
SSS-Rank Talent: Fate's Slave

Fate has always been a mystery, steering some towards heroism and others towards villainy. But for one person, that fate led to a chilling transformation. "Kalsie... y-you... killed everyone? Why!?" she questioned, shock, betrayal and disbelief evident in her eyes as she surveyed the numerous lifeless bodies, staining everything in red. Hearing her, the person in question looked at her with his hollowed eyes void of emotions, and replied, "I did...” “Just why!?” she asked in despair. “because... my fate... curse, and... Destiny... wanted me to." Kalsie was once a normal human with a kind and a playful nature. But, as they say, life is unpredictable, and Kalsie's life was no exception. For him, it all began on that fateful day. The day he found himself stranded on an island filled with dangerous monsters—where everything changed for him. ********* A/N :- It is a slow paced in the first volume and System/Talent is introduced in the second volume. My other work- EX-Class: Zombie’s Husbando

Dummybeing · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Next Destination

Fred chimed in, asking, "You're not talking about 'that' place, are you?"

Wendy nodded. The others looked at them, curiosity piqued. "What are you two talking about?"

Wendy explained, "This morning, we tried to climb the tallest tree nearby to get a sense of the forest's size and find a way out. Honestly speaking, everywhere our eyes went, we only saw dense forest. That was until, Fred spotted a settlement of some sort, hidden far away within the trees on top of a hill."

"A settlement in a place like this?" The group couldn't believe it.

Fred confirmed, "Yes, it's true. You can ask me; I saw it first. Originally, our plan was to head there, but after we met you all, we lost our way."

Wendy added, "It's not that Fred forgot the way; it's just that my memory is better. Let me draw it out for you." She began drawing a rough map on the ground. "See, this side is the sea, and we're somewhere around here... Or maybe not. Okay, I admit I'm terrible with directions. Does anyone here have a good sense of direction?"

Kalsie's lips twitched with amusement as he looked at Wendy and said, "Let me help."

Fred couldn't resist a playful jab, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "So much for having a good memory... You had one job."

Wendy shot back, "Shut up, fatso!"

Ignoring their lighthearted banter, Kalsie took the wooden stick and started drawing on the rough map Wendy had created earlier.

He marked the sea to the east and the forest where they were to the west. Pointing toward the setting moon, he continued, "Judging by the moon's position, I'd say we're right here, southwest from the beach."

He then traced their path from the forest meeting point to the Lake Island where they were currently located.

Clearing her throat to regain her composure, Wendy quickly took the stick back from Kalsie and marked the area where she believed the settlement was. Tracing back from her observation point, she marked it on the map.

"So it's to the northeast, correct?" Kalsie confirmed with her.

Wendy replied confidently, "While it may not be entirely accurate, I'm quite sure about the general direction. We can confirm it during the daytime."

Fred shrugged, voicing his skepticism. "Even if we find it, what then? Last time we estimated, it was very far away and it could take us more half a day. Given our current circumstances, it might be even farther, possibly twice that distance."

"Entire day?" Kalsie frowned, considering the implications and the risks they would face at night.

Job voiced his concerns, "Just surviving a night in the forest took our all, who knows what would happen..."

Wendy shook her head with a smirk and continued, "The sun will be up for at least 10 hours, so we need to reach the settlement within 9 hours or less. Covering that much distance would be impossible for normal humans, but..."

Kalsie completed her thought, resting his head on his right hand as he spoke, "But we're not 'normal' anymore, not after killing those monsters and absorbing their orbs, right?"

"You're absolutely right!" Wendy nodded vigorously. "Even though the effects may be small, I can feel that I'm stronger than before. With this newfound strength, we'll have no problem reaching that settlement before nightfall!"

Nicole hesitated for a moment before speaking up, her voice trembling with worry. "Excuse me... I didn't k-kill as many monsters as you guys did, so I don't think I've become that much stronger..."

Bella chimed in, echoing Nicole's sentiments, "I feel the same way."

Wendy looked at them reassuringly and said, "It seems like you both haven't noticed... Do you know how fast we were running to escape earlier? At least more than 15 miles per hour, and we kept that up for two or three hours! Plus, we don't even have to run; we can just walk fast and save our energy!"

Her words left them astonished.

The average person runs at a speed of 7-8 miles per hour, so hearing that they ran twice that fast left them speechless.

Despite her assurance, Job voiced their concerns, arguing, "Even if we are stronger now, what's the point? It doesn't change the fact that once we're surrounded, there won't be any place to hide. Look at this place! It's the perfect hiding spot from those monsters. And even if there's a slim chance they can cross the lake, we can climb the tall trees behind us before it gets dark. So, why take so many risks?"

Job had a point; their current location offered a natural advantage as a shelter, and the tall trees on the island would provide safety from ground threats. This made everyone contemplate their options.

However, Wendy, as if expecting this concern, kept persuading, "But what if we're just trapping ourselves in this dangerous place? How long do you plan on hiding here? Do you really want to stay here indefinitely? Remember, no one is coming to save us. So, what's your choice – stay here for who knows how long or go to that settlement to find clues about our situation and finally leave this forest behind for good? That settlement might be the best option left for our situation."

'She isn't wrong...' Kalsie contemplated her words, knowing she had a strong point.

Although the risks were high, the potential reward of escaping this nightmare forest was worth it.

He exchanged a glance with Fred, who nodded in agreement. Kalsie then turned to Wendy and said, "You are right. Staying here won't keep us safe, I think it would better to go there."

Fred chimed in immediately, "Me too."

Their determination to face the unknown and escape this dangerous place together was unwavering.

"I-If you guys are going, then include my brother and me as well." Surprisingly, Nicole's voice rang out after Kalsie and Fred had expressed their willingness to join Wendy on the journey.

This unexpected decision caught many off guard, especially those who knew Nicole's reserved nature.

Jack, though not one to speak much, silently nodded in agreement, his determined expression conveying his intent.

Kalsie then turned his attention toward the remaining members – Job, Nick, Noah, and Bella.

He spoke with conviction, addressing their concerns, "I understand your worries. But have faith in your abilities. I won't deny the risks we face, but together, we can support and protect one another."

He paused briefly before continuing, "Think about it this way: if you hadn't come to my aid when I needed help, I might not be here right now. We're stronger together, and that unity is our greatest asset."

Hearing Kalsie's words, job did not say anything for a few seconds and bit his lips in frustration.

But it wasn't long before he sighed and conceded, "You're right... We should stick together as a group, no matter what challenges we encounter. After all, we made a promise last night."

Right afterward, Noah also added, "We're with you."

In the end, everyone agreed to embark on the dangerous journey together, putting their trust in each other to overcome the challenges ahead.


The following morning arrived without any unusual incidents. As the fires in the vicinity gradually subsided, the sky transitioned from darkness to the gentle hues of dawn.

Following a night of making plans and sharing some quiet moments, exhaustion had taken its toll on the group, especially Kalsie.

While they had managed to find some comfort in sleep, their bodies remained vigilant, ready to awaken at the slightest hint of danger.

In their normal lives, they would have slept soundly at this hour, but the urgency of their circumstances left no room for leisurely slumber.

As the first light of daybreak touched the horizon, some of them began to stir awake, and within moments, the rest followed suit. Fully aware of the preciousness of each morning hour, they wasted no time in preparing for the day ahead.

Their morning routine involved catching fish from the nearby lake, their stomachs grumbling with hunger after a night of fasting. Despite the fatigue and the unfamiliar surroundings, their determination to survive and find a way out of this predicament fueled their actions.

As others were busy, Kalsie and Fred, scaling the tallest tree on the miniature island, sought confirmation of the settlement's location.

While the tree's height was modest at 20 meters, it provided a clear view of the forest because the trees on this mini-island were naturally larger than the tree in the forest.

With concentrated gazes, they scanned the horizon until Fred's finger pointed towards an indistinct object.

"It's there!" Fred exclaimed, his eyes narrowing as he examined the distant sight. Kalsie followed his gaze, discerning a faint, unnatural presence amidst the dense foliage—an obscured fragment of what might be a small white structure.

Ordinarily, spotting a minuscule white dot amidst the thick foliage would have been a near-impossible feat, but Fred's remarkable vision, coupled with the advantage of the settlement's elevated position on a hill, made it achievable.

Though uncertainty shrouded its identity, Kalsie recognized that it was undoubtedly of human origin.

"That's our next destination."