
I Need Your Help I


Columns of flame raged on through the battle field, destroying and decimating demons upon demons with no restrictions. Cerbe was running rampage with nothing to stop it.


Damien was somewhere else on the battleground, sending fireballs after fireballs towed approaching demons with such determination and energy that no demon could come close enough to pay a hand on him.

Luton on the other hand had found its way through the mass of beings, silently devouring whatever it found tasty or attractive. Even Damien didn't know where the Stellar Slime was as it continued to change locations too quickly for him to track.

Around the battlefield, demons fell without a halt. Damien's appearance with Cerbe had managed turned the tide so greatly that the relief couldn't be hidden on the faces of the other fighters around. Even Arielle felt the relief, wiping sweat off the side of her face.