
The 3rd Entry

If you do not mind, viewer, I want to get some matters off my chest. I am still losing sleep over what happened in my first assignment. Due to my own unknowingness of the Inklings' abilities, I nearly jeopardized our acquisition of a Zapfish. I accept full responsibility for this mistake, and I shall expand my knowledge to prevent this mistake from happening again. Any semblance of respect that I may have earned from Commander Seaban has shattered after this blunder. This troubles me, as this respect was not simple to garner; I could tell from the beginning that Seaban did not think too fondly of me. No matter how well I did in my training (and, not to gloat, but I feel like I am one of the more adept Octolings in my group) he simply could not find it in him to acknowledge my efforts. As is usual in this world, individuals can be limited by others' prejudices towards them. In this case, hardly anyone expects me, a male Octoling, to make it far in the Octarian society, to say nothing of me becoming a notable Octoling soldier. Any other sane person in my position would just admit defeat and forfeit, but I have a different mindset. No matter what trial I may face in this world, I promise to never, ever, give up on my dreams. If I were to fall now, what would all my effort have been for? As per my previous log, I at least have the support of Emma to lean on. I can tell that she is thought of in a negative light for even associating with a sorry case like me, although she prefers to not admit it. Despite that, she remains a reliable friend to go to when I am down. I tell you, having an ally like her is a major boon in this heartless world; I wish for nothing but prosperity for her future. I hope that you enjoyed this entry, my witnesses, and I shall keep you updated over time.