
Chapter 160: Just a Small Trick

The warden left, and Yang Yi was the only one left in the ward.

Don't be impulsive, absolutely don't be impulsive, you must stay calm, you must restrain yourself.

Although he kept desperately telling himself not to be impulsive, Yang Yi still felt a surge of evil fire rushing straight to his forehead, the rage burning so fiercely he was about to lose his reason.

Yang Yi's arrival at the prison had not been easy. He had paid a huge price, and he had already spent a lot of money in this prison, a tremendous amount of money.

Yang Yi didn't care about the money; what he cared about was whether spending it would achieve his goal. But now, the money was spent, and his goal was still unmet.

The worst part was that the money wasn't even Yang Yi's—it was Kate's.