

THIS WORK IS JUST FICTION. ALL NAMES, CHARACTERS, BACKGROUNDS AND EVENTS THAT OCCUR ARE JUST INTRUSION. PROLOGUE In 2100 AD, an island appeared in the Pacific Ocean as a result of a large earthquake. With an area of ​​more than 12km. Many people moved to the island to reduce population density and eventually created 2 new countries, namely Newgenesia and Alpenia. Initially, Newgenesia was an area for scientists to research the new island when it first appeared, but as time went by, the families of these scientists decided to move with the researchers and build a country on the island. Meanwhile, Alpenia is a region that is not inhabited by scientists, making it an area for the general public to live in. Because Newgenesia is the country where scientists live, the area they need to examine is not very large and in the end, the excess territory of Newgenesia was given to Alpenia. For many years these two countries have lived side by side in harmony, but as time goes by, the Newgenesia region increasingly lacks resources to continue the life of the country because their territory is not as large as Alpenia. As a result, Newgenesia decided to forcibly take Alpenia's resources, resulting in a war between the two countries. This war involved Newgenesia, which used robot technology, and Alpenia, which still relied on the human military. Due to the NewGenesis technology used by both countries, information about the war between these two countries is a secret from those two countries only. From the start, the battle for Alpenia which only relied on the human military was far behind by Newgenesia's robot troops. However, the resistance from Alpenia is also not weak because, even though they are few, they also have their own robots and several robots belonging to Newgenesia which had previously been imported. In May 2131, the battle reached 6 months and Alpenia had the opportunity to prevent their defeat from the battle and turn the tide of the battle.

Risky_Ksp · Action
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

May 22, 2131, 03:00, Northern Newgenesia Border Region

On a cliff on a cold and slightly windy night, someone was watching so many troops moving in cars, panzer and a number of their androids.

"It turns out to be true, huh. This was all predicted very precisely by the commander of Secret Squad 4. He's really good at things like this."

"Isaac, we have to move now and carry out the next plan."

"You're right Kailer. Let's get started, plan B!"

In accordance with Peter's expectations, Newgenesia sent reinforcements to troops in the northern and northwestern regions. With the help of two members of Secret Squad 1, this information was known to parties from Alpenia and they began to prepare their plans to overcome this.

May 23, 2131, 06:00, Secret Squad 4 Headquarters

The morning after the party finished, the members of Secret Squad 4 had to wake up because there was an emergency meeting regarding the latest information on enemy forces that was discussed last night.

"Hoaaahhh, I'm still sleepy. Didn't I stay awake last night? Why was I woken up at this hour?!"

"Oi, Mikita, we're in an emergency meeting. Shut up!"

"Okay. Hoaaahhhh."

After Mikita finished yawning, finally, Major Peter started the meeting.

"Good, you have all gathered. Alright, time to present the results of last night's reconnaissance carried out by Secret Squad 1."

"Secret Squad 1 is also on this mission, huh? This will definitely be a mission that will have a huge impact on the battle."

"Okay, I will explain in detail now that everyone has gathered. Last night, Secret Squad 1 carried out a scouting mission to see whether the enemy's movements matched my predictions or not, and based on the scouting they carried out last night, it turned out that my predictions were true and therefore, plan B will be carried out, meaning attacking enemy reinforcements. Then, I have prepared a task for you."

In the middle of this important meeting, someone was lamenting his fate because he had to take part in another mission.

(Why does this thing that I don't want have to happen?)

And, your task for this mission is very easy, namely you only need to kill the android troop commanders without being discovered by the enemy. Of course, don't forget to hack or damage the Android system. What do you think about this mission? Easy, right?"

"Major, it looks like you just want to send the buffalo to the lion's den."

"But captain, buffalo can also kill lions, right? What you have to remember is to prioritize hacking the android system so that they become ours. So I'll leave the rest to you, okay? I'll send you details of the raid schedule soon, and I ask for your cooperation, Captain Theo !"

Screen off sound

"Hah, I thought that by being here my tasks would get easier and fewer, but now it ends up like this huh.


On the other hand...

"Good luck, captain Theo."

May 24, 2131, 05:00, Northern Newgenesia Border Region

On a slightly cold morning, the Newgenesian reinforcement troops were resting in their respective tents, although there were still some of them who were still on guard duty and some of them were already awake and doing their jobs.

Some were cooking, some were practicing, some were still in their tents, and there were also those patrolling the area. Among all the busyness, someone ran towards a tent.

After arriving in front of the tent, he entered the tent panting heavily. Inside the tent, there was someone who was busy with a laptop in front of him and immediately turned around when he heard the sound of someone entering.

The person who ran still panting in front of the door after running from his tent to another tent was Captain Algort. He was one of the leaders of the armed soldiers in the group of troops and was the right hand man of Major Paulus, the person who called him to the tent and the main leader of the Newgenesian reinforcement troops.

With sweat on his body and still panting for breath, Captain Algort asked.

"Why, did you, call me, Major Paulus?"

"I never thought a captain like you would sweat that much just from running a few meters."

"But, no matter what, I have answered your call even though it's so early. If you had called other captains, they might have ignored your call."

While Captain Algort was still speaking breathlessly, Major Paulus was ready to leave his tent and head outside.

"Well, that's of course because you're my right hand man, Captain Algort. Come on, we have nothing else to do here. If you want, I'll let you change into your pajamas first, but after that, go straight to my android controller. That's where our business lies."

After being given a way out, Major Paulus left Captain Algort who was still in front of the tent. Then after saluting Major Paulus, Captain Algort walked to his tent to change clothes.

May 24, 2131, 05:00, Northern Newgenesia Border Region

Meanwhile, somewhere near the Newgenesian reinforcements, Secret Troops 1 and 4, along with around 200 soldiers, were preparing to attack the enemy reinforcements.

Isaac, the leader of Secret Squad 1, as well as the leader of this attack, stood in front of the 200 soldiers in front of him and began his speech.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to a place so far from your place of duty, but as you already know, this mission is more important than your other missions, namely having fun, right?"

The sound of soldiers laughing was heard

"Listen here, if you're just having fun out there like our lousy leaders, then you're just like our lousy leaders, aren't you?"

There was another sound of soldiers laughing

"However, some of you only care about themselves and are like our lousy leaders, they don't think at all about the future of the country, nation and their future successors and only care about themselves. Therefore, you who are here , I feel proud that you are willing to change yourselves so that you don't become like those selfish leaders and help in saving this entire nation from a battle that will continue to claim more lives of our future generations who should continue to live in the future to come."

Isaac's speech, which had previously made the soldiers laugh, quickly changed the atmosphere of laughter into an atmosphere full of fighting spirit from the soldiers and made the soldiers who heard it cheer and applaud his speech.

Meanwhile on the other hand...