
SPY X JUJUTSU: The collision of two worlds

Two years have elapsed since the establishment of the Forger family cover and the triumph over Sukuna, the most formidable curse user. Initially, everything operated seamlessly for both factions. However, a surge of cursed energy from the jujutsu world compelled the collision of these two realms, shattering the supposed peace. In a struggle to uphold the peace within their respective worlds, the two factions find themselves compelled to unite. As these paths converge, the possibility arises of uncovering dark secrets, sparking profound betrayals among family members. And might cause the disrupt of the delicate and precious balance painstakingly maintained by both parties Disclaimer: I do not own the mangas (Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spy X Family) or the characters from the original authors. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the story that is a result of the collision between those two mangas. I do NOT own the pictures that forms the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and once your identity is confirmed it'll be removed immediately.

Ania_Stiti · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

What truly matters.

The warmth and smell of Loid's cooking could be felt all over the apartment, it even caught the attention of a young little pinky headed girl with a small strand of ahoge at the top of her head and two horns at the edges of it. She didn't need to be called twice after smelling such a pleasant scent, from the carpet of her room, she stood up and went straight to the dining room where she found her father dressing the table, he was in the middle of disposing the plates. As Anya was walking toward him multiple thoughts barged into his mind. 1

"Honestly this is the hardest mission that has ever been given to me, but..." "I am not near exited for it to end; I mean what about this fam…" his mind went blank as he was about to let go of that last silver plate. Whenever the boundary between his identity as twilight and his fake one as Loid would be breached, a harsh cold critic would pop into his mind "You are starting to lose it twilight". 

"This family" he thought as he was picturing their usual family dinner, gathered around that same table "Is nothing more but a scheme for the sake of world's peace, after that…" he kept thinking; thoughts that little Anya tried to suppress for as long as she could, she pushed them away with all her strength, but it appears that her so called strength was obviously not enough in front of twilight's determination to put an end to this so called scheme. To prevent those thoughts from becoming a part of her reality, her thin little body's reaction was to run back into her room as fast as she could but Loid's mind was faster, "The forgers will no longer be" the effect of such affirmations froze her little legs and made her drop her stuffed animal "cheetah", the only thing that remained by her side all of those past 6 years, suddenly and out of nowhere a familiar feeling of unease rushed back into her veins, in an instinctual reaction, Anya began sprinting back to her room, hastily shutting the door behind her. The sudden, resounding click of the door jolted her father's thoughts, snapping him back to reality. 

"Anya?" he called after finally letting go of that last plate. 

"I am sure that I have heard her coming" he thought before stepping on cheetah. 

"Anya" he called again as he was slightly opening the door, at his surprise he found her enrolled within her blue blanket. 

"Anya isn't feeling well, Anya's tummy hurts" she said with a frail voice. 

"Really? Then let me take a look at it." 

"It is okay" she shouted "Anya only needs to rest for a bit" she added in a calmer tone. 

"I have a bad feeling about this, but again if it was anything serious, she would have complained about it" he thought. 

"All right, have a good night then." 

"Hy" she replied trying to suffocate her quavering voice. 

The moment Anya heard them pulling out their chair, her tears flowed so intensely that a section of her pillow became instantly damp. 

"Anya…" she sniffed "don't want to be alone, if Anya ends up alone…" she said anxiously, "How is Anya going to survive? Who is going to protect Anya from him…?" she thought anxiously before hearing a deep breathy voice echoing within her two horns "I am waiting for you little one" the voice whispered, that voice alone made Anya's pupil dilate "Yada..." quickly a feeling of hopelessness started to invade every single inch of her bones, she felt like her leg's bones were being crushed by an agonizing sense of paralysis, as if someone was holding them tight within their hands, Anya's soft little legs became slowly numb from it. 

Overwhelmed by the weight of distressing emotions, her eyes gradually dimmed, extinguishing the last flickers of hope that had blossomed within her soul after the forgers had seized her. The encroaching darkness made her increasingly dizzy, amplifying the despair that now enveloped her. Finally, her unanimated eyes ended up shutting by themselves because that light was no longer. 5 minutes have past, and Bond decided to enter the room and get near his mistress's bed to somehow reassure her , with the image of a bright near future that was made of Anya herself, Loid and Yor all gathered around a picnic at the near park, in the middle of that picnic she felt asleep and Yor decided to hold her tight with a warm blanket so that she won't get cold, while Loid was as usual walking Bond however, in the middle of that walk they met up with an unfamiliar face with an unusual style of hair, the color of it was the same as the color of what it looked like his dog, it was of a deep dark navy blue; she didn't know why but the air between the two of them seemed tense 

 Anya wasn't the only one to think of the hair cut as unusual, an old man would eventually point it out directly to the concerned one. 

"What an unusual cut you have here young man" the cashier asked, "are you a foreigner or something" he added handing Fushiguro his change. 

"Maybe, in fact I grew up in an orphanage with those two behind me" referring to his two comrades waiting for him irritated by the situation 

"But we don't recall any other country except from this one" 

"Really? Then tell me did anyone adopt you or something?" 

"No we just worked as hard as we could and then sponsors from different companies noticed us and then payed for our tuitions", he added suspecting that old man's curiosity, no cashier would want to waste that much time talking to any client, no matter how deserted his shop was, which again added up to the suspicions, "How is it that nobody makes their way to it?" "Come to think of it we haven't seen anybody coming out of it either" He contemplated while having a quick glimpse at his comrades, who knocked multiple times on the wall to signal him that nothing suspicious was to be alerted of. 

That knock was certainly not Yujin's idea, even thought he was the one who suggested it in the first place, a certain red headed spy was the one who taught them the subtle art of spy's communication. 

 The knocking of that woman's hand against the table could still be heard echoing within that gloomy room of theirs. 

"You are not as dense as I thought" he remembered feeling annoyed about that sarcastic yet almost personal comment 

"All this knocking got me a headache" the red headed teenager whispered 

"Well for me the entire adventures since our arrival was overwhelming" Yujin added as he was thinking about how they landed in the middle of a laboratory full of curses. 

Apparently, the trio have been swayed into another world that they didn't know anything about, the only positive aspect in that critical situation was the fact that the three of them have been teleported safely, nothing was missing. That observation made by one of the scientists brought a smile on Okino. 


"It seems that the subject Satoru Gojo didn't appear yet?" 

"You can't expect the greatest sorcerer of all time to show up right after some of his ex-students were kidnapped, for now let's make good use of those soldiers of his, I believe we got ourselves an interesting bonus for our army don't you think?" 

"But unlike the other curses, those three doesn't seem ready to be manipulated" 

"Those three there are jujutsu sorcerers and at the same time that third one there with the pink hair is renown as the old vessel of a very strong special curse apparently" 

"Again it doesn't solve our problem about how to manipulate them and get them to join our cause" the scientist said 

"Patience, all that's required is a little patience and they will come from their own free will" 

"What the heck is that?" the three students asked at the same time 

"No worries I'll get us out of here in no time" Fugisaki said while targeting one of the laboratory's walls 

"Make sure to not make the entire building crumble, those people could be innocent victims you know?" Yuji said 

"I am telling you, that fairness of yours is going to kill us someday" 

50 seconds passed and nothing happened, the nail and hammer that she took out remained the way they were, they didn't just seem insignificant, they were insignificantly weak, with no value, after noticing his comrade being in the same position for about a minute now, Yuji dared to ask why nothing was happening 

 "Kugisaki why nothing is happening?" 

"No clue, it is as if the room sucked all the cursed energy that I have" 

"Yuji" Fushiguro said as he was adjusting himself into a combat position 

 That adjustment, acted as a trigger for the three curses in front of them to launch the first attack. However, in a split of a second, a pinkish-red light flew across the entire room, catching the main opponent off guard with a violent right kick that decapitated him. Right before the head reached the floor the other two monsters immediately went for the kill. One of them targeted the other redheaded wizard, but as he confidently charged towards her, his target seemed surprisingly unfazed and more relaxed than terrified. Kugisaki was so focused that it was as if she had forgotten that she couldn't use her powers. As her eyes remained closed, the woman's opponent seized the opportunity to strike, directing a punch towards her. Yet, to his surprise, his fist came to an abrupt stop just before making contact with her face. As the woman opened her eyes, they transformed into a dazzling shade of blood red, and the tattoo of a rose drawn itself around her right eye, hinting at the possibility that the room was not absorbing their powers. 

"So what does it feel like to be betrayed by your partner?" she asked her adversary who laid silent with a fatal wound to his abdomen inflicted by his own beheaded comrade. 

"How did you do this?" asked Yuji "I thought that you couldn't use your powers?" 

"Let's say that the room isn't the one absorbing our cursed energy" Fushiguro said 

"Hey it was my time to sound smart" She shouted 

"Well then genius explain us what happened then the first time you tried to use your powers" Yuji asked while stepping on the head to make sure it doesn't change into something else. 

"Well I am sure that you have all noticed when I tried to infuse my nails with my cursed energy, that energy appeared but somewhere else, we couldn't detect it exactly at the beginning, but I believe that it was circulating within the room before being absorbed by them" 

"You mean those ugly bitches stole your energy" Yuji added "But why didn't it go straight to them?" 

"That I don't know, and I can't really consider them curses to begin with, I don't know why but something sounds fishy" she said before making the decapitated body slice her opponent into two. As for Fushiguro he was out there fighting the third remaining curse, from a fist strike to a right kick, the two opponents found themselves in a position of wrestle, each one of them pushing the other as hard as he could, for 2 minutes straight their level of energy was similar, they were like synchronized and the two wizards could feel it in the room. 

"At the count of two Yuji" Kugisaki declqred as she was holding her hammer tight in her right and crossed two of her left hand's fingers starting from the index 

"Wait up" Yuji interjected, "He is okay, we can trust him on that" he confirmed with a determined look, that look was enough for his colleague to relax a little but not enough to drop her sense of impatience 

"Fushiguro I only give you 5 minutes to get us out of here" 

"I'll only need 1" he asserted before avoiding two strikes and one right kick 

"Stand stilllllllllll" the monster screamed before trying to inflict one last strike with what it looked like his last reserve of energy, Fushiguro didn't try to avoid it until the very last 2 seconds, that amount of energy was enough to destroy that metallic door's lock filled with cursed energy too. 

"Yuji" he shouted 

"No need to scream" he replied, before tackling the opponent on the ground by landing on him. 

"Took you long enough" she commented, before taking a look at the curse who was still alive, wondering why she glanced at Yuji who ignored her 

"We should leave now" He suggested 

"He is right more of them are coming our way" he added 

The three of them began to run, before being followed by the curse who was supposed to be defeated 

"What do we do now genius" she asked before being struck by a voice within her brain, she then starred at her fellow comrades who by nodding confirmed that she could trust the voice. 

"How peculiar" one of the scientists said, "How do they know the location of the exit?" 

"It could be that they are following the path with less cursed energy, unlike this establishment that is completely made of it" a feminine voice suggested 

"That would be the only logical explanation, knowing that they couldn't have made contact with this world before coming here" 

"Clearly, otherwise master Okino would have sensed their presence" 

As the three of them were approaching the exit, the link between them and the voice snapped, and their opponent's pace sped up. 

"Yuji take Kugisaki with you and leave" the pragmatic one said, before adding "I'll buy some time" 

"No way in hell" a husky voice said. All of a sudden Fushiguro and kugisaki found themselves flying through an incredible speed to the exit. When kugisaki raised her head to take a look at Yuji, his face was filled with black tattoos, usually that would mean that Sukuna switched bodies with him, but not this time; The tattoos were a reflection of Itadori's soul, much like Kugisaki and her roses. now that Sukuna is gone, Yuji was able to absorb all of Sukuna's powers and use them with of course some little side effects. 

 In a flashlight, a thunder followed by a deafening sound, joined forces to make a dramatic entrance at the top of the terrace's building. The team made it out, the problem that remained was to know how to get down there without a scratch 

"Leave that to me" Fushiguro said while invocating his owl, where they hoped on before checking if the monsters were still following them, at their surprise, the curse went right back inside after a few droplets of rain started falling, it could have been seen as an opportunity to take a breath, but unfortunately, they still had to land in a quiet place where no one could see a giant owl flying around. 

"Alright make a stop down there" he said as he was pointing at a quiet river 

After landing properly on the bank, a red headed woman came out of nowhere in the middle of the rain with only a large hat to protect her face. 

"Took you long enough, we almost left" she said after adjusting her glasses 

Hey you guys it is me, the author, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read this story about two of my favorite mangas Spy X family and Jujutsu Kaisen, this fan.fiction was mostly inspired by the similarties between Anya and Yujin, not just in terms of hair or personnality but also in terms of past, emotions and maybe power? ;)

Again thank you for being so loyal, I'll try my best to post as often as I can, after all as a reader myself, I understand the frustation of illegal cliffhangers and not posting for days or weeks, I'll do my best to avoid that in the futur.

P.S: Don't hesitate to ask all the questions you want in the comments I'll be happy to answer tham.

Ania_Stiticreators' thoughts