Niko Ramirez a twenty three year old policeman gets promoted to detective, following his promotion is a job offer in St Bay, a city in Connorida. Without hesitation Niko takes up the offer, but just as his home state, this City plays by it's own rules.
"Did you pack your lunch yesterday, Koen" Niko asked
"Yeah, no sorry I fell asleep" He said smiling
"Alright, fine 10 dollars buy what u need so u don't go hungry" He said
"Thanks, Niko" Koen said
"I can't believe I gotta say good bye to the guys today" Koen said Frowning
"I'm sorry, Ko I got promoted and you know I gotta take the opportunity" Niko said patting Koen's head
"I know I just wish it didn't have to be so soon" He said
"I know, you go on to school now, say goodbye to everyone" He said
"See ya Niko" Koen left
"Wish he didn't have to leave, but he has no one to stay with, he'll like it in, St Bay" Niko said
Niko drove to the police station
He touched the bars on the doors to push in the doors, the bars felt hot as they always did, the Texas heat could do that, Niko gripped them just a little harder this time, without even noticing
He went to his locker, changing his clothes in that room for the last time, he slammed his locker shut and walked to roll call
He took his seat, knowing what would happen next
"Ah, Officer Niko Ramirez come up here" The chief said
"Today is the last day, Officer Ramirez will be wearing this uniform, after today he finally becomes a man" Chief Deere announced
Everyone in the room make sarcastic comments due to the last comment, but they congratulated Niko, they were proud of their brother, he was soo young and already taking up such responsibilities
"Man I still can't believe you're promoted, brother" Officer Garrett said
"Yeah, man I can't believe it either" Niko said laughing
"This is the last time I'll be driving with u bud" He said patting Niko's back
"How's the kid he's looking forward to moving" Officer Garrett asked
"No man I'm afraid not, kid's been down the whole week" Niko said
"Ah he'll get over it, he'll find some new friends maybe a girl, kid'll be alright" Officer Garrett said
"I hope you're right, I fear Koen will get into trouble when I'm not around" Niko said
"Come on you're a detective, man" Officer Garrett said
"I hope you're right" He said
"Woah that guy is blowing through the street light 'em up" Officer Garrett said
The car stopped and an anxious man got out of the car
"Woah woah woah, Sir get back hands on hood" Officer Garrett said
"Mi esposa está embarazada" The man chanted over and over
"Sir, calm down" Officer Garrett said
"Garrett, his wife is pregnant" Niko said
"Shit, I'll get an RA" Garrett said
Within 3 mins an ambulance arrived
"Man I sure did not know what that guy was on about" Officer Garrett said
"That's cuz ur stupid" Niko said laughing
"Boy I bet your skill will come in handy with those city folk" Officer Garrett said
"Dude, how old are you, u said city folk" Niko said
"Damn it's about time for me to go" Niko said
"Yeah, let's take u back" Officer Garrett said
Niko got back to a party a celebration
"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it" He said smiling
"Congratulations, Detective Ramirez" Chief Deere said smiling
"Thank you, Sir" He said smiling at everyone
"Thanks to all of you, I never really would've grown or learned anything without the influences and uniqueness, you all add" Niko said smiling
"Please make this as memorable for the next person in line" He said eating a slice of cake
"Hey Koen, I'm home we're gonna go out and eat remember" Niko said
"Yeah, I remember" Koen said
"What's wrong buddy" Niko asked
"Niko, I don't wanna go" Koen said
Niko sat down next to Koen
"Koen it's alright to not want to leave, I don't wanna leave either, apart of me will miss this, and apart of me is eager to learn what a new place can teach" He said
"You know we are learning constantly, we must put ourselves in new places to truly open up and grow, even though we don't want to, healthy safe and new experiences are the key to growing in the best way possible" He said
"Do you still wanna go out, Koen, cuz if not I'mma leave u here" Niko said
"I still wanna go out, I'm not missing free food" Koen said laughing
"Come on man" Niko said
Niko and Koen had packed everything three days before, and today was the day, they would leave everything behind in Bandera, Texas, to start a new life and career opportunities in St Bay, Connorida
They packed the car and drove to the airport, they boarded the plane and were on their way
"Can't believe we're in the air" Koen said
"I know it doesn't seem real, is it strange, Koen" Niko said
"Yes it's extremely strange" Koen said
"I think it's supposed to feel that way" Niko said looking down
"Come on let's take a picture, #newopportunities" Niko said posting it
About 1 day later
The plane landed in St Bay,
"Koen stay here, I'll get the car" Niko said
"Wow, this place is huge" Keon said looking up
"Alright, hop in Koen" Niko said
"Niko, this place is huge I've only seen places like this in shows" Koen said
"Yeah, it is huge" Niko said
"Our house is about 40 mins away, your new school is about a 10 min walk or 5 min bike, or I could drive ya" Niko said
"There's the station" Niko said
"Jeez that's like a palace" Koen said
"We both start tomorrow" Niko said
"We're here" Niko said
The guys got out the car and unloaded the car
"This is a pretty nice place, did a woman help u" Keon asked
"No also that is very sexist" Niko answered, did u get all pc because ur in the city or something " Koen asked
"Koen please place that table over there, design your room however u want" Niko said
"Don't make it messy though" He added
They both decorated the home
"I still can't believe I'm gonna be a detective tomorrow, Koen this is it" Niko said