, puppet-like entities? Why make them act as cannibals? And the promise of power? How could that be real? In a world where understanding was paramount, Noel found the lack of explanations deeply unsettling.

Two minutes after the game's start, the unregistered began moving in a specific direction, their steps jerky, like a zombie horde; yet they were fast.

"Hmpf, it's just a prank," remarked a casually dressed man.

"Let's find out!" This comment spurred everyone to follow the horde.

Moments later, an announcement echoed in all their minds: 'The last ranked is dead.' Their expression darkened; the next moment would determine if they truly faced mortal danger.

The group of unregistered puppets that Noel's group was following suddenly stopped. But Noel and the others kept running in the same direction. They descended an escalator hastening their descent. On their way down, some noticed a certain odor, while unsure of its origin — human or otherwise — they could tell… that it was a smell of blood! As they went lower, an unforgettable scene unfolded before them.

Several people stood motionless and expressionless in front of two masses of flesh, bone and clothes. Crimson liquid dripped from their mouths, turning the floor gradually redder. Further away, more were present, they were also motionless, but their faces reflected a raw and primal fear that only the greatest artists could simulate.

"W-WHAT HAPPENED!?" Noel shouted in search of an answer other than the one brewing in his mind.

One of them fainted, finally processing what happened.

"It's real… They are going to eat us!" Someone panicked, but chaos didn't arise following the outburst. Even those who had witnessed the carnage stood frozen, uncertain of their next move.

Noel cautiously approached the mangled masses on the floor. His stomach churned as he tried to make sense of the gruesome sight. The blood stench assaulted his nostrils, its odor too disturbing to be fake or a mere imitation. Chunks of flesh, disturbingly humanlike, lay scattered about. Bones, soaked in gore, protruded from the mess. While Noel lacked the anatomical knowledge to identify them precisely, their authenticity seemed undeniable. Tattered cloth remnants clung to the carnage, a faint whiff of perfume and sweat barely detectable beneath the overpowering smell of blood.

'This level of detail… It could still be an elaborate hoax with supernatural help, but let's assume it's real.' Noel silently distanced himself from the groups.

"...Why did two die instead of one?" someone asked, breaking the tense silence.

"She… she tried to help," came the shaky reply. "We would've too, but then they started biting her and—"

"You just stood there and watched them die?!" A blond man exploded, jabbing an accusing finger at the motionless cannibals. "You're as guilty as they are!"

'Ah yes,' Noel resisted the urge to roll his eyes, 'The famous self-righteous saint who'd act perfectly in every hypothetical scenario. Just like countless keyboard warriors online.'

He approached a nearby panel, using it as a shield against the group's view. His eyes darted across the rankings displayed on the screen. 'The new last rank is here. I'll know soon enough if this is real.'

Seconds ticked by.

'…Why I seem to have forgotten something?' The realization hit him suddenly.

"L-look!" Noel called out. Others crowded around to see.

"Twenty seconds left!" Someone yelled. "Fred Mellone, you're in last place now. Run!"

Fred scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "It's a stupid joke. I'm not falling for it."

"ARE YOU INSANE?! RUN!" Those who had witnessed the earlier carnage screamed in panic.

While they argued, Noel checked his ranking.

'I'm #5… not surprising. I'm more surprised by the one who registered ten second after the announcement. Hopefully, I won't have to think about killing anyone… However…' His gaze, usually darting and restless, now locked onto every face, raw with suspicion. His immediate worry wasn't about the moral dilemma of killing, but a more pressing concern.

'My points put me in the top 10!' He didn't believe the dubious promise of immortality — he couldn't even confirm its possibility. However, he could fathom what others might think. Even disregarding immortality, his points kept him safely away from the last place.

Two minutes finally passed, the motionless unregistered sprang into action. What followed defied description, shattering any lingering doubts about the deadly reality of their situation. Only three people attempted to intervene. Four lives ended, painting the floor a more gruesome shade of red. Ironically, the person, who had earlier condemned standing idly by while others died, did absolutely nothing to help.

Before everyone unfolded disturbing sounds, twisting their insides, accompanied by a cursed sight embedding itself into their psyche, creating an unforgettable memory.

Grasping the grim reality, Noel seized his chance to escape while the others remained frozen, their attention consumed by the unfolding horror. He slipped away unnoticed. Ranked fifth, he recognized his dangerous position. In a life-or-death scenario, how could anyone trust a stranger not to kill them?


Noel stood alone on a stage in a vast, dimly lit theater. A chilling coldness filled the air, making him shiver, though the warmth of the spotlights bathing him and the stage provided some relief. Rows of clichéd red theater seats stretched before him, some occupied by shadowy humanoid figures, shrouded in darkness, their forms indistinct and elusive. He doubted he would be able to see them even if bright lights suddenly flooded the entire theater.

As something brushed against him, he spun around. He faced a huge curtain, which began to rise.


Noel jolted awake. Where was he?

'Of all the time to fall asleep, it had to be now?!'

His eyes adjusted to the dim light, revealing scattered shelves and disheveled displays. This disorder contrasted sharply with the usual meticulous arrangement of other stores.

The loud drumming of his heartbeat unnerved Noel, its rhythm broken only by distant chaos outside.

Memory flooded back as his pulse slowed. He had hidden in the shadowy corners of a dimly lit store undergoing renovation, burying himself under a stack of clothes. He had scattered everything he found across the floor, not just around his hiding spot. The store's existing disarray and dust would likely conceal his presence.

Through a shadowy hole through the clothes, a panel's screen at the store's front caught his eye. It displayed the top 15 rankings. While he couldn't read the text, he could distinguish faces and the large numbers representing rankings.

Suddenly, something caught Noel's attention. His heart leaped as a shadow appeared at the shop entrance. The figure entered, glanced around, checked the fitting room, then moved deeper into the store, disappearing from Noel's line of sight. He held his breath, afraid to move or make a sound. Then, a rustling noise behind him made his blood run cold, yet he didn't move. His mind raced with the possibility that he had been discovered.

Just as the tension became unbearable, he heard footsteps moving away. The figure reappeared, heading towards the exit, then departed, whispering: "I'm going to be immortal…"

Noel's brain paused before restarting. 'Wait, some idiots truly believed that?!'

'I will play dead until the end.' Noel concluded, feeling more relaxed than before. Being inside a pile of clothes certainly helped, as it was like being in a warm bed like the one in his room. Come to think of it, darkness almost always shrouded his room too.

'Why didn't I just stay there, where it's more comfortable and safer? Why should I try to change? I was happy!' He internally screamed, then paused. 'Happy? …To be honest, I don't know if I was happy or sad. But I felt anger… No. I'm angry… Maybe I just want—'

At Solaris Plaza, familiar voices echoed in the heads of everyone present.

'The game ends.'

'As for the immortality? I was lying, idiots! I can't believe that many truly believed this. At least your stupidity is eternal. Kekeke!'

'Never mind, the next game is the same as the last but this time the eaters are more efficient, tracking the last 20 at the same time instead of just the last.'

'I will also add news rules.'

'You are now not allowed to stay in the same room for more than one minute. What constitutes a room?'

'Jammed elevator : (Pretty smart #1 but you won't enjoy security any longer.)'

'Ventilation grid : (Didn't expect a child to be present, but that doesn't exempt you from the rules. You aren't even in the top ten; you should go kill some adults.)'

'Toilet : (So #3, you… Wait, you are actually making… Anyway, you have fifteen minutes to finish.).'

'Stores : (Everyone else is hidden in the stores… not anymore)'

'In addition, you are only allowed to stay in the building "A" the center. You can look at the maps on the panels or check the notice boards.'

'There are ten minutes of transition. During the transition, you aren't allowed to continue the game.'

'If you don't respect the rules, you die.'

'This time, I'm serious about immortality. There's no reason to lie now.'

'I also added a little spice to the game for excitement, but I won't spoil the surprise.'

If anything, when Noel opened his eyes, he wished that everything was just a dream. It wasn't. The cold and irreplaceable truth washed all over his body, making him shiver despite being warm in a bed of clothes.

'Why does it seem that the culprit is… No, let's get it over with. Thinking about this is pointless.' Noel stood up, causing the pile of clothes covering him to cascade down with a soft rustling sound. He made his way to the exit of the unlit shop. As his eyes adjusted to the brighter light outside, he inhaled and exhaled several times, taking in the dust-free air.

"So, when will you move, #5? You're blocking my way." A voice said from behind him.

"Soon." Noel replied instinctively before realizing. He jolted, barely restraining a scream.

The man brushed past him, then left as if nothing strange had occurred. "I forgot my manners. Excuse me. But this whole situation reeks of madness."

"B-but, w-when?" Noel gaped at him, as if seeing a ghost.

"I arrived when you started throwing clothes on the ground," he said, walking forward. Noel quickly darted towards a panel, his sweated as he noticed the man's position near the bottom of the rankings.

'And did he say when I scattered those clothes? But I stayed alert and moved quickly!' Noel's eyes darted around the store, landing on another pile of clothes just two meters from his makeshift hideout. 'How did he sneak in without me noticing?!'

No need to say that if the game continued, Noel might be killed off without even realizing how.

The man glanced back. "Let's face it, dying in your sleep beats being eaten or killed painfully… But napping now? Pretty dumb. Though I get it; who knew clothes made such a cozy bed? HAHAHA!" He cackled as he walked, ignoring Noel's stunned expression.

'…No need to think of that. I'm alive, and everyone here wants to survive. The culprit bears all the blame.' Noel hurried after the man, both heading for Building "A".

Marshal sighed as they walked. "I'm Marshal. And you, the fashion disaster?"

"Noel." Of course, their names weren't a secret, given the panels, but this slice of normalcy felt welcome amidst this nightmarish situation.

"Then Noel, remember this." Marshal's tone turned solemn. "Situations can and will always go beyond your estimations. Avoiding them isn't an option, but you must react swiftly when they occur. Otherwise, not only will they happen, but your inaction will worsen the aftermath."

Noel, puzzled, inquired, "…why are y-you giving me advice?"

A chuckle escaped Marshal.

"Like that… and I like to hear the sound of my voice. Moreover, you don't strike me as foolish, especially since you haven't lashed out despite knowing that your death was near. In any case, it isn't like you are a threat to begin with." Marshal shrugged. His broad frame underscored his words, the sheer bulk of his near two-meter stature was imposing. This was also the reason why Noel was more than surprised that he managed to be furtive.

'…' Noel conceded Marshal's point silently. Outmatched physically and safely ranked fifth, he had no reason or desire for violence.

Noel shifted the subject. "What do you think of t-the promise of i-immortality?"

"My survival outweighs the allure of any unclear promise of immortality. Not that I'm against it. Surprised anyone bought that nonsense like the one who said that they were going to be immortal, I hope they won't fall for the same trick."

'I have a second confirmation. He was definitely nearby since he heard that.' Noel pushed the thought aside, focusing on more urgent matters. He pulled out his phone; his arm trembled as he checked the time. He nearly erupted into mad laughter. 'We've plunged into the abyss, and it's only been forty minutes, not an eternity?!'

Marshal noticed Noel, then took his own phone. 'Forty minutes? Then where the hell is the Supernatural Collective? It pains me to admit it, but they're more than efficient and fast at handling these cases. Why not now?'

He pondered. 'I won't kill for a game and especially less for a supernatural. Sooner or later the collective will arrive, so I need to buy some time… but how? As far as we go, we can only obey the voice.'

He directed his head to the poorly dressed young man, of course, he wasn't expecting anything from a stranger he just met but it didn't hurt to ask. Everyone had a unique insight, so the question was whether Noel had one that could help them save time or not.