
SPY X JUJUTSU: The collision of two worlds

Two years have elapsed since the establishment of the Forger family cover and the triumph over Sukuna, the most formidable curse user. Initially, everything operated seamlessly for both factions. However, a surge of cursed energy from the jujutsu world compelled the collision of these two realms, shattering the supposed peace. In a struggle to uphold the peace within their respective worlds, the two factions find themselves compelled to unite. As these paths converge, the possibility arises of uncovering dark secrets, sparking profound betrayals among family members. And might cause the disrupt of the delicate and precious balance painstakingly maintained by both parties Disclaimer: I do not own the mangas (Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spy X Family) or the characters from the original authors. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the story that is a result of the collision between those two mangas. I do NOT own the pictures that forms the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and once your identity is confirmed it'll be removed immediately.

Ania_Stiti · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Twisting Fate Part 2

"He is also the kind who does whatever he wants or personally think is right, which means that if he is pushed or forced like that by the council, he'll do it without a second thought" Kugisaki added 

"Why would the council need to use such tactics to get ride of those curses? They could have just gathered all of us and instruct us to get ride of them. No this doesn't make sense" Yuji added 

 "I know, but still" Nobara added before frowning "I don't believe that those laboratory guys were the one who transferred us here" 

"Impossible" Sherwood said with her sharp gaze staring at the three of them 

"How would our agent been able to know about your existence if it wasn't for those scientists?" 

"Kenjaku" Yuji said in a heart cold tone 

"And who could that Konjaku be?" Sherwood asked 

"A dead Powerful curse user, who became a curse himself, but was destroyed 2 years ago" 

"So how...?" 

"He was known to run different experiments on curses and human beings, and from those experiments a new kind of humans were born" 

"You mean like super humans?" she asked 

"Sort of, half human, half curses, cursed energy running through their vein" 

"Like you?" she asked asked starring at Megumi 

"More like me" Yuji said as he was redirecting her finger to him 

"Are you saying that you are a result of an experiment?" she asked 

"Kind of, my father was human, but my mother, well, her body got possessed by that Kenjaku, which you can say makes me half curse, half human" 

"My oh my, this is getting interesting." she remarked with a slight smile, her interest piqued as though she had just stumbled upon something fascinating for the remainder of their mission. 

"Let me ask you a question, was every curse user ones a curse? And if not could any of you become a curse user, just like you miss" she said starring at Kugisaki 

"no, not necessarily, due to the nature of their cursed energy some were able to do so, but not me, mine is quiet particular alright, I can infuse cursed energy within objects and curses but manipulating them is another story." 

"Got it, what about you half curse, half human how can we be sure that you are not being controlled by that Kenjaku?" 

"Like I said I am a special case, the fact that I am half human doesn't allow him to touch at my consciousness" 

"What about your cursed energy?" 

"It resides within every fiber of my body and my soul, except from mind, I made sure to keep it that way" 

"Well the story of your creation is very different from the way those monsters in that laboratory were born, as you can see, those monsters were only human at birth, but then turned into monsters with almost no consciousness." 

"Unfortunately, the probability of the person behind those experiments is almost infinite, it could be a curse, a curse user, or even a sorcerer" Megumi replied 

"I have a proposition for you, that I am sure you'll be interested in, I know that you can't leave this world, otherwise you wouldn't have let yourselves captured like that, and we need to get as much intel as we can from those laboratory guys, in addition to what we have, that's why I am asking, if you would be interested in teaming up with us, the westallis agency" 

"Seems like an interesting deal, but how can we trust you on this?" Megumi 

"You can't, as much as we can't trust you either", but we are all what we have don't we?" Sherwood replied 

"Fair enough, so do you need your agent / curse back?" 

"Well, I am not sure that we can control him anyway, so I'd rather interrogate him with one of you by my side" 

"Does that mean that one of us will have to stay here all day?" Yujin asked after raising his hand 

"I don't think that being separated is a good idea, I have a better idea for you, I'll create a special cage that Kugisaki will infuse with positive cursed energy, so that your agent won't be able escape, or even touch the barriers. I am also going to let one of my dogs here to help you guard him. If anything happens, I'll be aware of it, he is also a good figther, so he is going to be very useful" 

"A dog you say?" "Well I agree with that idea of yours, but I'll need a second dog" 

"Sorry but I need to keep one of my dogs with me" 

"I think so too" 

"Excuse me?" 

"We'll use this second dog of yours as a way of making first contact with our speciale agent" 

""Achoo" twilight sniffed 

"Bless you" 

"Thank you" 

"Did you catch a cold or something? You can go and rest, I'll finish drying up the dishes myself" 

"Thnkas but I am alright", can't say the same about Anya though, I can't seem to know what is troubling her" 

"Maybe the pressure of the exams got to her, Loid I know that you are doing all that for her but she is still very young, and I believe that Eden school is very demanding, why don't we opt for a change of scenery, for just one day, we could go out and have a little picknick, I am sure that some sunlight and fresh air would be perfect for Anya" 

"I think that it is good idea, I'll try and prepare everything for tomorrow" 

"Great, we can even take Bond with us" 

"Wooof" said bond after being asked to stay put in front of a supermarket. 

"Peanuts, peanuts" little Anya said as she was penetrating through the doors of the shop 

"We'll take a small bag, we can't have you full before lunch" Loid said after closing the glass door. 

"Well, what an interesting customer you are young man" the cashier said before adding "Have a nice day" 

"Thanks, you too gramps" Fushiguro added before joining his friends. As they were walking to their next destination, Yujin decided to break the heavy silence that took place just after leaving. 

"Did you see him?" Yujin asked 

"Slightly, all I could see was his hair" 

 "He was with his daughter and wife" 

"So, it is him, he is the one will make contact with" Nobara said 

 Yujin was silent, he looked extremely serious, lost in his taught he couldn't shake that feeling of unease that he felt. 


"That girl, that little girl with pink hair, it felt like some kind of familiar energy was coming out of her" 

"How familiar?" 

"Majito familiar" Yujin said 

"Or that monsters laboratory familiar" Megumi said 

"I know what you mean" Nobara admitted 

"At first I thought that it was that twilight who got corrupted or something. Just like that colleague of his, but nothing came of him, except for the fact that he sensed our presence." 

"You have noticed as well? I thought that it could have meant that he had cursed energy in him, but nothing." added Yujin 

"It is not the mother either, although she is got great reflexes" she said refering to when almost all the articles of the shelf felt on Anya, but she was able to avoid that. 

"Anyway we still got get there before they do, let's go" Megumi added