
St. Vladimir's

22 Years ago my world changed, back then I didn't know it because I hadn't been born yet. I'm Lilith and together with my two best friends - James and Lexi - we'll one day lead the revolution that is looming just over the horizon, but that day is not today and those revolutionary heroes are not us... Yet! First we'll have to make stupid teenage decisions and escape a deadly creature of the night - who may or may not want me to take the place of the woman he once loved. In short, we'll have to grow up and quick. My name is Lilith Belikov, daughter of legendary damphir guardians Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway - the first of my kind (or so I was raised to believe)

Michelle_Steyn · Teen
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21 Chs

Chapter 1

"So Atlantic City?" Lexi asked as she and James slid into their seats on either side of me in Social studies. I groaned, not wanting to continue the conversation we had started at breakfast. I'd hoped they would have forgotten about it altogether by now, but I should have known better because I'd known them all my life. We even used to share the same crib over at uncle Adrian's as infants, so there should be this unspoken telekinetic bond between the three of us. James was trying, and failing, to give me one of his father's signature smoldering looks. Though he knew even if he did succeed it wouldn't work on me, it never stopped him from trying. "Come on Lils, it our sweet sixteen, we'd be dishonoring the memory of our parents' epic adventures if we didn't try anything. Honestly I think it's kind of expected of us to pull this kind of prison break." James' emerald green eyes practically shone as he complained and I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my face as I remembered a story Uncle Adrian once told us about an epic prison break my mom had been part of back in the day. James and Lexi practically yelped at my expression, thinking my smile meant I was in though I wasn't really sure. St. Vladimir's was kind of like a prison or more like a juvenile detention center where Damphir and Moroi kids were sent to train their bodies and minds for 10 months out of the year. We ran on a nocturnal schedule and the first half of the school day Damphir novices, James and I, trained with Guardians to protect Moroi and the Moroi practiced offensive and defensive magic. I was hoping James and Lexi would be too tired to still be thinking about Atlantic City and our metaphorical prison break. It was the second half of the day where the two races came together and studied mundane human subjects like the one I was sitting through now. I had no idea how social studies, history and calculus would ever help me take down a Strigoi, but I had learned to keep those opinions to myself after I had gotten an earful from my father for back chatting my superiors. St. Vladimir's was heavily guarded and wards that kept out Strigoi ringed the campus, I had this sickening feeling whenever I thought about going outside alone. I have heard enough stories from all our parents to know that leaving without guardian protection was never a good idea. I hated being the voice of reason, since I was technically the youngest, but someone had to say something. I understood they wanted an epic sixteenth birthday and we were fortunate enough that our birthdays fell over a weekend this year, James' would be first on Friday, followed by Lexi's on Saturday and finally mine on Sunday. I pursed my lips as I looked at the glossy sheen the fluorescent lights were casting off of Lexi's silky black hair before I met her pleading eyes and James let out a deep sigh on my other side. "Here it comes." He said almost dejectedly and Lexi rolled her eyes. "My dad will literally kill me if we get caught and I don't think he'd be above killing you guys either." "The key word being IF we get caught Lils." James interjected and I saw Lexi nod her head vigorously in my periphery. I wasn't really scared of either my mom or my dad, but I did hold a healthy respect for both of them which made my next words sound extremely foreign to my own ears. "If we do this, what's our plan of escape?" James and Lexi high fived each other behind my back followed by the both of them smothering me in a rib crushing hug. "Not here Lils, we'll talk at the library after school." James whispered before he let me go and focused his attention back to Miss Sue leading the class. The action would have sent shivers down the spine of every single girl in St. Vladimir's and I knew because I saw the pining looks James got all the time and he knew as well. James had definitely hit the jackpot in the looks department, having the same emerald eyes as his father, which doesn't ever happen. Damphir children don't get their Moroi father's (or mother's) genes, but James did. Pair that with his tanned skin, his height, and light blond hair made for a devastatingly handsome guy. The looks of envy I got at the show of affection didn't go unnoticed by me either and I rolled my eyes at a couple of Moroi girls sitting behind us, though I had made it perfectly clear on multiple occasions that he was like a brother to me, I didn't seem like the snarky royals believed me at all. The hugs, the intense sparring and the seemingly intimate whispers didn't go unnoticed by any of them and I was uncomfortable under their scrutiny most of the time, though little did they know that I thrived in uncomfortable situations. I suddenly remembered that I had a mandatory private class with my grandmother – Guardian Hathaway – in the gym after my classes ended. I scribbled it down on a piece of paper and showed both James and Lexi to which both of them nodded and Lexi mouthed "after."

Classes went by in a blur as my anticipation steadily built throughout the day, desperately wanting to blow of my sparring session with my grandmother, but before I knew it I was cutting across the courtyard and making my way to the guardian's quarters all the way on the other side of campus. I wasn't sure if my grandmother had forgotten to let me know she wasn't going to be there or if the message just didn't reach me, but when I walked through the double doors of the gym my breath caught in my throat as I had not expected the vision of perfection that awaited me. I almost groaned at my lack of self-control, but it came out as a barely audible sigh and the man who had had his back to me the entire time spun around and his eyes widened at the sight of me like he hadn't expected me at all. I swallowed as vivid thoughts crossed my mind. Oh boy was something I almost said out loud as I took in Micah – or rather Guardian Tanner – shirtless. Why oh why must the universe be so cruel I thought as I let my duffel fall to the floor with a thud. As quickly as he had spun around he grabbed his t-shirt from the floor and was pulling it over his head in one fluid motion. "Guardian Tanner", I greeted formally and a small smile played at his lips and I knew he wanted to laugh at my formality, or maybe he was laughing inwardly I didn't really know but I could imagine by the way his eyes basically stared into my soul. I suddenly felt extremely naked in my thin black tights and my long sleeved thermal shirt, even more so when he didn't acknowledge that I'd spoken. "I was supposed to meet my grandm – Guardian Hathaway today for a spar lesson?" I asked rather than stated when my intolerability for the situation shot through the roof. My question seemed to pull him from the fugue state he'd found himself in, but I didn't wait for him to respond and started wrapping my hands. "Lily, please, no need to be so formal no-one's around." I rolled my eyes at the floor while I got to work on wrapping my other hand. He closed the distance between us in three strides, taking my half wrapped hand in his and my head immediately shot up. Bad idea Belikov, you should have kept staring at the ground, the voice inside my head said mockingly as I met the scorching gaze of Micah Tanner, those deep blue cerulean eyes holding my own as he automatically continued wrapping my hand. "That is unless you prefer I address you as novice Belikov?" His eyes quickly darting to my lips and back to my eyes. My heart fluttered as though there were butterflies in my chest, his voice was barely a whisper and I could clearly read the double meaning in those words. I had heard all the stories of the complications my parents' relationship had to endure and I could clearly see myself on the same path if I gave into this tension with Micah. We've had that conversation numerous times and I chastised myself for having to be the strong and responsible one when it came to our relationship. My mom had met my dad when she was seventeen and though he was also an instructor at St. Vladimir's – and twenty five – she had only been half a year away from her eighteenth birthday. My situation was so much worse, I was only turning sixteen on Sunday and Micah was already twenty two. While that isn't as big an age gap my parents had, I couldn't fathom what hell they would reign down on me – on both of us - if they were to find out that this man, this grown-up exquisite specimen of a man had been their baby girls' first kiss. I didn't envy Micah that conversation, because there's no way that would end well. "Suicide sprints, go." Micah's voice boomed pulling me from the safe confines of my mind, where I can at least pretend that his touch doesn't send electricity pulsing through my body and his voice doesn't trail the length of my spine, forcing Goosebumps to my flesh. In my mind I can also pretend that those beautiful blue eyes don't stare right through my soul baring the most private parts of myself, wordlessly, breathlessly, completely. I shook myself mentally and groaned – or rather growled – at the thought of suicide sprints. "Come on Micah, my dad has had me doing these since I could walk." Not really, I'm almost hundred percent sure that would be child abuse, but I stuck to my statement. Only then did I realize how warm it had been with him so close to me and I shuddered at the thought that he'd long since moved away from me inviting the cold winter air to envelop me. "It's either Guardian Tanner or its Micah, I'm either your instructor or I'm more. You can't have it any way you want it when it's convenient for you Lily." He had this air of authority around him when he spoke, but softened as soon as he said my name. He's frustrated with me and I can totally understand why, he's in love with me and I keep pushing him away. I'm definitely in love with him too – well as in love as one can be at (almost) sixteen. I was too scared to admit it even to myself that this could most likely be my epic love. I had heard Lexi and James' parents origin stories as well as my own parents', so I've heard about the feelings, the compassion, and the comfort and though my sixteen year old brain didn't want to comprehend, my heart already knew. He was mine and I was his, but instead of speaking I just shook my head and took off doing as I was told.