
Squad 13!

The Word Protection Agency has 400 Squads across many countries. One of the squads, is an English squad called Squad 13, and every single member of it is absolutely useless in all respects. With an impressive 0% success rate on all missions, they are notorious for being a bunch of idiots who can't seem to make a single mission go well. They'd be fired by now if one of the members didn't have an insanely rich father who funded all of their missions and was a long time friend of the World Protection Agency's Leader. They may be useless in all respects, but they're popular amongst the citizens. Why, because it's hilarious to watch someone fail miserably, over and over and over and over and over again...

alaagon · Urban
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51 Chs

Final Chapter

Major woke up on a couch inside an unrecognised house. He was surrounded by his friends again. Aureli was awake and well. Nox was looking at him with a passive aggressive smile. "How long was I out for?"

"Only a week" Asia pitched in, hitting on the arm of the sofa, behind his head. He could see Moshi and Mureli at a table in the room, chowing down on some spaghetti.

"I forgot what amazing this food was. It's been too long." Mureli was stuffing her face with tears in her eyes.

Major sat up and looked around. "Moshi and Mureli explained everything to us. We're the only people from the previous universe that have any recollection of it." Nox spoke. He then broke his smile and landed a clean punch on Major. "That's for being an idiot and losing control." He swung again. "That's for killing me. " and swung again. "And that's for Jelly."

Major sat up and smiled at him. "That's fair. Sorry. Speak of, where is Jelly?"

Aureli pointed to a door in the corner. "In the bathroom throwing up. She's not used to not having a bottomless stomach so she ate herself sick."

"Just like her. I guess we messed up big time. Destroying the universe and all."

Moshi pitched in from across the room. "Actually, my universe and your previous one were pretty messed up in many ways. This one seems amazing in comparison."

Major smiled and hopped up from the sofa. "Let's make a toast. To a new life." The entire squad raised their hands in the air. Even Jelly raised hers as she emptied her guts.

So, I guess in the end, Squad 13 weren't so useless after all...

Continues in the AEnigma series.