
Chapter 2 This plot is really melodramatic

Translator: 549690339

These days, not carrying a wallet isn't a big deal as long as you have a phone.

"It's okay, mobile payments are so convenient. How about we add each other as friends?"

"I don't have money on my phone either. I just came back from overseas, and I don't have a local bank card. The only thing I have on my phone is some loose change given by friends."

Although Yang Yi enjoyed chatting about life with beautiful women, it didn't mean he lost his head around them, especially when the woman was taken. So, he had to pay her, he must pay her.

"Look, sister, this isn't very proper of you, is it? We're already here and you're telling me you have no money? Let's not talk about the money issue first, but one has to be honest, right?"

"You drive to the parking lot and wait for me."

Having already reached the airport terminal entrance, Yang Yi, though resentful, parked the car and Xiao Ran got out immediately after dropping those words and rushed into the terminal building.

In her haste into the terminal, Xiao Ran didn't even close the car door properly.

"Come on, what is this nonsense?"

Since vehicles were only allowed to stop to drop off passengers and then had to move on at the terminal, Yang Yi reluctantly got out and closed the car door himself. However, just as he was about to get back into the car, he glanced behind and saw two police cars with their sirens flashing coming up through the traffic.

Yang Yi instinctively felt trouble brewing.

Speeding no more than 70% over the limit incurs a 500 yuan fine with 12 points, while going over 70% but less than 100% of the speed limit costs a 1000 yuan fine with 12 points; exceeding the speed limit by more than 100% results in a 2000 yuan fine with 12 points, and may also lead to suspension of one's driver's license.

Remembering the speed cameras he had passed and thinking about the speeding penalties, Yang Yi couldn't help but shiver.

Speeding by 50% was certain, while speeding by 100% was common. If the police were to catch him...

Without further thought, Yang Yi glanced in the direction he needed to drive and then saw several police officers rapidly approaching.

Not daring to think further, Yang Yi didn't even turn off the car; he dashed towards the entrance of the terminal building.

The car wasn't his to begin with, so it was definitely going to be towed by the police. There was no worry about losing it. At this point, it was best to forget about the car and prioritize saving his driver's license.

After going through the security check, Yang Yi rushed into the terminal, then immediately removed his large sunglasses and casually untied the bun on his head, letting his hair fall down.

Yang Yi didn't hurry to find Xiao Ran but instead went into the restroom, took off his T-shirt, and put it back on inside out; the orange shirt turned black.

Some things had become second nature for Yang Yi from exposure since childhood, so after he had quickly transformed his appearance, he confidently strode out of the restroom.

If he could find Xiao Ran, then good; if not, that would be it. Yang Yi felt he had to hurry and leave the airport—it was a pity to lose the ten thousand yuan, but it was essential not to let a small loss lead to a greater one. After all, no amount of money could buy back a suspended driver's license.

However, with her long legs and striking height, Xiao Ran was too conspicuous. Yang Yi just casually caught a glimpse and saw Xiao Ran walking back and forth in front of the check-in counter.

Since he saw her, he should at least let her know what was happening and try to ask for the money. Yang Yi jogged up behind Xiao Ran, but before he could say anything, he saw Xiao Ran suddenly stop and then gaze, motionless at the queue of people checking in.

Yang Yi positioned himself beside Xiao Ran and followed her gaze, spotting a man and a woman laughing and holding hands.

Xiao Ran began to tremble.

There was definitely trouble. Yang Yi sighed internally, then decided he'd better take care of what he needed to do and then take off. It was easy to guess what was going to happen next, and Yang Yi thought if he kept watching, his secondhand embarrassment would kick in.

"Hey, beauty, the police are coming. I know your heart must be in turmoil right now, but it's even worse to get caught by the cops. The money... forget it, we need to get out of here fast. Do you hear me?"

Xiao Ran obviously wasn't listening to him.

"Gong Yu!"

It was over. Xiao Ran couldn't hold back and shouted out loud, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.

Yang Yi immediately covered his face.

The people in line turned around, and the man whose arm was linked with the lady instantly widened his eyes.

"Xiao Ran? What are you doing here... I..."

Xiao Ran took big strides to the man who seemed shocked and, looking at their joined hands, she suddenly smiled and said, "Who is she? Your sister?"

"Does a sister hold hands with her brother? I'm his wife! Who are you?"

Yang Yi couldn't bear to watch anymore. It was clear Xiao Ran had confused her own identity; this woman was the real deal.

"She, she's just a friend of mine, an online friend, yes, an online friend..."

The man named Gong Yu started to panic, while Xiao Ran took a deep breath, and then she stopped trembling and said calmly, "Girlfriend! I'm his girlfriend, always have been before I met you."

The other woman turned to look at Gong Yu and then said angrily, "What's going on!"

Gong Yu replied with a panicked face, "I just chatted with her online, nothing else, I really didn't do anything, listen to me, wife, I really didn't do anything!"

Xiao Ran said calmly, "That's not what you told me. You said you only loved me, and that all other women were ugly in front of me. I didn't expect, it turns out everything you said was a lie. You're already married; you deceived me..."

The hand that had been holding hers finally let go, and she managed to break free from Gong Yu's grip, and then his wife said furiously, "We just got married, we were supposed to go on our honeymoon, and you do this to me! Let me go, I want to go home, to get a divorce!"

Gong Yu was clearly flustered. He wouldn't let go of his wife and then turned to Xiao Ran with a pleading look, "Xiao Ran, we only met once in the United Kingdom, aren't you setting me up? I didn't do anything to you!"

Xiao Ran said desperately, "You said you loved me, that you wanted to marry me and travel the world. I came to see you from the United Kingdom, and now you're going on a honeymoon with someone else. You cheater, you've deceived me of everything!"

At these words, the newlywed wife completely lost it. She struggled to push Gong Yu away, but he was desperately trying to hold on and stop her from leaving.

Everything became chaotic at that moment, and travelers waiting to check in all stepped aside, while the riot police quickly surrounded them.

"What's going on? Let go! Please don't disturb the order, come with me, or I'll have to take compulsory measures."

The police began scolding the two as they scuffled. Yang Yi was quietly retreating; he didn't want to watch this melodrama anymore. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran lunged forward and punched Gong Yu in the face with a cry of anguish, "You liar, you bastard!"

Gong Yu was hit with a splash of blood, as if his face were blossoming with peaches. Nobody expected Xiao Ran to suddenly strike, and she started crying on the floor before the police could pin her down.

"You liar, you bastard..."

Who would have the heart to be rough with a beautiful woman, especially one who seemed to pose no threat at all? Therefore, instead of taking further action, the police around Xiao Ran did not handcuff her but instead tried to calm her down.

"Stop crying, let's go with us. Making a fuss here isn't right. Wouldn't it be better to find a quiet place to talk things over? Stand up and come with us."

It should be fine, Yang Yi didn't want to meddle anymore, especially since he couldn't do anything about this mess. Though losing ten thousand yuan was regrettable, it was indeed time to leave.

Just as he turned and was about to stride away from this place of dispute, a hand landed on his shoulder.

"Young thief, you think you can escape my watch? You're too green. That's him, cuff him!"

Yang Yi's hands were twisted behind his back, and then he was handcuffed.

Yang Yi didn't resist. He simply said in bewilderment, "What's this for? What's going on?"

"Stop pretending, it was you! The Ferrari outside, you parked it and now you're denying it? That was a quick change of clothes, you're quite the expert, huh."

The man holding Yang Yi down was a middle-aged man in plain clothes, but there were at least six or seven policemen beside him, and obviously, they were there for him.

"Is it him?"

"No mistake."

"Check the surveillance and match it up, take him back to the station first, and tow the stolen car as well. Officer Liu, thank you, it's all thanks to your keen eyes. We'll talk later; we're taking him in first."

Upon hearing the words "stolen car," Yang Yi became anxious, and he loudly said, "Just to be clear, I have nothing to do with that car, I'm just a designated driver, it's not mine."

"Alright, she can't run away, take them all!"

The police officer in front of Yang Yi gave the order. So Xiao Ran was also handcuffed, while Gong Yu, who was no longer struggling, looked on in astonishment at everything that unfolded before him.

Xiao Ran, with her cuffed hands, pointed at Gong Yu and cried, "The car was given to me by him."

As a result, Gong Yu couldn't escape being taken away; regardless of whether or not he was involved, if a suspect identified him, it naturally required further investigation.

Yang Yi was somewhat stunned. He had just wanted to make some quick money, and now it seemed he wouldn't be able to earn it, not to mention his driver's license was likely gone too.

Yang Yi wasn't worried about proving his innocence since he had considerable evidence on his side, and somehow, he wouldn't be implicated in the car theft. But since he did drive the car, he naturally couldn't save his license.

To lose much for the sake of little, the regret was overwhelming.

Xiao Ran looked at the police again, pointed at Yang Yi, and shouted, "He's the ride-hailing driver I hired; this has nothing to do with him, let him go."

"Let him go? Don't joke around, we'll clear this up back at the station. Take them all, keep them separated."

Yang Yi looked helplessly at Xiao Ran, and the last thing she yelled at him before being dragged away was, "I'll give you the money!"