
The 2nd Entry

Hello again my loyal watchers. I am lucky to announce that I have successfully entered the well-renowned Octoling boot camp! Shocking, I know. That just goes to show the true power of a strong resolve; with it, almost anything is possible. Anyway, I suppose that you want to know how life is in this military organization. Let me tell you, at first I felt as though no one in the camp, including my overbearing mentor Commander Seaban, would treat me with any form of respect on the basis of my biological sex. In spite of those uncertainties, one light in my life shone through the darkness. That beacon of hope was an Octoling girl by the name of Emma Bayer. Oh what a wonderful name that is! She appears to be older than me, I would wager about a 3-year difference. She certainly is an interesting maiden, as she is relatively quit and self-brooding. Compared to the harshness of the other Octoling girls, with their biting, teasing remarks, Emma is quite kind to me, treating me as something like a younger brother. I am truly grateful to be in the presence of such a wonderful young lady. Her battling knowledge is vast as well, and she makes a great training partner for me to try my Octobrush skills on. She is quite the formidable opponent with her Blaster as well; her aim is impeccable! She's a great asset in my supreme life goal, helping me withstand the trials and tribulations of the Octarian boot camp.

Oftentimes under the cover of night, we secretly exchange stories(we take care not to raise too much noise, since we are usually expected to be sleeping during that time) about our past life. Emma listened deeply as I recounted the ridicule that I had endured as a kid, chastised for wanting to take on a role that society had barred from me. Emma was completely understanding about this situation, and vowed to help me push against the controversy and reach for my dreams. It was nice to hear someone else other than my little brother sympathize with me for once. For all of her level-headedness, Emma also had a tragic backstory. You see, she used to have a younger sister who was suffering from a nematode infection. Her situation was dire, but the top Octarian doctors were working their hardest in the Suction-Cup Methodist Hospital, attempting to alleviate their patients condition. One fateful day, an Inkling spy invaded the area, stealing the zapfish that powered the area. The nearby Octarian militia attempted to defend their power source from the incoming threat, but their enemy proved to be too much for them to handle. Before anyone could stop them, the Inkling had made their escape with our precious source of life. Usually when these sorts of attacks happened, they did not have particularly impactful effects. That was not the case this time though, as the hospital that Emma's sister had been housed in could not function as effectively without the power of a Zapfish. For that reason, many patients met their untimely ends in that facility, including Emma's dear younger sister.

This incident, she explained, was her sole reason for joining this boot camp. She wanted to exact revenge on the Inkling menace for stripping her loved one from her life. I was genuinely devastated after hearing my friend's account. I shared her hatred for the Inkling race, as they had countlessly plagued our specie's existence. As we are taught in elementary school, our ancestors had fought a struggle with the Inklings over the remaining land left after the sea levels started to rise. Since both Inklings and Octolings dissolve in water, we fought with all our heart and soul against our rivals, as the outcome would determine whether we would live or die. Our great ruler, General Octavio, led our nation towards a bright future, and he proved to be extremely adept in his leadership. He pushed us to generate effective battle strategies, manufacture powerful ink-based firearms, and even invent weapons of mass destruction known as the Great Octoweapons. With all of these advantages, there appeared to be no doubt of our victory. Yet, there was one fatal flaw. According to some sources, during an intense battle, some clumsy Octarian tripped over one of the wires powering a Great Octoweapon, allowing those dastardly Inklings to one-up us! I assume that the Inklings cheap victory gave them false confidence to win the war, and miraculously they did, as mostly every battle afterwards ended in a loss for our kind.

Eventually, our forces were beaten into surrendering, and we were made to sign a treaty that granted those pathetic squids rights to the above land. Times looked grim for the Octarian race, but our great leader's intelligence saved us one again. After having his subordinates scout the surrounding area, Octavio was able to uncover a series of underground bunkers left behind by some extinct race. The abandoned hidey-holes provided an adequate amount of shelter from the lethal depths of the ever-rising ocean, so they served as a base of operations for our people. With our undying drive to survive and our tireless goal for improvement, we constructed a hospitable environment out of our newfound habitat. It is rather depressing to be stuck staring at dull, gray wall for the whole day, so our top scientists invented monitors to be placed around the area that displayed images of bright landscapes to remind us of what could've been ours. The maintenance of our digitized landscape required a large amount of power, and while our species was doing just fine at first, we are slowly running out of time. Fortunately for us, our special forces were able to steal a legendary Zapfish from one of the cities of those greedy Inklings. Those shells shouldn't miss their power source that much; they already have a surplus of regular Zapfish! The future looks bright for Octarian kind. That will be all, for the moment. Stay tuned for future updates