
SSS-Rank Talent: Fate's Slave

Fate has always been a mystery, steering some towards heroism and others towards villainy. But for one person, that fate led to a chilling transformation. "Kalsie... y-you... killed everyone? Why!?" she questioned, shock, betrayal and disbelief evident in her eyes as she surveyed the numerous lifeless bodies, staining everything in red. Hearing her, the person in question looked at her with his hollowed eyes void of emotions, and replied, "I did...” “Just why!?” she asked in despair. “because... my fate... curse, and... Destiny... wanted me to." Kalsie was once a normal human with a kind and a playful nature. But, as they say, life is unpredictable, and Kalsie's life was no exception. For him, it all began on that fateful day. The day he found himself stranded on an island filled with dangerous monsters—where everything changed for him. ********* A/N :- It is a slow paced in the first volume and System/Talent is introduced in the second volume. My other work- EX-Class: Zombie’s Husbando

Dummybeing · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The real challenge

'I've heard this voice before... But where!?' Kalsie thought as he recognized the voice but couldn't remember the owner behind the voice.

While other's were still under shock and unable to move, the mysterious person continued, ["In this world, Luminara, countless wondrous and mysterious phenomena exist, and one of the most profound is the art of magic! The very force that has rendered you immobile is none other than the mystical power of magic!"]

'What?!' Some of them were astonished, while a few grew a little excited at the prospect of magic.

However, their excitement was short-lived.

["Yes, it's true! Magic exists! However, only a Talented few have the potential to wield it. That's where you come in. Every year, selected students from Saint's University, regardless of their background, undergo trials to determine who can harness magic's power and join us. I've been watching you all from the start, but the process isn't what matters; it's the end result."]

["Your first test, surviving in the forest, is already done. Now, the real challenge begins - 'Survival in the Abandoned Academy'!! Pass by enduring the night against the creatures you call 'Dead Walkers,' who will soon swarm this place. The test starts in a few minutes when the moon replaces the sun, so get ready."]

["Also, the barriers blocking those buildings will be lifted, so you can use them as you need."]

'WHAT?! WHY?!' None of them desired to relive the nightmare they had faced before, but they were unable to vocalize their objections, let alone move their bodies.

["A piece of advice - the Dead Walkers will be even more formidable this time. However, the more you defeat them, the more strength you can extract from them. So, survive! And prove yourselves worthy of glimpsing a new world!!!"]

As soon as the voice vanished, their ability to move was restored, and chaos ensued.

"What the heck is happening?"

"You deceived us!!! You never mentioned any test beforehand!!!!!!"

"What?! Is it about to begin?!"

"I never agreed to this!! LET ME OUT!!"

"Stay vigilant!! The monsters can appear at any moment!!!"

"Someone!! Please help me!! Please!! The monsters will kill me!!!"

"S-Should we leave this place? I don't want to be part of this test..."

"Are you kidding me!? It's even more perilous outside!! Didn't you hear them? When they appear, head for those buildings!!"

Panic and anxiety gripped the people as they recalled the previous nightmare they had endured. Even within Peter and Kalsie's groups, some individuals stiffened, their faces taut with the tension of an unexpected turn of events.

They had sought refuge here, only to find themselves thrust into a survival test against their will.

However, Kalsie's response differed from the rest. While he was initially taken aback, he quickly adapted and understood the immediate course of action. 

While others were still grappling with shock, he shouted, "Fred!! Noah!! This is our opportunity!! Disarm their archers quickly!!!"

"!!" Both Fred and Noah were initially surprised, but they swiftly grasped Kalsie's cue and unleashed their arrows against their adversaries.

Swoosh Swoosh

"LOOK OUT!!!" Cary, Peter's friend, belatedly shouted, but it was already too late.


"AHHH!!! My arm!!!!!!!"

"What!?" Peter's subordinates hadn't even realized what had occurred before a barrage of arrows rained down on them, primarily disarming the other archers.

"EXCELLENT!!" Wendy and the others exclaimed in unison.

"Haha... you guys are fast, unlike my lackeys," Peter remarked with a mixture of frustration and amusement. One of the arrows, fired by Noah, had been directed at him, but he deftly deflected it with his sword.

Originally, Peter had more than ten archers at his disposal, but now only five remained standing, while the others writhed on the ground, nursing their bleeding arms.

Fred and Noah ceased firing, conserving their arrows, since their objective of surprising and weakening the enemy had been accomplished. With Nick and Bella supporting them, four archers from their group exerted pressure on the enemy's archers, dissuading them from launching further attacks.

"Hmm... as much as I'd love to continue fighting, it doesn't seem like the ideal moment, does it? After all, this place will soon be swarming with those monsters," Peter remarked as he glanced at Kalsie.

'He has a point, but...' Kalsie pondered for a moment before inquiring, "So are you suggesting we cease our hostilities?"

"Yes, for now. My desire to fight you has been marred by that bitch commanding me to do something. As thrilling as this place is, I detest being ordered around by anyone," Peter calmly replied, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't seriously expect us to believe you!?" 

"We'd be foolish to take your word for it!"

Job and Jack vehemently protested, making it clear that they didn't trust a single word that came out of Peter's mouth.

"Once again, not my problem," Peter retorted with a dismissive shake of his head. "We're heading to that building."

"What makes you believe we won't rain arrows down on you from behind?" Fred inquired with a stern expression.

Peter chuckled and retorted, "I mean, you can try if you think you can kill me so easily. In fact, maybe you should attempt it; that way, I can weed out some weaklings from my group!"

Upon hearing Peter's words, his own group turned pale, but not one of them dared to voice their disobedience. Something had occurred the previous night, and none of them were eager to endure it again.

Peter turned his attention to Kalsie and asked with a smile, "What do you say?"

Kalsie pondered for a moment, considering various possibilities. After a brief pause, he responded, "For now, we won't attack each other. But the next time we meet, it will be either you or me."

"Works for me," Peter agreed with a nod and a clap.

"Stay vigilant," Kalsie cautioned as he observed Peter's group moving away.

Both groups began retreating toward the barrier while maintaining a safe distance. However, before Kalsie or anyone else realized it, their allotted time for preparation had run out. The sun had already set, and the only illumination came from the moon.

Suddenly, before anyone could react, strange noises began echoing across the field, startling everyone. It was something all of them were familiar with, even if they wished to deny it.

*Swoosh* *Crackle*

"What's happening?"

A fog began to envelop the field, slightly obscuring their vision, and soon the earth began to crack open. It didn't take them long to realize what was approaching.