
St Chaos Healer

Once a powerful Demon Overlord, betrayed and murdered by his own subordinates, vows revenge with his dying breath. Reincarnated as Benjamin Almond, a human baby, he must adapt to his new mortal life without demonic powers. With his past memories intact, he embarks on a journey to master mana arts and rise to power in the mortal realm. Will he fulfill his quest for vengeance or find a new purpose as Benjamin, a fledgling mage? Join his transformation from demon lord to aspiring mortal mage.

HellerFeed · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Ch 21.2 - Corridor traffic

The boys cheered on with nods and praises for Bairos while they threatened the girls.

Although the blonde girl was still unfazed,

"Now you listen to me. Some of your boys have already touched some of the girls inappropriately. They are right now in a state of shock and trauma. I even caught one of the pervs in action, red-handed. So I can't just sit back and let those defenseless girls be taken advantage of by vile boys. Just tolerate this situation for a few more minutes until the door opens."

Suddenly some voice echoed in,

"Hey! In that manner then I was also groped~" shouted a short-statured boy with spiky hair and headband glaring at the blonde girl, "Scratch that I still feel someone groping my ass right now."

To this, the kid behind shorty boy was alarmed,

"Hey Taker! I am not groping, it's just my knee that might have touched your butt. It wasn't groping, I just-"

The shorty boy let out a sigh,

"Relax Flachet, I know that. I am just trying to make a sound argument that not everything happening here is groping. It's just a little too overcrowded. This is the ceremony organizer's fault for mismanaging this event. So instead of throwing a hissy fit, the girls should blame the ceremony organizers and not us."

"Yeah, he's got a point."

"I was also groped and traumatized so lemme join the girl's group."

"If he was groped, so was I. Give me more space to stand as well."

"I am also tired of groping only the boys."

"Wait who said that?"

Such a more frivolous statement was uttered by the boys backing the shorty boy named Taker.

Hearing the stupid arguments of the boys, the blonde girl's eyebrows twitched. Meanwhile, the girls were even more terrified.

Bairos also had a hearty laugh,

"Did you hear that? Even us boys here are having their share of trouble. So stop being so self-centered and try sympathizing with us boys too."

She just looked at us boys with contempt,

"How could a bunch of uncouth and ill-mannered boys relate to the problems of us, girls. I will say this again, maintain the two feet distance or you would force us to use excessive force." replied blondie in a threatening manner.

As soon as this statement, the girl's group shuffled, and those with strong demeanor girls stepped forward glaring at the boys in a threatening manner. These girls were not your regular shy girls and would dare to go toe to toe with the boys if push came to shove.

Bairos just glared at the blondie,

"Oh, I am so scared! Why don't you try demonstrating this excessive force of yours-"

"Stop it." suddenly one of the boys interrupted.

The boy had smooth combed hair and was wearing glasses. He stood at the corner with his arms folded as he relaxed his back against the walls. He was more likely pinned against the wall by the crowd of the boys that shoved him behind. He was trying to act smart but looked kinda lame.

The smartass boy fixed his glasses,

"She's Trisha Valencia, one of the knight apprentices of Vladja noble household guards. It's better to not mess with her and her fellow colleagues. That is if you don't want to embarrass yourself."

"Knight apprentice?" even Bairos was a bit shocked.

Even the rest of the kids were taken aback.

The Knights are the people who have pledged their loyalty to certain noble houses or to the holy church. Knight apprentices are the next in line knights who are trained since their childhood in the way of the sword to protect their master.

In that sense, this girl Trisha Valencia had a strong backing. Not to mention she was an apprentice so she must also be trained to fight in close combat. No wonder she didn't even flinch when Bairos threatened him.

But I still don't get what she was doing in this carriage?

Shouldn't she be in one of those high-class carriages?

The blonde girl named Trisha didn't accept or deny what the smartass kid just stated.

"It's better if you boys don't make me take any drastic action. Just bear this situation for a few more minutes, I am sure the ceremony organizers will open the door anytime soon. And everything that happened here would be a distant memory." she said.

She lowered her brows and took a deep breath and the hostility towards Bairos and the boys quickly disappeared.

The boys also went silent when they came to know Trisha's background.

Although Bairos was annoyed and didn't put her in his eyes,

"What is a knight apprentice doing in the commoner's carriage in the first place? Trying to use lies to threaten us. I will show you what happens to liars-"

Saying so, Bairos stretched his arm and tried grabbing Trisha's shoulder. But before he could even touch it, Trisha grabbed Bairos by his fingers and then bent it with all her might. His face twisted in agony as he fell on his knees as Trisha folded his fingers as if they were just mere branches of twigs on the verge to be broken.

Bairos tried punching her with his free arm but Trisha quickly twisted one of his fingers and a snap sound echoed throughout the corridor.

"Aaargh!" Bairos wailed like an injured animal.

Meanwhile, Trisha contemptuously glared at Bairos who was kneeling under her feet,

"That was just your little finger that I just broke. You can continue your little struggle if you don't wanna lose all the rest of your other fingers."

"It hurts~ It really hurts I-I-I am sorry! Please let go of me!" wailed Bairos like a crying kid.

A tall mountainous giant kid now was a miserable injured puppy under Trisha's feet. All the haughty air was nowhere like his former self.

"What a pathetic display. Get out of my sight," said Trisha with disdain and a cold voice.

Everyone in the audience was enthralled by the sight they just witnessed. A blonde girl made a boy who was almost double her size cower under her feet.

Bairos, who was not long ago the embodiment of manliness representing the boys, turned into such a sorry state in an instant. Even I was disappointed as I expected a big commotion that would attract the rail guards. That giant brat is just full of hot air and disappointment.

Meanwhile, the girl's group broke into an uproar praising Trisha for her bravery and heroic display of her strength. Trisha was still calm like ice as if it wasn't a big deal as she stood back in her place guarding the girl's group like a guard dog.

I can't help but whistle in a manner to applaud the girl's technique for making that boy submit. Even some of the boys were awestruck by her style and some even fell in love at first sight. Typical teen boys, meh.

Meanwhile, Bairos went to a corner to look for a hole to dig a hole so that he can bury himself for good as the world forgets his existence.

It wasn't soon the hallway door opened and a figure walked out of the room.

A man dressed in a full formal black suit and a peculiar red flower in his front chest pocket.

On his left eye, he wore a monocle lens,

"What's with all this racket? What is going on here?"