

... Xiaomengxin accidentally entered the secret service division of Lixing Club. His only ability is to accurately identify who is a hidden Japanese. He doesn't know anything else... As a result, as he walked, it seemed like he was going the wrong way? ...

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · Action
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755 Chs

Chapter 737: The sandpiper and the clam fight

Yuan Zheng: ? ? ?

Wu Pinfeng: ? ? ?


The others also looked at each other in confusion.

What was Zhang Yong going to do? Why did he suddenly lead the people and rush out?

Hey, didn't you block the pier?

Wu Songling frowned inwardly.

This Zhang Yong is really something. He says one thing and does another.

Can't he even get his priorities right?

Just now, he scared everyone into immobility. And then, he turned around and ran away.

I wonder what he's going to do...

Arrest someone?

Arrest who?

Wu Pinfeng wanted to go and help.

But Zhang Yong turned back and stopped him. He gave the thumbs-up sign.

'Don't move!'

'No one is allowed to leave the pier! Otherwise, military law will be applied.'

Wu Pinfeng had no choice but to retreat.

The others were too afraid to move.

They watched as Zhang Yong led the men out, but they didn't disappear completely.

Vaguely, it seemed as if Zhang Yong and the others were arresting someone. But they didn't know who. Anyway, after a flurry of activity, they succeeded in making an arrest.

The Japanese spy was relatively slow to react. He didn't realise at all that Zhang Yong was coming at him. By the time he reacted, there was no chance of escape.

Wei Fangquan, Wang Yuchuan and the others were taking part in their first arrest, so how could they lag behind?

They pounced on the spy almost like mad.

Soon, the spy was pinned down. He was even strangled. He almost died.

After tying the spy up, they shoved him back in front of Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong casually pulled the rag out of the spy's mouth. He wasn't afraid that the spy would kill himself. If he died, so be it.

In the end, the Japanese spy did not commit suicide. Instead, he looked at Zhang Yong blankly.

His mind had not yet fully reacted.

He did not understand why he had been arrested.

It seemed like he had not made any mistakes!

He had not even gone near the docks!

He had just been nearby, observing the situation, so why had he been arrested?

He could not figure it out...

He could not figure it out...

'What were you doing here?'

'Just passing by...'

'You have been lying here since half past ten last night. You have not moved. You were just passing by?'

'I was tired from hurrying. I fell asleep.'


'Xie Baoqing.'


'Sir, my name is Xie Baoqing...'

'Baka! I asked for your Japanese name! Say Xie Baoqing again, and I'll rip your head off!'

'I, I, I...'

'No? Take him away. Let him take a nice bath.'

'I, I, I really didn't do anything bad! I didn't do anything. I really was just passing by...'

The Japanese spy still tried to put up a fight.

Zhang Yong waved his hand. Tell them to take him away. Then give him a cold shower.

By 'a cold shower', he meant submerging the head in cold water and holding one's breath. They wouldn't release the prisoner until he was about to suffocate.

If the timing was not right, the prisoner could really drown. Or pass out.

It was a very simple punishment. But the process was extremely painful. Even if the prisoner could endure it, his brain would gradually become damaged.

By brain damage, I mean prolonged lack of oxygen to the brain. Then the brain will die. Eventually, it will gradually lose its function.

I quietly checked around.

I always felt that the Japanese spy was here, and that there might be something left behind.

It's unlikely that the other party came just to enjoy the scenery. I didn't find anything on the Japanese spy just now. Is it mostly hidden?

However, I never found it.

Frowning. I feel that things are not that simple.

There was an incident in the warehouse here. The Japanese spy was observing from close by. You call that a coincidence?

No one believes it's a coincidence.

Could it be that the Japanese planned it?

But I can't figure it out! Why would the Japanese want to deal with He Yingqin?

He Yingqin is completely spineless when it comes to dealing with the Japanese! He obliges them in everything they ask. What could the Japanese possibly be dissatisfied with? Why would they continue to manipulate him?

My head hurts...

Forget it. I don't want to think about it. Whatever.

Suddenly, I notice that there is an additional scope in my space. I take it out. It turns out to be a matching Springfield M1903.

Well, the squad led by Wei Fangquan and Wang Yuchuan just so happened to not have any Springfield M1903 rifles. Speechless. This scope came at the right time. Whatever doesn't have it just give it. Do you want to give me something completely useless again...

Suddenly discovered that there was also new equipment in the equipment space. Inspect. Found to be an anti-infantry directional mine.

Zhang Yong: ...

Suspects that the system is intentional.

Just now, he complained that if he was capable, he would give himself something completely useless.

But then...

He was given an anti-personnel directional mine.

Zhang Yong really doesn't know what this thing is for. He's not the commander of a front-line unit. It's useless!

Are you going to blow up Japanese spies with an anti-personnel directional mine? Or traitors?

What kind of nonsense is this...

Zhang Yong puts away his grudges angrily.

If the system retaliates and gives him something random, that would be tragic...

Fortunately, he discovered that the ammunition had been replenished.

Among the ammunition, he found what he needed most: 11.43 mm bullets.

They were exclusively for Thompson submachine guns.

They were extremely powerful.

Wei Fangquan and Wang Yuchuan's squad each had three Thompsons.

As more Thompsons were captured, they ran low on ammunition. Although the system replenished the ammunition, it was not much. But at critical moments, it could save lives.

He waved his hand.

He was ready to call it a day. After all, they had achieved nothing.

At that moment,

A large number of weapon symbols appear along the edge of the map. The symbols are neatly arranged in a line. It seems that reinforcements from the garrison headquarters have arrived.

I raise my binoculars to take a look. I can indeed see heavily armed National Army soldiers. But the one leading the troops is not Zhou Yang. It's a lieutenant colonel. Not a stranger, either. We've dealt with him before. I think his name is Chen Tieying. I remember him because he's a relative of Chen Cheng. He's here to get his feet wet at the garrison headquarters.

How should I put it? It's just that the rank of lieutenant colonel is neither high nor low. He's too good to be a battalion commander. He doesn't have much power as a deputy regiment commander. It's better to spend a few months at the garrison headquarters, waiting for the opportunity to be promoted to colonel. Then he can be released to become a battalion commander.

Chen Tieying is not only a member of the Chen family, but also a graduate of the Whampoa Military Academy. He has all the right credentials. If he can just hang in there for a few more months, Chen Cheng will find a way to promote him to colonel. Then he will definitely be appointed to lead a major army unit.

Chen Cheng, the so-called little commander-in-chief, has his own base of support. The 11th and 18th divisions are the two basic units that form the core of his solid civil engineering system.

In short, if nothing unexpected happens, this Chen Tieying will have a bright future.


Zhang Yong and Chen Tieying do not get along.

Or rather, Chen Tieying and Zhang Yong do not get along. There is even hostility.

Zhang Yong could sense it clearly before, when they were in the garrison headquarters. However, at that time, Zhang Yong did not need to deal with the other person. He naturally ignored it.

Unexpectedly, today, Chen Tieying is actually leading the team. It doesn't feel very good.

To be clear, he doesn't like this Chen Tieying. The two of them just don't get along.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart,

he goes up to greet him.

A big shot like Chen Cheng is someone you definitely can't mess with.

You can't mess with the head of the department. How about him?

So it's necessary to be polite first and then use force. If the other person is willing to be polite, that's naturally good.

But if they're not...

then there's nothing you can do. He'll have to turn them down.

No one can make Zhang Yong fly the coop. Not even the Red Party.

'Director Chen,' Zhang Yong offered his hand.

Chen Tieying's position seems to be the chief of staff of a certain department?

I suddenly feel that the position of chief is quite widespread. Boss Dai is a chief. He, Zhang Yong, is also a chief.

They are all chiefs. But their statuses are worlds apart. Worlds apart.

'Team Leader Zhang,' Chen Tieying's face was expressionless, as if he were a stone man, 'I have been ordered to seal off the dock. Please cooperate.'

'It seems that you should be the one cooperating,' Zhang Yong responded coldly, 'the Chief's Office has ordered me to investigate this matter with full authority.'

'I have received orders. No one other than Team Leader Zhang can leave the dock. Until the lockdown is lifted.'

'That's your business. I won't interfere.'

'That's fine. Team Leader Zhang, please.'


'Team Leader Zhang, if the truth is not found, everyone will be dealt with according to special laws.'


Zhang Yong answered with a sulky expression.

Damn it. This Chen Tieying. He really is taking himself as the enemy.

Depressed. This enemy. In fact, it wasn't Zhang Yong who found him. He came with the position. The department head and Chen Cheng didn't get along.

The department head and Chen Cheng didn't get along. Naturally, Zhang Yong and Chen Tieying didn't get along either.

Even if there were no personal grudges, they were from two different factions.

Chen Tieying's last words were actually a threat to him.

What special law?

As the name suggests, it means dealing with the matter using special methods.

If the truth is never found, everyone at the dock may be quarantined. Where they will be sent is anyone's guess.

Of course, they are not so heartless as to execute everyone. It's not that terrible. But they will definitely be sent to some remote place, cut off from the world.

Therefore, the truth must be found.

Otherwise, Zhang Yong may also be implicated. Quarantined.

If there is a big secret inside...

But Zhang Yong could never figure out who wanted to frame He Yingqin.

The Japanese invaders?

No way. The He family were pro-Japanese!

He Yingqin had signed the previous Tanggu Agreement and the He-Mae Agreement.

Right, what was that Mei? Oh, it was Mei Jinmei Jirō. It seems that this guy later became the commander of the Kwantung Army. But what is his current position? Why did he sign the agreement with He Yingqin? This guy is also a China expert and an old secret agent.


That Japanese spy never confessed.

I guess he was a low-level Japanese spy.

According to Zhang Yong's experience, the tolerance of a Japanese spy is inversely proportional to his rank.

The higher the rank, the weaker the tolerance.

The lower the rank, the more stubborn they are.

'Team Leader Zhang, who is the person you have captured?' Yuan Zheng asked.

'A Japanese spy,' Zhang Yong replied briefly.

'Did the Japanese do it?' Yuan Zheng seemed to have grasped a lifesaver.

'I'm not sure yet,' Zhang Yong shook his head.

If the Japanese did it, it would naturally be the best result. Everyone is united against the outside.

If it wasn't the Japanese who did it, and it was someone from our own ranks, then there would be infighting again.

The last thing we need is infighting...

Suddenly, weapon symbols appeared on the edge of the map again. There were about 30 of them.


Who else is here?

Thirty people, that doesn't seem like a lot!

Chen Tieying brought 500 people at once. There were even light machine guns and mortars.

He raised his binoculars to observe. His brows quickly relaxed.

It turned out to be Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi. Two small teams. Just 30 people.

It seems that the department head has indeed made a concession. He has reassigned the old team that Zhang Yong used to lead back to him.

Good, since the department head has made a concession, then at the appropriate time, make a small tribute.

He strides forward. To greet his old team.

'Team leader!'

'Team leader!'

Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi were very happy to see Zhang Yong.

They were both young and not yet sophisticated. They were either happy or not. They couldn't hide it.

Before, they had been very happy working under Zhang Yong. Physically and mentally happy. Unfortunately, they were later transferred to work under someone else and their treatment became less favourable. Naturally, their moods followed suit.

The point is, they had no motivation at work. No results. They couldn't catch any Japanese spies.

There was no outlet for their energy.

They all missed the old days when they were under Zhang Yong. That was catching spies. What a blast!

Zhang Yong would say who to catch, and they just had to charge ahead without thinking. What fun!


the night is over. The light is back.

They are now finally back under Zhang Yong's command. The good old days are back.

'Good, good. Good.'

'Team leader!'

'Team leader!'

Zhang Yong shook hands with each cadet in turn.

Not bad. It was clear that they were all very happy to be back under his command. That's good. Very good. Excellent.

Next time, the Chief of Department would probably not dare to transfer them again so easily. Otherwise, he would have to fight with him again behind closed doors.

'How did you get here so quickly?'

'We happened to be in Shanghai.'


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

Some conspiracy theories welled up in his heart again. He felt that Jia Tengying was also cunning.

Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi were in Shanghai. But no one had told him, Zhang Yong. I guess Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi didn't know that he, Zhang Yong, was in Shanghai either.

If the Director hadn't taken the initiative to make concessions and find a way out, I'm afraid Zhang Yong would never have seen Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi.

This is the fear of power. It can easily separate you.

Without a trace. Without a trace.

Even if you know that the Director is keeping an eye on you, you can't say anything.

In a word, it's work.

However, Zhang Yong is not a pushover. He is also fighting back without a trace.

If there is any benefit, he will never give it to the Secret Service.

Not even half a dollar.

He will give it all to the Department of Empty Funds.

I'll see if you're jealous. If you're jealous, you have to give in. Otherwise, you won't get a thing.

'Good, good, you've come at the right time!'

'I need you very much right now,'

Zhang Yong said with a smile.

This is based on the psychology of later generations.

If you want your subordinates to be loyal, in addition to rewards, you also have to show that you value them.

Show that 'I need you very much.'

Make the other person feel that they are valuable.

Sure enough, Zhong Yang, Wu Liuqi and the others were all very excited. They were also worried that Zhang Yong had belittled them.

After all, there were now many people around Zhang Yong. None of them seemed weak.

Wei Fangquan and Wang Yuchuan were veterans. At least they had more than five years of experience. Zhong Yang and Wu Liuqi could naturally tell the difference in their temperament. Relatively speaking, they, the graduates of the police academy, were indeed a bit of a rookie. They felt a bit inferior to those experienced veterans.

'The situation is like this...'

Zhang Yong briefly described what had happened at the pier.

Of course, he didn't mention Minister He or anything. There was no need.

Anyway, everyone knows that this is a serious matter. Just do your best.

Why just do your best?

If you do your best and still can't do it, there's nothing you can do.

He, Zhang Yong, has never said the words 'guarantee to complete the task'.

That's the Red Party's patent.

He will do what he can. If he can't do it, forget it. Whoever wants to do it, do it. I will never be jealous.

If you do a better job than me, you get promoted and get rich, and I won't be jealous at all. Really. If someone can take over his job, he would like to run away with a few beautiful women right now...

'Go and see that Japanese spy.'


The two of them went.

Zhang Yong actually wanted them to interrogate.

Wei Fangquan and Wang Yuchuan were pure veterans. They didn't know any interrogation techniques.

But the police academy graduates were different. They had studied a bit. Their cultural knowledge was also relatively high.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Wu Liuqi returned.

'Team leader, the Japanese spy has confessed.'

'What did he say?'

'He said that Oda Nobuyuki told him to do it.'

'Oda Nobuyuki? Who is he?'

'The Japanese spy couldn't explain clearly. It's just a name. They contacted each other by phone. He did what the other person told him to do.'

'I see.'

Zhang Yong pondered in silence.

It seems that the trail has been cut again.

This Oda Nobukata may be hiding his identity...

Forget it, it's all Japanese spies. It shouldn't have anything to do with the corpse removal at the warehouse. The Japanese invaders shouldn't be so bored.

It's better to frame someone. Frame a pro-Japanese faction.

Wouldn't that be like kicking yourself in the teeth?

Suddenly, more weapon symbols entered the edge of the map. There were also gold symbols.

He immediately perked up.

There are gold bars! The motivation is here.

One of the marked ones is none other than Sun Dingyuan. But there is no red dot.

At the same time, there are only ten white dots around Sun Dingyuan. All of them have a gold symbol.

A big fish is coming!

'Calm down...'

'Calm down...'

Zhang Yong tried hard to calm himself down.

He didn't care about Minister He or the corpse relocation in the warehouse. All he could see now was the money.

Sun Dingyuan!

This big fish has finally shown its face again!

Last time, it was all thanks to Aoi Akiko. He, Zhang Yong, had nothing to do with it. He would not take credit for it.

But this time, he was going to devour Sun Dingyuan, skin and bones!

Even if it meant going head-to-head, he would finish him off.

There were only ten people around Sun Dingyuan. But Zhang Yong had four squads. A total of 60 people.

Sixty against ten, and it was a face-off again!



'Tell everyone to gather. Bring all the equipment. We have an important mission.'


'Forget about the Japanese spy. Hand him over to Wu Songling.'


Wu Liuqi promised and went to make the arrangements.

Soon, Zhang Yong led the four squads and quietly circled around from the side.

Sun Dingyuan's news was obviously a bit blocked.

Or perhaps he had deliberately cut off contact with the outside world. So as not to reveal his whereabouts.

So, he actually didn't know that something had happened at the pier.

Alas, it's really the heavens feeding! When there seems to be no way through a mountain range and over a river, there is a turn in the road and another village.

Investigate what warehouse the corpse was moved to. Whoever wants to investigate can investigate. He, Zhang Yong, is only interested in Sun Dingyuan right now. Oh, that's not right. It's his money that interests him.

Approach Sun Dingyuan quietly. Raise the binoculars. Observe carefully.

He discovered that Sun Dingyuan had actually put on makeup again. He was dressed as a merchant. The others were dressed as his entourage.

However, very strangely, he did not see the woman who was always by his side.

Is this guy leaving something to chance?

Zhang Yong actually thought of a lot of messy plots.

For example, the woman might be pregnant. So, she is temporarily hiding. She is lying low.

If Sun Dingyuan is killed himself, the woman will give birth to the child, which will be a way of preserving his lineage. Later generations will be able to pay their respects.

If that's really the case, then Sun Dingyuan will definitely leave some of his money to the woman.

Hey, it seems that the money that was about to be handed over has been taken away again.

But let's catch Sun Dingyuan first.

Sun Dingyuan has a gold symbol on his body. So do the others. This shows that they all have wealth with them.

Set up an ambush.

Get ready to attack.

Suddenly, more weapons symbols appear on the edge of the map. There are ten of them.

Zhang Yong is puzzled. Who are they?

There are no symbols. They are not people he knows. They are not Japanese invaders either.


He quietly raises his binoculars to observe.

As it turns out, they are all strangers. None of them are familiar.

'Feng Yunshan!'

Zhang Yong shouts from behind, waving his hand.

One advantage of Feng Yunshan and Dou Wanjiang is that they are low-key.

When they shouldn't be there, they definitely aren't.

'Let's see who they are,'

Zhang Yong handed the binoculars to Feng Yunshan.

Feng Yunshan recognised them after just one glance: 'They're Dou Yishan's men. Dou Zhuhu is leading the team. He's my cousin.'

'Dou Zhuhu? How's his fighting ability?' Zhang Yong asked casually.

'Not bad...' Feng Yunshan's reply was a little unnatural.

Zhang Yong: ?

Then he understood. Feng Yunshan had probably suffered at the hands of Dou Zhuhu. So he was unwilling.

However, the name Dou Zhuhu was indeed domineering.

His body was also very domineering. He was quite burly. He was estimated to be over 1.9 metres tall.

At that time, a height of 1.9 metres was definitely a presence that stood out from the crowd. If his limbs were strong and powerful, he could lift other people directly.


'Such a big guy...'

'One person might be three times as heavy as me...'

Zhang Yong was secretly amazed.

If it was a close-quarter fight, one-on-one, a hundred Zhang Yongs would probably not be a match for Dou Zhuhu. However, it was a different story with guns.

Arrange for a sniper immediately.

Dou Zhuhu is very powerful, isn't he? Just take him out with one shot.

If that doesn't work, it seems there is also an anti-infantry directional mine. Perhaps this thing is used against big guys?

It's a headache...

Unexpectedly, there is another wave of enemies.

These two groups of enemies have not yet come together. They are separate.

If you attack one group, the other group will definitely come to the rescue. Sixty people is no advantage.

502 once said: seven columns, seven columns, as if you have seven columns in your hands, you can conquer the world...

No. Wrong film set. It's sixty people.

Three against one, there is no guarantee of victory.

The key is that they cannot be completely annihilated.

If they can't wipe them out, then it's pointless.

Sun Dingyuan will escape.

I can't help but think of what 101 said: 'I prepared a table of food, but two tables of guests arrived. How can I eat it all?'

It's really a headache...

To be on the safe side, I've decided to postpone the operation.

Let's see what happens first...

Then I realised that something's wrong.

Huh? Does Dou Zhuhu seem to be heading towards Sun Dingyuan?

Are they going to join forces?

Zhang Yong quietly waves his hand. Keep retreating. Don't want to be discovered.

Watching Dou Zhuhu lead his men closer to Sun Dingyuan. The distance between the two sides has been shortened to within 30 metres.


The cooked duck is about to fly away...

If Dou Zhuhu had arrived half an hour later, he could have killed Sun Dingyuan.

But it's...

Damn it...

He felt resentful, but there was nothing he could do.

After the two groups had merged, there were twenty people in total. All of them were experts. It was just as difficult to deal with...

Suddenly, there was a sudden change.



Someone fired a gun.

Zhang Yong was stunned.

He hurriedly raised his binoculars. He saw a shocking scene.

Dou Zhuhu had fired at Sun Dingyuan's men. He had killed two of Sun Dingyuan's men.

Then, the two sides engaged in a melee. The gunfire continued.

This is...

Why are they fighting?

Then a sudden realisation dawned on him. He understood.

Dou Yishan was going to double-cross Dou Yishan!

He was going to eat Dou Yishan alive!

He wanted Dou Yishan's goods for himself!

Zhang Yong suddenly felt like laughing.


God really has been treating me well!

I haven't even started yet, and someone else has already taken the stage.


I'll just watch from the sidelines.

I'll watch them fight.

When they're both exhausted, I'll go in and finish them off.

A fight between a snipe and a clam benefits the fisherman.

I'll be the fisherman.


I feel like laughing out loud.