
SSS-Rank Villain's Domination

This is a world of the future, a world that is highly developed yet devoid of morals, rich yet the majority of people are below poverty. Hypocrisy is a must-have for any elite who want to stay in their class. Invisible evil envelops the entire world. However, above all evil, there is an evil that in a short time terrorizes everyone. *** Discord: (https://discord.gg/4hkjAaMwqJ)

Dark_Crow1111 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Queen of Monsters

Hell's Smile is actually newly formed, about half a year ago. It could be said to be a new organization.

However, the members of the organization had been famous long before it was formed.

They consisted of seven women who had committed such great crimes that they were considered Rank S Criminals.

Five of the organization's members were Class S Primordial Beings while the remaining two were Class S+ Primordial Beings.

They might just be women, even beautiful women.

However, their strength was the source of people's fear.

They would give a beautiful smile, but it was a smile from hell.

In addition, there are rumors that they have a mysterious leader who is even more powerful.

This rumor was quite strong because it seemed impossible for the women to unite and then form an organization.

They might not be enemies, but each of them came from a different place. There was no reason for them to unite suddenly without someone organizing it.

So far, the organization had accepted various services from rich people.

They could be hired to be protectors or even hired to kill someone.

Of course, the money that needed to be provided to hire them was not small.

"Which of those women did you manage to hire, Mr. Charles?" asked Kane with a curious expression after being surprised and frightened.

In reality, it was not just about money, but access to contact them. After all, they were criminals, so it was not easy to contact them.

"The Queen of Monsters," Charles replied calmly.

Although she wasn't the strongest member, she was still very powerful.

Kane took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I can feel more comfortable now, is that lady in this building?" He said and asked.

"Yes, she's in the best place, if Dark Crow comes, she'll appear right away!" Charles nodded lightly.

"Actually I've been coming for a long time!" Suddenly an answer came from behind Charles.

Kane was the most surprised. His body jumped from his chair then fell backwards with his feet still on the chair.

Charles was apparently also a Primordial Being although his strength was not great. He jumped forward while turning around and found Dark Crow's figure right behind his chair, next to the middle-aged woman accompanying him.

The woman widened her eyes when she saw Dark Crow. She hurriedly stepped to the side.

"Have you been targeting us for a long time?" asked Charles.

He was apparently still quite calm now.

"Everyone is my target, you don't need to think about when I targeted you," replied Dark Crow.

Charles who had calmed down took a deep breath, looking like he wanted to make himself calmer.

"Mr. Dark Crow, is there any way I can avoid conflict with you?" he asked, much to the surprise of the others.

This was of course strange because he had previously said that he had hired the Queen of Monsters. Why did he suddenly want to compromise with Dark Crow?

The middle-aged woman looked at him with a furrowed brow.

As the top brass of the company, she felt this was too demeaning to themselves.

Charles should have fought Dark Crow to the point of defeating him to let the world know their strength.

"Just bow to me and give this company to me because I want it." Dark Crow immediately gave an answer.

Unfortunately, his answer instantly upset Charles.

His composure would be lost if it meant he was asked to submit to someone else, let alone having to give up his company. That would practically cost him everything.

He didn't seem to want to negotiate anymore.

"Lady Cecilia, please come," he said into the small microphone he always carried.

The woman he was calling was clearly the Queen of Monsters.

"I'm already here!" A reply suddenly came from nowhere.

The voice was soft and smooth, pleasant to hear.

Charles smiled at the woman's reply, but suddenly she said, "I suggest you submit to him to get your troubles over with."

Charles, "..."

At this moment, a woman stepped out from behind the door Charles was using.

The woman had a tall, slender body and long purple hair that went past her buttocks.

She was probably in her mid-30s, like she was about to enter middle age.

Her face was very pretty with its pale skin while her lips were a dark red color.

She had a pair of bright purple eyes that seemed to emit light constantly.

What she was wearing was actually a long black dress that was tight enough that her curves were visible on every side. She even wore quite a lot of jewelry, making her look very glamorous.

One would probably think she was a rich woman who wanted to go to a party.

However, she was not the type to hide her aura.

Occasionally, her primordial aura emanated from her body, making breathing much more difficult.

She was not only a Class S Primordial Being, but also a Rank S Criminal.

There had been many times when the military and police had tried to capture her only to suffer heavy losses.

Her skill was creating monsters with her power. Since she had great power, the monsters she could create were also numerous, enough to threaten a city.

Of course, to Charles, the woman's words were a big deal.

"Lady Cecilia, what do you mean?" he asked with a serious expression.

Cecilia, the Queen of Monsters continued walking until she finally arrived beside Dark Crow.

She looked up at him, smiling faintly at him.

"Mr. Dark Crow, I never thought we'd meet here, you know, I've missed you so much in the past few months. Why did you leave right away at that time? We should have spent the night together first. I may be much older than you, but a young man will be more extraordinary when he manages to fuck a woman at my age," she said in a rather flirtatious tone.

She was notorious, how could she talk about such dirty things to Dark Crow.

Kane gasped at that because he admired the woman's beauty so much.

Dark Crow still looked calm despite Cecilia's words.

"How much did he pay you?" he asked her.

His red eyes glanced at her.

She smiled wryly as he immediately changed the topic.

Even so, she answered, "35 Million Dollars for the down payment. Since I haven't really worked yet, so I only received the advance payment."

"I see, since you're here, so you can help me."

"Sure, so what do you want me to do, Mr. Dark Crow? Do you want me to destroy this building?" Cecilia chuckled as she answered.

At this point, Charles couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"Lady Cecilia, didn't the contract you were given say that you would still perform your duties even if your client's opponent was a member of Hell's Smile or an acquaintance of yours?" asked Charles.

"Yes," Cecilia replied casually. "And I'm sure there's a clause stating that I won't fight back if the enemy is our boss."

Charles, "..."

Kane, "..."

At this moment, how could they not realize something.

Their skin turned deathly pale with fear.

They immediately speculated that Dark Crow was the mysterious leader of Hell's Smile.

This was the worst news they had heard today.

Then what could they do when Dark Crow and the Queen of Monsters stood right in front of them.

"Mr. Dark Crow, as long as you kill Charles, I can help you control the Moon Mine Company," the middle-aged woman accompanying Charles said suddenly.

She took a step forward to get closer to Dark Crow, and showed an expression like she was ready to work for him.

This was a sudden change but not unusual among the elites.

The middle-aged woman was so proud, she would hate for this company to compromise with Dark Crow.

However, the current situation really left no choice for her and Charles.

Dark Crow might want this company, and as an individual, Charles would definitely not give up his company.

Although he could compromise, for him it was pointless if it meant he lost everything.

The woman, on the other hand, thought differently.

She was not the owner of the company, only its top brass.

In this case, she would just assume that the company would change ownership, from Charles to the Dark Crow.

Charles would be finished while she would stay alive with her new boss.

If she continued to follow Charles, it meant she would die with him.

She was sure it was because she saw that Dark Crow really wanted this company.

It was something she could not guess why, but it was possible that Dark Crow did not hesitate to kill and slaughter in order to achieve his goal.