

... Xiaomengxin accidentally entered the secret service division of Lixing Club. His only ability is to accurately identify who is a hidden Japanese. He doesn't know anything else... As a result, as he walked, it seemed like he was going the wrong way? ...

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Action
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755 Chs

Chapter 753: It's over, I've got work to do again

Sometimes, Zhang Yong feels that his reflex arc is indeed a bit long.

Just now, Commander Qian said that the person who reported him was from the CC faction, and he hadn't reacted yet, thinking that he hadn't offended the other party.

But then he ran into Feng Jiliang and Ye Wansheng. He suddenly realised that they were the minions of the CC faction!

The core of the CC faction was the Chen brothers, Chen Lifu and Chen Guofu. They specialised in party affairs. He had bullied Ye Wansheng and the others so badly, and he still claimed not to have offended them?


What a stupid brain. He really wasn't suited to being an agent.

Other people could think of 9,999 ideas in a second. He probably couldn't think of any at all. That was the difference.

But what can you do?

That's just the way it is. His talents are really too different from those of others.

Fortunately, he specialises in destruction, not construction.

Right now, he's going to cause some more destruction.



Zhang Yong ordered the vehicle to continue moving.

Soon, they saw the secret agents on the outer perimeter. One of the small leaders was recognisable.

It was the one he had threatened with the mace last time.

Zhang Yong drove directly in front of him. Stop the car.

The people in the back also stopped. Then a large group of people got out angrily.

The little spy boss was suddenly dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Those heavily armed soldiers seemed to be from the garrison headquarters.

There were also some bald men wearing Zhongshan suits. Well, they were all Zhang Yong's men. Unconsciously. The little spy boss's mouth twitched.

But he was thinking about the ferocious maces before.

Luckily, there was no fight. Otherwise, he would be dead. Such a vicious mace, and a single blow would shatter the body to pieces.

Just as he felt his life was about to end, Zhang Yong appeared.

Well, it was even more life-threatening.

The secret agent's little leader wished he could find a place to hide.

He didn't want to meet Zhang Yong. Really.

Every time they met, nothing good happened. Every time, it was a walk on the edge of death!

However, Zhang Yong had already seen him.

He was even waving at him.

The young spy leader: ...

It felt like a million years in a second.

Standing still.

Not knowing what to do.

Going up didn't seem right. But not going up didn't seem right either...

Then he saw Zhang Yong coming up.

'Who are you here on assignment?'

'Reporting, it's our director Feng and team leader Ye.'

'Go and tell them to retreat quickly. Don't waste my time.'

'Team leader Zhang...'

The little spy leader tried to put up a fight.

It was embarrassing to back down every time. It also made him look weak.

We are at least a division...

But this guy in front of me is definitely a tough guy...

'Go tell the two of them that someone has told the chairman about me, and I already know.'

'You are all just small fries. I won't make things difficult for you. I won't make things difficult for the two of them either.'

'Get lost quickly. Don't make me angry. Understand?'

'I'm very angry right now. You don't want to get yourself killed.'

Zhang Yong said in a measured tone.

The little spy leader was terrified when he heard this.

My goodness, even the commissioner is involved.

How dare I say anything? Hurriedly turning around, he ran at full speed to report to Feng Jiliang and Ye Wansheng.

He was afraid that if he was a moment late, he would die a violent death.

Didn't you hear what Zhang Yong said? He's really angry right now. He wants to kill someone. He wants to kill everyone.

At this very moment, Feng Jiliang and Ye Wansheng are planning to arrest someone.

They have already targeted the Red Party.

Seeing his subordinate running here in panic, Ye Wansheng is furious. 'What are you panicking about?'

'It's bad, it's bad,' the little spy leader said, his face full of panic, out of breath, 'Zhang Yong is here again, again...'

'What? This is too much!' Ye Wansheng's mouth fell open.

Damn it. It's him again.

That son of a bitch Zhang Yong. He's doing this on purpose.

Last time, when we were arresting the Red Party, this son of a bitch messed things up. As a result, we missed the target. And now he's here again?

'Don't let him in,' Feng Jiliang said with a gloomy face.

He was also very angry.

Zhang Yong had really gone too far!

Time and again, he causes trouble. Every time, it's at the most inopportune moment.

Could it be that this guy is a member of the Red Party?

Then he shook his head.

No way...

If Zhang Yong were a member of the Red Party, the Red Party would have already perished.

'But, but...'

'Asshole! But what? What's there to but about?'

'Zhang Yong said that someone has gone to the Wei Zuo and told him off, and he is very angry now. He told us not to touch his bad luck...'


'He, he, is bringing 500 or 600 people from the garrison headquarters...'


Feng Jiliang and Ye Wansheng's faces suddenly turned pale.

This son of a bitch!

Why did he bring people from the garrison headquarters?

And there were 500 or 600 of them?

In fact, Zhou Yang only brought a company of guards, just over 100 people.

To capture a Japanese spy, a company was enough. Why would there be a need for 500 or 600 people? It was entirely the spy's little leader who had exaggerated.

He knows how to exaggerate. The more people Zhang Yong brought, the less responsibility he had.

When others brought hundreds of people, fierce and ferocious, fully armed, and aggressive, how could he not panic?

Even Feng Jiliang and Ye Wansheng couldn't hold back.

They all knew about the blackmail. They were the ones who collected the black material.

The problem is that Zhang Yong also knows. This means that someone told Zhang Yong. It means that Zhang Yong also has a patron. Then it's all over.

If you don't kill the snake, it will bite you. Reporting Zhang Yong didn't work, and he found out. What do you think he's here for?



Without thinking, the two men hurriedly ordered.

What's the point of arresting the Red Party!

Saving your own life is the way to go.

If they run even a little bit slowly, they may be caught by Zhang Yong and really lose their lives.

You have reported to the highest authorities, how can Zhang Yong be nice to you? Hundreds of people will surround you, and then all of a sudden, they will silence you.

Then they will blame it all on the Japanese spies. They will say that the Japanese invaders stationed in Hongkou did it. What can you do?

You can report to the authorities, but you can't allow Zhang Yong to cover it up!



The two hurriedly got into the car and took off.

When the other secret agents saw this, they were afraid to be left behind. They hurriedly followed and took off. They all disappeared in an instant.

No one was stupid enough to stay behind.

No one is stupid in this business. The stupid ones would have already died.


Zhang Yong sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

These guys, they ran pretty fast. Damn. I didn't catch them.

To be honest, he wanted to provoke a little bloodshed.

The reason Commander Qian told him who was behind the snitching was actually to hint that he should do the other party in if the situation allowed.

Yes, that was exactly what it meant. Zhang Yong believed he had not misunderstood.

There were also conflicts between big shots.

The CC Gang snitching behind his back, Madam and Commander Qian were probably not very happy.

But the big shots could not directly confront each other. So he had to hint to his men to do something.

You can't keep getting bullied, can you?

Madam probably doesn't care much about this matter. But Commander Qian might.

Commander Qian has also fought his way through the battlefield. As the saying goes, you risk your life in the line of duty. You may not get any credit, but you've still done your bit.

You Chen brothers have never even been to war, and you're always stirring up trouble behind people's backs. It's strange that he's comfortable.

The cake is only so big, and there's only so much power. If you Chen brothers take more, others will have to take less. Naturally, other people are not comfortable.

In particular, the various bigwigs in the military were generally resistant to the CC system.

After the start of the all-out war, the power of the Central Government quickly shrank, and one of the important reasons for this was the military's joint suppression. Several military leaders, Hu Zongnan, Tang Enbo, Gu Zhutong, Qian Wanjun, and Chen Cheng, were all from the military and could not stand the Chen brothers. Taking advantage of the need for the war, the military expanded rapidly, and its strength skyrocketed, naturally suppressing the Central Government.

It was no big deal to really kill a few people from the Party Investigation Department. Commander Qian simply covered it up.

With Zhou Yang there, he was not afraid.

Zhou Yang did not back down, which shows that he understood what Commander Qian meant.

Someone over there has gone too far, and we will find a chance to deal with them.

Unfortunately, they escaped.

It's not surprising that Ye Wansheng ran fast, but Feng Jiliang actually ran that fast?

Alas, they are both smart people!

When they realised that something was wrong, they immediately took off, leaving!

What's the point of arresting the Red Party or not, when your own life is more precious? If you die, you lose everything.


He waved his hand. They continued on their way.

He wanted to find out what was going on with the yellow dot. How did he get exposed?

As it turned out...

He saw Huang Zhicheng.

Well, the yellow dot was actually him. He was the one who had been targeted.

He frowned.

Why was Huang Zhicheng here?

Was he part of the Air Force?

If so, how did he end up on the Party Affairs Investigation Department's radar? The other party is very bold!

Judging from Huang Zhicheng's expression, he seems quite calm...

However, Zhang Yong still noticed a hint of nervousness in the other party.

It was mainly the irregular flickering of the fingers. As if he were sending a telegram? Huh? Sending a telegram?

Could it be that this Huang Zhicheng actually knows how to send a telegram?

Oh, there are also many radios in the airport. A lot of communication relies on radios.

These days, radios are still rare. Only in the United States do they have radio stations. But the transmission range is also very short. At most a few thousand kilometres.

During the Normandy landings in 1944, there were people carrying radios.

It's now 1936, and technology may not have yet broken through...

'Lao Huang!' Zhang Yong called.

Huang Zhi Cheng didn't seem to have any position. He was just an ordinary employee.

He had met Huang Zhicheng with Shen Ming and the others before. But they hadn't said much. Zhang Yong didn't want to disturb the other person.

But now that they had met,

he had to warn the other person. Otherwise, the consequences would be serious.

'Team Leader Zhang...' Huang Zhicheng managed to calm down.

'I didn't expect to see you here,' Zhang Yong let out a sigh of relief, 'Mad, we almost had a firefight just now. You're lucky.'


'I ran into those guys from the Party Affairs Department. They surrounded the place and were trying to arrest the Reds. I didn't see eye to eye with them, so I just blasted them away. They were lucky to get away, otherwise I would have definitely killed them all.'


'Forget it. I'm not talking to you anymore. What are you doing here?'

'I just came out for a walk.'

'Don't come out so much. The Party Affairs Investigation Department is very active right now. They're arresting Red Party members everywhere. If they arrest you by mistake, it would be a real shame.'

'Okay, okay.'

'By the way, Lao Huang, do you have a wife and children?'


'So poor?'


'You work in telecommunications?'


'No wonder your hand kept pressing unconsciously.'


Huang Zhicheng withdrew his fingers.

Zhang Yong stood up. He was ready to leave. Zhou Yang was standing nearby, but this was not the time to talk.


'Lao Huang, come visit us at Intelligence Section 3 often.'


'We are kind of acquaintances. Come visit me. It'll pass the time. Don't come out unless it's necessary.'

'Okay, okay, okay...'

Huang Zhicheng agreed. He was secretly nervous.

But it was time for the rendezvous. However, the contact did not show up.

He didn't know if they had been alerted and were afraid to come, or if something had happened.

He was very worried.

It seemed that he had been exposed.

The Party Affairs Department was most likely coming after him.

'By the way...'


'If you run into any problems, just come to our Third Intelligence Department. We'll help you deal with it.'

'Okay, okay, okay!'

'I'm not blowing my own horn. Those guys from the Party Affairs Department don't dare mess with us. They have to go around me when they see me.'


'Let's go.'

Zhang Yong waved his hand stylishly. He led the team away.

The Japanese spy was not far away. He was just over 200 metres away. He had not moved for a long time. It was estimated that he had temporarily stopped.

Could it be that he had returned to his home?

Did he have a contact?

Will he ask his superiors for help?

Zhang Yong certainly hopes that the other party will go to his superior and that they will be caught together.

But if the other party doesn't move, it doesn't matter if they catch just one.

Where the Japanese spy stayed, a weapon symbol was found. This indicates that the other party was carrying a gun.

Haha, carrying a gun, good. It's just been exposed.

Naturally, this kind of frontal assault is naturally left to Zhou Yang's guard company.

Of course, it would be better to capture him alive.


'It's just ahead.'

'Try to capture him alive.'


Zhang Yong led the team and quietly approached the target.

They found that the target lived in a slum. The surroundings were full of very run-down houses. A scene of ruins.

This kind of terrain is actually not conducive to an attack. Because it is easy to be discovered in advance by the opponent. And then draw a gun and shoot. However, Zhang Yong didn't need to consider such things. Just tell Zhou Yang, and he will naturally handle it. They are regular troops, good at using force.

'The target is hiding in that courtyard,' Zhang Yong said briefly. "There are two ways. The first is to storm the place. The second is to lure the snake out of its hole.'

'Let's go with the second. Lure the snake out of its hole," Zhou Yang said, looking at the surrounding terrain and making a decision.

'Good,' Zhang Yong nodded. He began to deploy.

As soon as there was any movement, the Japanese spy would come running out.

As long as he came out...

Zhang Yong picked up a hard clod of earth. He threw it towards the courtyard.


The clod of earth landed next to the courtyard. It made a dull sound.

Sure enough, the Japanese spy was very alert. Upon hearing the noise, he immediately made a move. He quickly moved towards the back of the courtyard.

Zhang Yong waved his hand to indicate that the Japanese spy was going to the back.

Zhou Yang immediately took action.


Zhang Yong just ignored it.

The rest was the business of the guard company.




A jumbled sound came.

A group of white dots surrounded the red dots in layers.

Haha. Got it.

The Japanese spy didn't even get a chance to draw his gun.

Good, it's done.

Zhang Yong entered the courtyard and looked around.

He hoped to find some messy stuff. For example, dollars, British pounds...

As a result, he found a document...

He picked it up and read it casually. It was about the Battle of Shanghai.

He was stunned. He thought he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes. He continued reading. Yes. It really was about the Battle of Shanghai.


This is going to be a disaster.

Zhang Yong's first reaction was that he had work to do again.