
Stacking My Abilities

Jeff Norman cut down a mist monster. [Your physique has increased!] [You gained a new ability: Blessing of Wind!] [You gained Passive Ability: Aura Vision!] Before knowing it, Jeff had already accumulated pages of abilities. Turned out, these abilities could stack on top of each other, without limit. Detection range. Damage reduction. Maximum health. Regeneration speed. Movement speed. Reaction speed. Physical strength... Jeff: "Guys. I know I'm a bit invincible. But this is totally normal interaction. Please don't report." *** Story Type: You've read about reincarnation, transmigration, world hopping... But have you ever read a story about parallel transmigration? Imagine transmigrating into multiple worlds... at the same time! I haven't seen any story of this type on this site. This might be a fresh experience for you. *** Other names for this story: [Stacking My Abilities (Censored)], [Stacking My Passives Starting From Today], [My Isekai Clones], [Me, Human, From Earth], [I Have Unlimited Passive Abilities!], [Regarding that time when I got transmigrated into many otherworlds at once], [Me and myselves in my Chat Space]

SmallFries · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Got into a rut. Sorry.

Do you ever feel that... nobody close to you understands you?

Or care enough to listen?

Or appreciate you and your silent contributions and sacrifices? Everything you do is taken for granted? 

Your kin are simply strangers with the same bloodline? 

Nobody believes that you'll ever amount to something. Taken lightly... Being looked down upon. Nobody cares... No support, only discouragements. 

Loneliness keeps you up at nights. Wondering what it feels like to be loved. 

I guess that's a difficulty people will have to overcome to become a full time writer. 

But hey. I still have you guys. Thanks for sticking with me and my struggles. 

Anyways, sorry about the trouble. I feel rather disabled right now.  This can't last forever. I'll be back soon.