
Season 1 Episode 1: "Wishing you well..."

While walking, a man holding a child in his hand, on the white snow, the crunchy sound in every step. Suddenly, people came with Swords and Revolvers in their hands, open firing and gaggling. The man tried to escape them, running as fast as possible, knowing they would catch up to him quickly. Two members of the gang that was following the man had flags waving written "The Wakaru" in Kanji meaning "The Judgement", henceforth we call them "The Wakaru Gang". They chased him till he reached an abandoned village, he went inside one of the houses and what he saw was unbelievable. Bodies were hanging from the ceiling of the house. He was stunned for a while but snapped out of it as he heard them getting closer. He saw a closet that might help him, he walked towards it but tripped by a handle attached to the floor. He opened it and went inside without any second thought, closed it again, and sat there until he heard the footsteps and creaking noise of the oldened furniture on the floor. It was getting dark outside, so in the end, the gang members shot a few rounds on expected hiding spots and retreated.

For a while, there was complete silence, the snow dust settled on the floor as the door to the house was wide open. The man checked around himself for a while and realized that the place he chose to hide, was filled with meat, at first it seemed to be beef or pork but, when he thrust himself out of the spot he found it out to be...


"IT'S, IT'S A HUMAN BODY!", a human body, shredded into pieces, and only one hand was chopped sanely and was not minced like the other parts. He was there all time, he went in shock after witnessing such a horror. Calmed himself down, checked if the child with him was fine, and was happy to see him doing well. Not much after, the crunching sound came again, someone was walking around, he runs to hide in the darkness, the view outside was not clear, a snow storm had begun. Not wasting much time he takes some rest, tired from all that running, and falls asleep instantly.

"Don't let him be alone, stay with him, give your everything, even if it takes your life..." With a blurred vision, a woman was talking to him and took the child from his hand. "No... Not the child!" "Don't worry, I was just wishing him well." With a maniacal laugh, he sees someone pulling out a knife, hears the cries of a baby, and suddenly... wakes up. The child with him was crying, he seemed to be hungry. The man gets worried that somebody might hear him and tries to shush him, but it's too late, the man was already there. He is startled, as he looks up at him. He says with a deep voice, "yer lad hungry?" "P...P...Probably." "Come with me then.". Knowing the fact that he was being chased by gangs and he could be an undercover member, in this situation he couldn't think of anything and walked with him. They both reach the stranger's house and it looked the same as the others in the village but was the only operational house at the end of the village. "Would you like an invitation?" "S...Sorry!". They both get inside and the man was overwhelmed by the warm atmosphere. "Thank you for having us.", there was no reply. The stranger brings milk for the kid and offers food. He accepts the milk but not the food, he touches the milk, it was well-warmed, and feeds it to the kid, meanwhile the stranger asks the man to introduce himself.

"Kirigaya Morie." "Nice to meet ya. I'm Fujita Reiji." "Nice to meet you too."

There were moments of silence, both were sitting there in awkward silence until Reiji-san asks "Don't ya feel weird in this town?" "Yes sir." "Why don't yer asking me 'bout this place?" "Eh~, I have a lot of questions in my mind." "Ask em' out" "In that house why were corpses hanging off the roof? Chopped human meat under the floor? Abandoned? What is this place?" "SHUT UP!". This was unexpected. "One-by-one" "h...hanging bodies?" "Ah~ that was when it all began...".

[10 years ago]

According to Reiji-san, there was a village in the North-Eastern zone, where he used to live happily with his family. His family was wealthy, and he was famous and good-looking. When he grew up, he married a girl whom he loved for five years before marrying her. She was beautiful as the moon, and her glassy arm bounced off the September light. Soon after, a group of traders emerged from the West in search of ''Platinum''. Before the villagers had any idea about the presence of such precious metal under their feet. The men from West began construction on the mid-outskirt region of the Village. They were opposed by the villagers, protests began, and devastation, within a brink of the eye the place turned into W.P.F. or Wakaru Platinum Field. Since Reiji-san was famous and a strong man of around 6 feet and 2 inches, with a muscular body and was the only person in the village who knew to operate modern weaponry. People approached him, begging him to make them stop the extraction of ores, and destroy peoples' fields. At first, he denied it.

People lost all the hope of getting the land back and planned for migration. It all happened in front of Reiji-san and his family's eyes. Looking at them, Reiji-san felt sad and his eyes filled with tears, he realized his mistake but it was too late. Some of them have already migrated and only a few remained back. Reiji-san, with a heavy heart, walked away again, but this time...


He was stopped by his wife Akemi-san. "How could you bear watching this?" "A...Akemi?!" "The place where you were born, is being ruined each day. Have you forgotten the memories? Where have you lost? You are not the Reiji I knew..." "But..." "If the old Reiji was here, he would have killed them all and would've taken the land back without having any second thought. You have become a coward." And she walked away. He was stunned for a while, but motivated... Listening to her like this was shocking. Generally, she is very calm, silent, and charming. But the scenario forced her to change.

Reiji-san walked in and this time he went in with a purpose. He pulled out his best weapon, loaded it into his truck, took a few men with him directly to the W.P.F's heart, and set his weapon. The workers inside the mines stopped for a while and looked at him. Everyone stood frozen as if a snake hissed them all. The reason was not that he had a gun. He had an...

M1919 Browning machine gun. or the .30 Cal, American machine gun, at a caliber of 7.62 mm. It was placed on a vast tripod stand and carried over 500 rounds.

"Who's in the authority? Bring that bastard right away."

A man went in and called the authority... Murakami Orochi, the owner of the mines. He was shook looking at the furious Reiji. He asked Reiji, "Wh...What do you need?" "The land back! Give it and I leave you without hurting." "Practically, that's not possible. Is there any other way to resolve this?"

"Sending you to the devil." "Eh~ you mean death?!"

Shooting him at first, inaugurated the machine gun, he fired as long as possible, the bullet shells fell one-by-one on the ground, piercing through the chest of the men working, making the clanging sound, and blood spilled all over the place. The place took months to build and was demolished in seconds.

"People were right, the only light of hope was none other than... A strong man, with a strong will."

Reiji-san then orders his man to plant C4 all over the place, and shoot the rest of the men who were still alive. Some were taken hostage, while Murakami's head was put on the kibosh. To remove fear from the villagers' hearts. The head was put on a spear and was placed in the center of the town so that all intruders and villagers could see... "See, what happens to you when you invade my motherland!". All villagers stopped and threw their things on the ground. They ran towards Reiji but...

"Bullets came towards them, the road ran over with armored cars, people who were cheering suddenly became dead-silent, darkest hour of fate had begun..."

[To be continued...]

Heyo! Long time no see... The last one didn't go well, trying hard this time.

Blacxkucreators' thoughts