

Ever since Stacy was born she had an amazing family her parents always doted on her their love for her and her two brothers can't be explained although they were an average family but her parents always tried their best to provide for her and her brothers 

Stacy was the second outta of two she just finished her college and her senior brother Lucas is recently working in country x as a part time model since he studied theatre art her junior brother Alex is more of a book and game freak he loves reading and playing game he is currently in high school 

Stacy is a very beautiful girl with long brown hair and light blue eyes which she inherited from her mother and she got her eye from her mother  

Ever since lucas came back from conrty x there was something different about him he was not longer himself I wonder if something happened to him and he was not telling me because I'm his best friend

Did he like someone

Stacy taught but she decided to ignore  the taught

Stacy have also dreamt of having  a happy  family and loving husband she hoped that one day it would come to pass  

She loves her mom and dad and siblings so much 

Lucas is in his room thinking about wat happened in country x with his boss Liam  that eye he could never forget the blue green eyes he saw it was the most beautiful set of eyes he have ever since... gosh why was he thinking about that  when he knows he can  never have it so is better he just dreams and adimire it first of all they are from different social circle and his boss would never look at him  .. he would just keep it to him self his  boss is so cold that he never looks at him at him that alone is painful although he have his parents and siblings love he has always craved for someone to love him and to value him someone like his boss 

His parents would kill him and would probably not accept him and the taught of   his mother she  always dreamt of having grandkids playing around the house the taught of that  made tear fall from his eye sorry mum for disappointing you he mummered  

He taught of something and went online to search for wat is happening in his work of place the he saw his boss pictures on the the internet he could only sigh  how I wish I could tell you how I feel about you 

Something  caught  lucas

attention it was a head headline saying the CEO of Benedict  entertainment industry is about to get married to the daughter of a wealthy man he felt hurt and the pain in his heart but he ingored the feeling

Just then he sister  entered his room  Lucas we are preparing dinner  so  get ready  she was  about to to  go out she saw a very handsome man on  her lucas computer wow Lucas who is this  ....he is my boss and he is getting  married.thats nice 

Make sure you get ready